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Luis Arrieta

Senior Defense

Growth Trajectory

When I first started at HPIAM as a freshman, a trait I demonstrated was being shy. I

would get nervous when presenting,wouldn't ask for any help, and would not talk to any adults.

The experiences that made me change were the many oral presentations in 9th and 10th grade. I

had become used to presenting in front of a class. Now in my senior year I am outgoing. I ask for

help from teachers when needed, I can present without a problem, and now talk to adults at

school. This new trait will help me in the future by making new friends in college and also being

prepared for oral presentations.

Similarly when I first started at HPIAM, I had no skills in computing. I didn't know how

to create a website, use microsoft excel, and type efficiently. An experience that made me change

was being in Mr.Haymore’s class for all 4 years. In 9th grade I was in his Digital Computing

class, 10th grade exploring computer science, 11th grade AP Computer Science Principles, and

now in 12th grade I am his teacher assistant. Now in my senior year I know how to create

websites, use Microsoft applications, write javascript code, and help Mr.Haymore with students

experiencing computer difficulties. These new skills will be beneficial to me after high school

when I am attending college at California State University of Dominguez Hills majoring in

Computer Science.

Finally, when I first started at HPIAM, I was unengaged in school. I didn't do my

homework, I would come unprepared to school, and wouldn't make up missing assignments. An

experience that changed me was after failing three classes in 10th grade and attending summer

school I decided to start trying my best in school. Now in 12th grade I am engaged in school. I
now do my homework, come prepared to school and make up missing assignments. This new

behavior will benefit me in the future because I will be engaged in trying my best in school by

using what I learned from HPIAM. In order for me to be successful at California State University

Dominguez Hills I need to stay engaged in my classes and keep up with all my responsibilities.

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