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8244 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2010, 49, 8244–8247

Isopiestic Study of the Na2CrO4-H2O System at 353.15 K: Prediction of the

Solubility of Na2CrO4 in Aqueous NaOH Solutions
Wei Jin,†,‡ Shili Zheng,*,† Hao Du,† Hongbin Xu,† and Yi Zhang†
National Engineering Laboratory for Hydrometallurgical Cleaner Production Technology, Key Laboratory of
Green Process and Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100190, People’s Republic of China, and Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100049, People’s Republic of China

The osmotic coefficients of the Na2CrO4-H2O system at 353.15 K were determined using isopiestic method
ranging from 0.05 to 7.683 mol · kg-1. The experimental osmotic coefficients were excellently correlated
with Pitzer equation to obtain the interaction parameters, the activity coefficients, and the solubility product
for Na2CrO4. Furthermore, the solubility of Na2CrO4 in NaOH solutions at 353.15 K was predicted using
binary parameters, and the predicted values agree with the experimental data, demonstrating the Pitzer equation
is capable of optimizing the processes for the removal and recovery of sodium chromate in NaOH solutions
at high temperature.

1. Introduction experimental data were then correlated with the Pitzer equa-
tion13 to give the reliable parameters. The obtained parameters
Chromium-bearing sodium hydroxide solutions are of great were employed and coupled with the parameters of the
importance in geochemistry,1 environmental treatment,2 and NaOH-H2O system previously reported to predict the solubility
industrial processes.3,4 In alkaline solutions, Cr exists primarily of Na2CrO4 in NaOH aqueous solutions at 353.15 K.
as the highly soluble oxyanionic species, CrO42-, which can
lead to significant groundwater contamination as a result of
2. Experimental Section
release from rock or from human activity.5 Among all hazardous
wastes, Cr is the third most frequently cited substance and In this study, the isopiestic method is used to determine the
among metallic substances is second only to Pb in cited osmotic coefficients of Na2CrO4 solutions. It is based on the
frequency.6 Consequently, the aqueous chemistry of alkaline principle that14 different solutions, when connected through
sodium chromate solutions is critical for optimizing numerous the vapor space, approach equilibrium by transferring solvent
industrial treatments,3,4 such as the basic dissolution of chromite due to the chemical potential gradients of the solvent in each
ore, electroplating, wood pulp production, leather-tanning, and solution. At equilibrium, the chemical potentials of the solvent
petroleum refining. Consequently, there is a significant require-
in each solution are identical, which implies the equality of the
ment for a reliable, comprehensive, internally consistent set of
solvent activity.
thermodynamic properties for predicting the phase behavior of
Cr in NaOH solutions. Experiments were conducted in a slightly modified version
Considerable research has been carried out on the solubility of the apparatus described by Zhou15 due to its favorable
diagrams of NaOH-Na2CrO4-H2O systems at various tem- reliability and a fairly fast rate of equilibration. The apparatus
peratures and concentrations.7,8 To systematically correlate and mainly consisted of four small nickel cups for the reference
predict the solid-liquid equilibrium, it has been necessary to standard solution samples and one big nickel cup for the sample
determine the osmotic and activity coefficients. Due to the great being measured. The stock solution of Na2CrO4 and corre-
flexibility and wide applicability, the isopiestic method is sponding CaCl2 reference standard solutions were prepared by
available for aqueous mixed salt solutions. On the basis of the dissolving Na2CrO4 and CaCl2 reagents (both p.a. grade, Sigma-
isopiestic method, abundant experimental osmotic and activity Aldrich) in high-purity Milli-Q water. The weight of the sample
coefficient data for the NaOH-H2O binary system with was precisely weighed, the mass of the sodium chromate
significant temperature and concentration ranges have been solution was approximately 85 g, and the corresponding
obtained,9,10 while data for the Na2CrO4-H2O system are only reference solutions were 1.0-1.5 g for each. Prior to each
available at 298.15 K.11 However, the unit operations during measurement, air was removed from the apparatus with a
chromium-bearing industrial processes mainly focus on the vacuum pump, and to prevent spattering of the solution during
temperature ranging from 313.15 to 353.15 K,12 addressing the evacuation, the apparatus was connected to an empty beaker
necessity for the determination of osmotic and activity coef- flask, which acted as an intermediate reservoir. Then the
ficients for the Na2CrO4-H2O system in such regions for apparatus was put on a rotating platform in a thermostatic water
theoretical and practical reasons. In this regard, the aim of this bath at 353.15 K with a temperature precision of 0.1 K (SC-
study is to measure the osmotic coefficients for the 30A, Ninbo Xinzhi), and the rotating speed was set to 40 rpm
Na2CrO4-H2O system from m ) 0.05 to 7.683 mol · kg-1 at to accelerate the equilibration.
353.15 K using our specially designed isopiestic apparatus. The The equilibrium was achieved when the differences between
the mass fractions of reference solutions were less than 1%,
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: slzheng@ Fax: +86-10-62520910.
and then the average of the molalities of the references was

Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. reported. Besides, the initial and final molalities of the samples

Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences. and reference solutions were further analyzed by inductively
10.1021/ie1011068  2010 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 07/27/2010
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 17, 2010 8245
Table 1. Experimental Osmotic Coefficients of NaOH-H2O and 1/2
Na2CrO4-H2O Systems and the Calculated Osmotic and Mean Ionic e-RI ) +
ΦNaOH ) 1 - + m(βNaOH
+ βNaOH
Activity Coefficients at 353.15 K 1 + bI 1/2

m CaCl2 m2CNaOH
experiments (mol/kg) (mol/kg) Φexpt γ( Φcalc δ × 100 a

NaOH 0.50 0.3545 0.9030 0.9010 0.22 in which the ionic strength I is given as
1.00 0.6750 0.9222 0.9205 0.18

3.00 1.7501 1.0560 1.0601 0.38 1
4.50 2.4802 1.1834 1.1828 0.05 I) i i
Na2CrO4 0.05 0.0483 0.8147 0.5007 0.8112 0.44
0.1 0.0930 0.7724 0.4187 0.7755 0.41
0.2 0.1783 0.7392 0.3412 0.7389 0.04 the Debye-Hückel parameter Aφ was taken as 0.4384 at 353.15
0.5 0.4030 0.6906 0.2502 0.6906 0.00 K calculated with Moller’s equation,17 b and R are the universal
0.8 0.6032 0.6749 0.2119 0.6740 0.14 parameters generally considered to be 1.2 (kg mol-1)1/2 and
1 0.7282 0.6721 0.1966 0.6723 0.04 2.0 (kg mol-1)1/2, respectively, the temperature-dependent Pitzer
1.2 0.8521 0.6766 0.1860 0.6762 0.07
1.5 1.0312 0.6868 0.1756 0.6897 0.42 parameters β(0) (1) φ
NaOH, βNaOH, and CNaOH were taken from Christov

