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Artist statement

The title of my work is “ littering” and the subject at matter is trash at school that students
leave behind. My artwork looks very colorful yet dull, thus portraying the message i wish to give
off with the use of color,lines, shape and unity. My artwork is fully made from the media
photography as i did not include any self made pieces of art. The technique i used was to get an
interesting angle on my pictures and to edit the photos to make them look both colorful but not
too vibrant that it distracts from the message i am giving. What inspired my artwork was
simplicity because although littering is a big issue, it can be found in simple places like a school
and it can also be as simple as a piece of paper being tossed on the floor. My goals as an artist ae
to create simple yet beautiful pieces of art, this piece did not help me reach my goal because i
could not find anything beautiful in my photos as they were all of trash. I learned that taking
pictures of things as simple as trash doesn’t have to be boring if you take it in the right angle.
This project will influence me to think outside the box and to take some risks with my artwork.

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