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- Regression: Figurine notation didn't work any more.

- Saving or replacing a text creates an error in game title lib.
- Character encoding in HTML file generation.
- Crash in Tactical Analysis.
- Disable power saving mode during analysis of a game.
- Regression: Archives from databases other then CBH didn't open properly.
- Regression: Kill doubles missed some.
- Mac: Crashes during program start in Win7.
- Mixed unicode and transcripted annotations.

- Regression: Game counter in keys not set to zero when key parts were
- Regression: Crash in tactical analysis on some cpus.
- Word wrap with chinese annotations.
- Reset in save dialog didn't always delete rating numbers.
- Database names with umlauts (or cyrillic characters etc.) in icon lists.
- Crash in manoeuvre search if first game in db is a text.
- Next/previous game on search result.
- CB diagram in text file with user defined pieces.
- Figurine in RTF.
- Figurine input problems with some languages.

- Regression: Multiboard display.
- Store diagram as tif.
- Bug in manoeuvre search.
- Read notation in automatic replay.
- No busy wait in automatic replay.
- Place draw offers on the right of the board.
- High contrast mode improved.
- Creating an UCI engine with 1 CPU could fail.

- Error in tactical analysis.
- Error in merge.
- Error in library handling, double entries.
- OnlineDB: Loading an annotated game jumps to correct position.
- Faster program start.

- Regression: Graphical error with annotation in front of first move.
- Regression: Graphical error in engine window with figurine notation.

- Format error in notation with game links.
- Graphical error in multiboard after closing a board.
- New button "Today" in save dialog.
- Windows 10 1709 bug with splitters, resulting in graphical errors.
- Board and window titles were not set in streams and multiboard.
- In multi watch the yellow frame was missing initially.
- Crash in Deep Analysis if started on last move of mainline with previous
analysis in mainline.
- Improved handling of non-standard-compliant PGN.
- Analysis jobs created defective result databases.
- Faster initialisation of database window.
- Improved handling of non-standard-compliant PGN.

- Executing text links could crash after deleting double games while a text
from this database was open.
- From second game on playchess ratings and tournament was missing from game.
- Animation error castling chess 960, king could disappear.
- Better handling of broken PGN.
- Crash in search with very long manoeuvres.
- Unannotate game removes nullmoves at the end of a game.
- Save window layout before removing engine panes.

- Regression: "New mainline" in variation dialog on server was not sent
correctly to viewers.
- Regression: Link "Solution" in Nota didn't work properly.
- Regression: Next/Previous chapter in streams was broken.
- Better handling of proposed engines when loading kibitzers.
- Some annotations in tactical analysis were always english.
- Formula doesn't change any more with pool blitz.
- Move 3D board with cursor keys.
- New game, then save game saved in most recently used database.
- Some corrections and enhancements in PGN parser.

- Corrections Pool-Blitz.
- Text output format EBook could not be de-selected.
- Endless loop in full analysis if game ends in tablebase position.
- Detection of more than one cpu group on server versions.
- Click on diagram of training question jumped to position before training
- Default training questions were not loaded from PGN.

- Pool-Blitz/Bullet.
- Up to 256 GB Hash for Engines.
- Crash in notation with invalid data.
- Crash in Deep Analysis if started on last move of a variation.

- Regression: Integrity check could destroy database key.
- Regression: Opening reference on an online database search result.
- Improved tactical analysis.
- Improved sort order of database icons.
- Crash while closing a window after a database search.
- Inkonsistent behaviour of the options dialog.

- Regression: Program hung in Win7.
- Account-Login could fail.

- New streaming and video format.
- Control board has design dialog.
- Closing Elo profile caused crash.
- Splash screen did not appear at program start.
- Crash in Cloud Analysis with 3 engines.
- Archives with files bigger than 2GB could not be read.
- Annotation dialog marks languages with content.
- Crash in live video if flash player is not installed.
- Account login dialog has a button to request a new password.
- Tactical Analysis on search result didn't store the analysis.
- Multiple choice question was not displayed if on first move.
- Generating rtf inserts diagrams at training questions.
- Load start moves was stored and stayed active until explicitly switched

- Regression: Some UCI-Engines loaded with 1 cpu if "intelligent cpu usage"
was switched off and no cpu setting was specified in the uci file.
- Regression: Reading time information from PGN in a certain format failed.
- Several potential crashes.
- Fullscreen mode left title bar at top.
- Improved loading of Fritz 15 engine.
- Error reading PGN, text before first move could get lost.
- Starting a new training session after closing one switched off sending of
moves to pupils.
- Tournament template dialog size fixed.
- Small bug in search mask, returned move number could be wrong.
- Load start moves in unrated games on playchess.