2 1.3423 0.7287 0.1676 0.7277 0.14 as shown in Table 2, mi is the molality of species i in a
2.5 1.6584 0.7822 0.1671 0.7798 0.31 multicomponent solution, and zi is the valence of species i. The
3 1.9810 0.8435 0.1718 0.8426 0.11 relative average deviation between experimental and calculated
3.5 2.3152 0.9131 0.1811 0.9140 0.10
osmotic coefficients is 0.21%, indicating the apparatus and
4 2.6652 0.9918 0.1947 0.9930 0.12
4.5 3.0303 1.0777 0.2130 1.0788 0.20 method are significantly reliable. Consequently, the osmotic
5 3.4153 1.1724 0.2366 1.1709 0.13 coefficients of the Na2CrO4-H2O system at 353.15 K were
5.5 3.8023 1.2654 0.2665 1.2689 0.28 obtained and summarized in Table 1.
6 4.2292 1.3763 0.3039 1.3727 0.26 3.2. Correlation of the Na2CrO4-H2O System with
6.5 4.6541 1.4822 0.3508 1.4820 0.01
7 5.1038 1.5965 0.4095 1.5967 0.01
Pitzer Model. The experimental osmotic coefficients of
7.5 5.5720 1.7152 0.4831 1.7167 0.09 Na2CrO4-H2O were correlated with the Pitzer equation:
7.683 5.7551 1.7630 0.5145 1.7620 0.06
δ × 100 ) ((φcalc - φexpt)/(φexpt)) × 100. 2AφI1/2 4
e-RI ) +
ΦNa2CrO4 ) 1 - + m(βNa
+ βNa
Table 2. Pitzer Parameters of Aqueous Binary Systems at 353.15 K 1 + bI1/2 3
25/2 2 φ
solute β(0) β(1) Cφ m CNa2CrO4 (4)
CaCl2a 0.3204 1.7246 -0.0080
NaOHb 0.0984 0.1610 -0.0004 The obtained Pitzer parameters are presented in Table 2. The
Na2CrO4c 0.0784 1.2282 0.0052
calculated osmotic coefficients and their corresponding relative
The parameters of CaCl2 were correlated with the experimental data deviation are listed in Table 1; the comparison between the
of Anathaswamy.16 b The parameters of NaOH were taken from experimental and calculated osmotic coefficients of
Christov.18 c The parameter of Na2CrO4 were regressed by this work.
Na2CrO4-H2O system as a function of molality is illustrated
in Figure 1. The relative average deviation is 0.16% between
coupled atomic plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-AES, 2400 experimental and calculated values. It is obvious that the
type, Perkin-Elmer). experimental data are fully consistent with the correlated data,
indicating the Pitzer model is valid for such a system ranging
3. Results and Discussions from 0.05 to 7.683 m. Therefore, the mean ionic activity
coefficients of Na2CrO4 in pure water as a function of molality
3.1. Experimental Data. Results of the isopiestic molalities were calculated using the following Pitzer equation and
of the equilibration experiments at 353.15 K are listed in Table presented in Table 1 and Figure 2:
1. The experimental molality-based osmotic coefficient Φ of
test solution was obtained using the fundamental equation for
isopiestic equilibrium: ln γ(,Na2CrO4 ) -2Aφ ( I1/2
1 + bI 1/2
+ ln(1 + bI1/2) +
b )
Φ ) Φ*ν*m*/νm 4 2CrO4 1
m 2βNa 2CrO4
[ (
1 - 1 + RI1/2 - R2I
2 ) ×

]} + 2
where Φ* is the osmotic coefficient of the reference solution
in isopiestic equilibrium with the test solution, ν* is the exp(-RI1/2) 3/2
stoichiometric coefficient of the reference solution, m* is the
molality of the reference solution, ν is the stoichiometric As can be seen in Figure 1 and Figure 2, as the concentration
coefficient of the test solution, and m is the molality of the test increases, the osmotic and mean ionic activity coefficients
solution. The reference osmotic coefficient of CaCl2 (mmax ) 6 initially significantly decrease and then increase monotonically.
m) was calculated with the Pitzer model, in which the Pitzer This phenomenon is consistent with other binary systems
parameters as shown in Table 2 are regressed from the observed, and it is due to the electrolyte-dependent complex
interaction among different ions and solvent. According to the
experimental osmotic coefficient values of Anathaswamy.16
classical aqueous electrolyte solution theory,19 in dilute region,
To evaluate the reliability of our isopiestic apparatus, the as the concentration increases, the ion association is facilitated;
experimental osmotic coefficients of NaOH-H2O at 353.15 K therefore the osmotic and activity coefficients are reduced. In
are also reported in Table 1. We compared the experimental the concentrated region, the γ and Φ are mainly determined by
data with those calculated with the following Pitzer equation: the hard sphere repulsive force; as the concentration increases,
8246 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 17, 2010

Figure 1. Comparison between experimental and calculated osmotic

coefficient values using the Pitzer equation for Na2CrO4-H2O at 353.15
Figure 3. Comparison between experimental and predicted solubility of
Na2CrO4 in NaOH-H2O at 353.15 K. (Experimental data were taken from

