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The role of a family

The role of a family is extremely important. It provides an example for children, an

identity, moral, social and economic support, influence in a family member’s life that lasts a
lifetime. A family can function well if there is a good relationship between its members.
Everyone should be able to communicate in a respectful way. Learning to negotiate is a great
way to work things out so everybody comes out winning. Talking things through can be really
helpful. Putting time and effort into a relationship that includes trust and honesty will really pay
off. This relationship should be a vital source of support and safety for children throughout the
teenage years.

To conclude, families are still important and necessary today because the family is the
most significant and important organisation of individual people in the world and it is the
fundamental unit of society. I think the family continues to be the foundation and basis of all
other organisations in the world.

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