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class DriverManager

public static Connection getConnection(-,-,-)


//implementation logic for connecting to the Database is there

class MyJdbc

public static void main(String args[])


//need to load the driver class

//why to load the driver

//DriverManager object will be registered the driver and before getting connected
to the Data base it will check whether the Driver is register or not.

//how many types of drivers are there in java

//4 types of drivers

//4th type of driver i,e thin driver(oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)

//which type of driver we are loading i,e whether is it oracle or mysql etc.....

this is the way to get connected to the DB from java app.

// Connection con= DriverManager.getConnection(-,-,-);

how many types of statemnets are there in jdbc?

there are three types are there

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