Pitzer model, in which γ(, Na2CrO4 was obtained using the

following equation:

ln γ(,Na2CrO4 ) -2Aφ ( I1/2

1 + bI1/2
+ ln(1 + bI1/2) +
b )
m [B + (mNaOH + 2mNa2CrO4)CNaOH] +
2 8
( m
3 NaOH 3 )
+ mNa2CrO4 [BNa2CrO4 + (mNaOH + 2mNa2CrO4) ×
CNa2CrO4] + mNaOH(mNaOH + 2mNa2CrO4) ×
Figure 2. Calculated mean ionic activity coefficients for Na2CrO4-H2O
( )
2B'NaOH + CNaOH + mNa2CrO4 ×
system using the Pitzer equation at 353.15 K.
(mNaOH + 2mNa2CrO4) 2B'Na2CrO4 + CNa2CrO4 (9)
3 )
the aggravating repulsive force among ions inhibits the ion
association, and therefore the γ and Φ increase. in which
3.3. Prediction of Na2CrO4 Solubility in Aqueous
NaOH Solutions at 353.15 K. A typical application of activity 2βMX
[1 - (1 + RI1/2)e-RI ]

coefficient models is to predict the solubility of a salt in an BMX(I) ) βMX

+ (10)
aqueous solution containing other salts. There are substantial
phase diagrams for the Na2CrO4-H2O20 and NaOH-Na2- φ
CrO4-H2O7,8,21 systems ranging from 298.15 to 383.15 K. At CMX ) (11)
353.15 K, the solubility of Na2CrO4 is 7.683 mol · kg-1 in the 2|zMzX | 1/2
Na2CrO4-H2O system, and the equilibrium solid phase is
Na2CrO4 in both the Na2CrO4-H2O and NaOH-Na2CrO4- B' )
H2O systems. Therefore, the solid-liquid equilibrium is de- ∂I
scribed as follows:
BMX and CMX are the second and third virial coefficients in the
+ excess Gibbs free energy, respectively, zM is the cation valence,
Na2CrO4 798 2Na + CrO4 2-
(6) and zX is the anion valence.
The comparison between experimental and predicted solubil-
The solubility productKsp,Na2CrO4 is expressed as ity is plotted in Figure 3. The deviations are relatively high,
and increased with an increase in the concentration of the
Ksp,Na2CrO4 ) (aNa+)2aCrO42- ) (mNa+)2mCrO42-(γ(,Na2CrO4)3 (7) multicomponent solution. This result may be due to the relatively
large contribution of mixed ionic interaction in the
In our ternary system, the mNa+ is given by NaOH-Na2CrO4-H2O system. Because the Pitzer model is
applicable below 6 mol · kg-1, it is difficult for the Pitzer model
mNa+ ) mNaOH + 2mNa2CrO4 (8) to predict the solubility at higher concentration. The concentra-
tion level of our ternary system was much higher than 6
From our experimental activity coefficient data for Na2CrO4 mol · kg-1. However, as can be seen in Figure 3, the predicted
aqueous binary system, the Ksp,Na2CrO4 is 247.06 at 353.15 K values are consistent with the average relative deviation of
calculated using eq 7. Consequently, by employing the binary 7.52% in the experimental values below a NaOH concentration
Pitzer parameters in Table 2, the solubility of Na2CrO4 in of 8.0 mol · kg-1, indicating a satisfactory prediction has been
aqueous NaOH solutions at 353.15 K was predicted using the achieved. As a whole, the application of the Pitzer equation to
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 17, 2010 8247
predict the solubility of Na2CrO4 in aqueous NaOH solutions Subscripts
at 353.15 K using binary parameters is considered to be
M ) cation
X ) anion

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γ( ) mean ionic activity coefficient
ν, ν* ) stoichiometric coefficient for the samples and reference ReceiVed for reView May 17, 2010
solution, respectively ReVised manuscript receiVed July 5, 2010
Accepted July 20, 2010
φ, φ* ) osmotic coefficient for the test and reference solution,
respectively IE1011068

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