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In the evening, there was the winter's first storm,

In most homes, the children were warm.
One girl was very happy; it was her birthday.
This was all in the small town called Kingsway.

There as a butcher called Ilgor,

Who owned shop number 54.
He had a wife named Claire,
She was as pretty as a flare.

One night there was rain,

And Claire decided to complain.
She said “The street dog population is too high,
Sometimes at night it makes me cry”.

The next morning, Ilgor didn’t get the meat shipment.

Instead, he got a pair of glasses with tint.
He tried not to, but he started to worry,
He knew folks would be mad, he hoped the shipment would hurry.

He remembered his wife and got an idea,

He was proud of himself, like a child making a tortilla.
He would take the dogs and chop them up a bit,
He thought that would be a big benefit.

That night he told his wife of the idea that he had.

She approved saying “that's not even half bad”
One of Ilgors’ friends was John, who owns another store
John overheard this idea, he was just outside the door

John was scared, should he go to the police?

They would think him mad, they wouldn’t put him at peace.
John started doubting himself, he may have misunderstood,
After all, he heard it all through a thick piece of oak wood.

John decided to leave, he couldn't do much that night.

He thought this situation was a bit of a fright.
Shortly after John left, Ilgor left his home.
Ilgor walked down the street, brushing his hair with a comb.

He returned home late that night, at almost two.

He carried with him lots of meat, from where, who knew?
He carried four bags, each the size of a hog.
He looked frightening, behind him was the fog.

He spent the morning cutting up the flesh.

He put it in the freezer, he wanted to keep it fresh.
He took all of it back to the store.
Everybody wanted it; they asked for more.

John was one of the first in line,

He planned on this meat to dine.
When it was ready, he had a taste.
To him, this meat tasted like waste!

John remembered the eavesdropped conversation.

If it really was the dog, why didn't he go to the police station?
He knew Ilgor for long time, since they were children.
He knew that he was honest, even back in the playpen.

Meanwhile at the Butchery, the hog meat was selling quick.

Ilgor knew this meat was the best since he sold a fish stick.
The entire town was eating the meat.
Ilgor sold everything except the animals’ feet.

Some became a little suspicious,

But how could they argue with something delicious?
John was the only one to know the truth.
He decided to burn the meat, he went like a sleuth.

When he broke into the shop, he saw a shadow.

Unfortunately, Ilgor was there with the cargo.
Ilgor saw the culprit and looked ready to detonate.
John thought the best way was to negotiate.
John said, “You need to stop selling these dogs from the street!
It isn’t right, even though it is free meat.
You might be helping with the street dog overpopulation,
But the police would arrest you for this illegal operation.”

Ilgor staggered back, as if hit by a boulder.

He burned with rage and rushed toward John with his shoulder.
Out of the store burst John, landing face-first on the cobblestone.
He was in the air so long it looked like he had flown.

John sat up on the street, looking shocked from the blow.

He fled down the street, his black clothes standing out from the snow.
He ran in no apparent direction, until he got to the town square.
John ran towards a patrolling policeman, who was shaped like a pear.

John explained the situation as fast as he could.

As he was speaking he kept getting flashbacks from his childhood.
He thought of Ilgor when he came back from Japan.
John decided that Ilgor is now a different man.

Ilgor got arrested, on that cold and snowy night.

Many policemen came, Ilgor put up quite a fight.
He was tried and taken to court,
He lost his case, he didn’t have enough support.

John was present at the hanging.

The entire town was, the clock started clanging.
But the night that John eavesdropped, Ilgor got the shipment.
It is sad to say that Ilgor was innocent.

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