- Regression: Crash fullscreen.
- Regression: Switching to figurine notation could fail.
- Crash when deactivating playerbase.
- Memory leaks in 3D board.
- New look in tabbed dialogs.
- Option to add game data in copy position of rtf.

- Game in video stopped if game contains pawn structure or piece path
annotation until dialog was closed.
- Some illegal chess positions could not be shown in videos.
- Error when closing main window.
- Optimize all columns in LiveBook didn't work as expected.
- Right click on board on touch screen.
- Progress dialog mirrored in task bar icon.
- Memory and GDI leak in notation.
- Crash Optimize all columns.
- Graphical error in feedback dialog.
- Training diagrams were printed out even if diagrams were switched off in
page setup.
- Opening the online database immediately starts a search.
- Opening Novelty Annotation with quoted games in Tactical Analysis.
- Tactical Analysis: Sharper alternatives, better attack and initiative
detection, combination detection improved.
- Tactical Analysis: Weak alternatives improved, analyses 43... Re8! in
Carlsen-Karjakin 5 better.
- Tactical Analysis: Switch Engine off after Analysis (e.g.overnight) to
reduce power consumption.
- Tactical Analysis: Set "?" and "??" a bit less politely.
- Loading a game without moves sometimes prevented loading the next game.
- Opening Fritz- and Openings-App from Ribbon didn't work correctly with all
- Improved PGN specification compliance.
- Green arrows in 3D board where blue.
- Extended tournament info was not handled correctly in reorganisation.
- New look in dialogs.

- Regression: Sometimes the engine window didn't show mainlines.

- Selecting a move from the variation dialog by pressing Enter always
selected the second move.
- The slider replay control could position the board behind a training
- Format error in notation if an annotation ends with <Enter>.
- Changing the reference database through the ribbon in a game window didn't
change the selection.
- In notation allways add a move number after a diagram.
- Error in manoeuvre search with wildcards.
- Tactical Analysis switched notation from figurines to characters.
- Right click on a touch screen.
- In broadcasts volume was always reset to 0.
- Sometimes an UCI engine didn't produce mainlines in multi pv mode.
- Crash when loading games in certain window arrangements.
- Assisted Analysis online on playchess.
- Underline game quotations and web links in printed games.
- Loading next game with F11 always switched to full notation.
- Solving training from notation displays feedback to moves.
- ICO file for a special database icon was not included into a CBV archive
- Manoeuvres dialog was not saved correctly.
- Move statistics in reference search could be incomplete.
- Medals weren't shown in game list of CBOne databases.
- Source-Data is stored to and read from PGN.
- Loading diagram list was broken.
- Reference search result was sorted wrong way.

- Notation window: Click on the black player showed pictures of the white
- Board window allowed infinite square entries.
- Manoeuvres dialog was not loaded correctly.
- After switching the language on playchess only the home tab was left.
- After return from fullscreen the ribbons were grafically broken.
- Crash in tactical analysis.
- Error in game loading.
- Dossier of player not in encyclopedia didn't work.
- Selecting a filter in file dialogs didn't automatically add the selected
- Crash while opening database window.
- Closing the training dialog doesn't show the solution.
- Databases can be pinned to the list of recently used databases.
- Edit database properties not from main list also updates the database in
the main list.
- Default 3D board looks better
- After import, games will now be classified in opening and theme keys
- When choosing "download selected games" an additional database from 2012
was downloaded.

- Crash in search from database list if quicklist is switched off.
- Save and load illegal positions and games.
- Displaying threats didn't work.
- Textfiles add a diagram if the position is not the normal start position.
- Error in "Fix sort order".
- Online database on playchess.
- A "hovering" piece vanished when the opponent moved.

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