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Dylan Rohr

Ms. Price

Honors English I

3 April 2019


Tracking devices in teenagers’ cars are not an invasion of privacy because of the

effectiveness they have at reducing risky habits. One company which has sold devices to 15,000

families, American Family Insurance, “... recorded sixty-give percent to seventy percent

reductions in distractions, tailgating, poor scanning, intentionally unsafe driving, and speeding,”

(Mulvany, 2). This means that having the tracking devices alert parents when their child has

made a mistake is making those teens more aware. They do not want to have an alert of them

speeding or tailgating someone too closely to be recorded, so they do not participate in those

risky behaviors in the first place. These devices that are becoming more and more popular are

successfully making the roads a safer place by deterring bad habits. The benefits of the Drive

Cam and other technology like it are not an invasion of personal privacy because they have

proved to be beneficial to both the teenagers and their parents. The roads are a scary and

dangerous place for new, young teenagers, so any way to make them safer should be considered

by all parents.

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