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The story showcases a multitude of emotions like ambitions, never-ending desires, and greed for money,

among many others. Mathilde wants to have a luxurious lifestyle but fails to understand that everything
in this world comes with a price. Her desire to own expensive stuff robs her of all her possessions. As the
story progresses, we get to experience tension, fear, pandemonium, and grief. After losing the necklace,
Mathilde and her husband spend sleepless nights trying to find it back. The Necklace symbolises irony of
the highest order. While it gives Mathilde the best night of her life at the ball, it robs her of all her
savings and peace. So in this story, I felt emotional because she lost the necklace and it took for 10 years
for that. In Characters, They’re not contented on what they have in their own. They were miserable
when it comes to the expensive things. I can relate because Sometimes, I’m not contented on what I
have. It is moral lesson for us to be contented on what we have in our daily life. Don’t raise yourself to
much in the darker side. Suppose to raise yourself in a brighter side. This is a lesson for those who aren’t
contented. Be what you are. Be true.

Many people today are not as happy as they wish to be. Technological advancements have made our
lives easier and more comfortable. We enjoy higher incomes and better standards of living as a result of
progress and development, but happiness has remained a rather elusive goal for many of us. Our pursuit
of material wealth and worldly possessions has robbed us of the contentment that we long for.People
always think that their achievements, education, career, family and financial security can make them
happy but later find that happiness is not always the end result. Always remember that the material
things that we have today is a temporary, do not treasure it instead treasure the most valuable things in
our life which is our family. Be a good example to them, and make them happy instead, be true person
and be contented of you have.

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