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Anthony Mejia

Professor Batty

English 101


My honest self criticism

I’m going to be honest, as my first semester in college I thought it was going to be a walk

in the park because I always found school to be easy for me, always gotten good grades. But

college was challenging, studying was amplified to the max and the amount of writing i had to

do for every single class was insane. One big weakness I have is procrastination, most likely this

assignment wont get turned in on the due date because of how badly i time manage myself. I get

easily distracted too which is also a bad thing that I will work on.

However this is a great learning experience because not all professors accept late work so

this just motivates me for next semester to turn in any assignment before the due date!!! I don't

understand though, it's been a year since i've graduated highschool and i managed my time really

well, maybe it's due to the fact that after I graduated I didn't go to school in the fall, so maybe i'm

just rusty and my mojo will hopefully come back next semester. As for my writing, I really

didn’t give my essays any re work, and that is where I messed up as a writer, I shouldn't have

written my paper and once i was done with it, immediately turn it in.

The one assignment that made me realize my weaknesses was the Still water saints

reading and essay. I read the book last minute and turned in the essay two days late. It was

embarrassing to do so because i was left with the thought that i had so much time, why did i

decide to do the assignment last minute? It upsetted me because i know i am better than this, and

i just need to work on my procrastination, that is honestly the big number one flaw I have, and

laziness to do work. I came to college to get a good grade not to slack off and waste my time of

education. This was good though because I got a taste of how college is, I can only imagine how

a university is, but I will be prepared for the fall semester and challenge myself to turn in

assignments before the due date. That is my strength, i challenge myself to succeed.

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