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Hernandez 1

Gizelle Hernandez

Professor Granillo

English 103

28 May 2019

Self- Reflection

In beginning the journey of completing the multimodal project, I will say one of my

strengths included the building of the website. In actuality, it was quite fun. However, when it

comes to the project itself I will say it was quite challenging. The linguistic aspect of the project

was quite easy to identify, especially when I figured out what specific lens I would be applying.

Not only that but get specific wording from the idea of psychoanalysis that would lengthen the

verbal discussion. I enjoyed having the freedom from the restricted essay format however the

project was a challenge do you to finding the time to complete it with final exams in progress.

Although it was a challenge I appreciate being able to look at a simple essay and

reexamine it to create something much bigger. But in that came being able to identify what

aspects of the multimodal I wanted to incorporate. Not only that but the creative aspect as well. I

don’t consider myself one of the most creative people, however, my little sister is. In honing my

creative aspect, it allowed for a new perspective to come about when comparing the academic

world with the real world. As I looked back on all the essays I realized my writing had

progressed. It was quite nice that through this project my classmates and I were able to identify

the significant changes that occurred throughout the semester. I feel as though I’ve finally

learned to get my ideas in order to present in essay form. However, with more time I hope to

learn more organization to create a more fulfilling paper.

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