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A achievement that has an impact on me is basketball.

How basketball has an impact on me is

because it has showed me that I have to work with other people as one to get the job done, and

when you try to do thing as an individual the job will not get done and thing will not work as

smoothly as you want it. The risk that I have taken while playing I have been playing basketball

is taking time away from my family and not being able to be a regular teenager. What I mean by

that I took away time from my family is that I am always on the road during the summer because

I play travel basketball and school basketball. During the summer I barely get to see my family

because of practices and games that can be far away such as Orlando, Florida. I didn’t get to be

a regular teenager, I didn’t get to go to the mall right after school because I had basketball

practice or I didn’t to go to the movies on the weekend because I had a basketball tournament.

Most Sundays I would miss church because of a basketball tournament, it kinda hurts when I

miss Sundays at my church because I do help out a lot at my church. Basketball has affected

my life in many ways, but one way is that I have watched basketball all my life all of my parents

have played basketball my mom, dad, step mom, and my step dad they have helped me be the

basketballer player that I am today also my AAU coach has played a role in my achievements

throughout my years of playing basketball. I have met so many college coaches and toured so

many colleges I wouldn’t be able to do that without basketball

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