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My intended smart goal for English 103 this semester was to broaden my view on how to connect

simple yet important ideas, highlight inconsistencies in my writing, and think critically over some

pieces and reflect on how I believe. For me, our Professor was quite helpful in achieving my smart

goal for this class. I believe that I’ve learnt new and interesting things which has made my writing


Before entering college, I didn’t have much experience of writing. I used to struggle for even

writing a paragraph as English is not my first language. English 101 was my first step towards

better writing in college and it made me feel that I’ve improved as a writer. I believe that I’ve

grown as a writer after taking English 103.

English 103 has changed my perspective on the way I to think as a writer. This class has helped

me how to create a layer of complexity on a simple thing with the use of theories. I’ve learnt to

make my writing easier through the technique of building thesis. It provides the main points of

your argument along with the counterargument. Constructing an outline before writing a paper

helped me gather my thoughts and be clear about what I’m going to write.

The essay elements I struggle with are the transitions. I faced difficulty in writing transitions

throughout all my essays. Though I improved in writing thesis and wrote one of my best thesis in

this class, I lacked in transitions.

I plan on utilizing English 103 throughout my professional and academic career. As a biological

research major, it requires to think critically, dig in detail, provide evidence, and to think out of

the box. I believe that English 103 has strengthen my these points and provided with some

important tips on thinking.

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