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My topic is the Creation of the Department of Natural Resources, also known as the

DNR. As I thought about my future in the making of this project I thought of things I like to do
and things that interest me. I love to hunt and fish and through further research, I found the
Department of Natural Resources was the right research topic for me. The Department of
Resources is environmental law enforcement whose role is to create and execute environmental
laws and protect the populations of wild turkey and deer in South Carolina.
To gain knowledge on my topic I did research on different platforms that my school
district provided me and my peers. I have around 25 sources in total that show different triumphs
and tragedies of the Department of Natural Resources. Some of the types of sources including
magazines, newspapers, websites, databases, and interviews. My sources allow me to learn more
about my topic and prove triumphs and tragedies of the Department of Natural Resources is
My understanding of this topic has changed majorly through research because I learned
how important the DNR is today and how the environmental standpoint of South Carolina would
suffer. To put together my project I first chose my topic then conducted my research, analyzed
my research, wrote my paper, planed my exhibit, then put my information together onto my
exhibit board. When I put my presentation together I learned that everything on the exhibit board
needed to correspond and flow or otherwise it would not look good.
My topic relates to the theme, triumph, and tragedy because the Department of Natural
resources needed to be created because of the deer and wild turkey populations decreasing but
the DNR was eventually created to solve this problem. In the present day, there is an abundance
of deer and wild turkey population because of the DNR collecting data on the populations,
creating wildlife management programs and more. The Creation of the Department of Natural
Resources was a very significant event in history because without the DNR today the populations
of wild turkey and deer would be remarkably low and there would be no environmental law.

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