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disculpe se�or creo que esta en el auto equivocado

�que estamos haciendo aqui?

que demonios esta pasando

me enviaron a traerlos por alguna razon

abre la puerta
hay una flor en la almohada una en el ba�o como si le importaramos
como te llamas
mi nombre es hedwink
cuantos a�os tienes
nuca habia visto una caso como esta
veintitres identidades viven en el cuerpo de kevin
quien eres
ayudame a salir de aqui hedwing
�tratas de ega�arme te voy a acusar
tu eres la lista verdad
una persona co personalidadees multiples puedencambiar la quimica de su cuerpo solo
con su pensamiento
alguien viene porti
quien es
la bestia
hay un hombre aqui nos secuestro y nos va a matar
estamos aqui por algo
algo horrible
el mundo lo entendera ahora
la bestia es real
el le ahecho cosa terribles ala gente y selo hara a ustedes tambien

Excuse me sir, I think he's in the wrong car What are we doing here? What the hell
is going on. They sent me to bring them for some reasons open the door there is a
flower on the pillow one in the bathroom as if we care Who is she ? Maybe you can
help us we are here do not worry my name is hedwing how old are you I had never
seen a case like this Twenty-three identities live in the body of kevin who you are
help me out of here hedwing What are you trying to deceive I'm going to accuse you?
You are the list true a person with multiple personality personalities can change
the chemistry of their body only with their thinking someone comes for you Who the
beast there's a man here kidnapping us, and he's going to kill us we are here for
something horrible The world understood it now the beast is real He will do
terrible things to the people and will do to you too

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