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Gabriel Reches

Professor Batty

English 101

30 May 2019

Revision Reflection

I revised my essay on student’s struggling with mental health while on academic

probation. Considering your comments, I first reread my essay and reworded some things to

make it flow a bit better. Second, I added a header because that was something I left out in my

original. Then I went back and fixed my in-text citations. Previously I had cited my sources with

the title of the articles but in the revision, I cited the authors last time so that it would be correct

MLA citation. You suggested I talk more about mental health and the stigma surrounding it. I

included a few words in my introduction that talk about schools needing to create awareness. I

then added some sentences about mental health in the paragraph where I talk about students not

wanting to seek help. I basically said that more schools need to help destigmatize mental illness

by creating a safe environment for their students, by hiring school therapists, and by adding

classes that allow students to learn more about the issue. In the conclusion I added a few words

as well on the same topic.

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