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Anthony Mejia

Professor Batty

English 101


My reflection on my first college essay

While revising my crappy first essay, I noticed that between paragraphs that they

where big gaps between them so I went ahead and changed that. I also noticed that some

of the arguments I was trying to give out where kinda explained odd and end in the end I

wasn't sure what I was arguing so I went ahead and fixed those as well. I also noticed that

on the end of, I believe on three quotes, I didn't quite end the quote correctly so I went

ahead and fixed those too. Hopefully my revised essay can now be understand. This

revision really opened my eyes on how I actually essays and how i'm really not that good

at them. The problem was is that I did not re read my essays as much as I shouldve and

that's where I think where I have failed as a writer. Also this revision showed me the

importance of cut and editing on your papers, even though it causes more work to do, it

does guarantee a higher grade as well, plus it also improves your writing skills too.

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