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Success isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s way deeper than that.

People see the

end results but they don’t see what’s underneath. People dismiss all the hard work

and only want to see all the achievements people have made and don’t want to see

or hear the struggle people go through.

To start with, success requires hard work. No one obtains success easily, no

one is going to give it to you, it’s not like when you were a little kid where your

parents gave you everything you wanted. People spend hours, sleepless nights to

get closer to what people call “success”. People don’t like seeing people suffer to

succeed, yet young people who haven’t gone through the struggle don’t know all

the work they have to go through but once a roadblock comes up they easily give


Secondly, people have to give up stuff they don’t want too, once people find

out they have to give up videogames, tv going out and even sleep, they decide that

success isn’t worth it but what they don’t realize is that if you work hard for a

couple of years out of your life you can have a life of freedom as able to relax

more since you spent the first couple of years working your butt off, you’ll be able

able to enjoy your achievements.

In conclusion, success isn’t pretty. It’s actually hard, people have to give up

what they’re used to doing and get uncomfortable to succeed and people like to see

the end result instead of the process of working hard and suffering.

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