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For my SLE I thought of how everything is one sided.

The students barley get a chance to speak

their opinions. And when they do it is often pushed aside as a joke or defined as being

disrespectful. So I thought why not make a film showing the different opinions staffs and

students at Garinger possess. Not only did I create a film, but I also presented a plan to

administrators with my friend Aniyah regarding my opinion on school policies such as credit

recovery, the iss policy and I proposed a plan on what we can do better in the upcoming school

year to make students more motivated to attend school. Aniyah proposed a plan on how we can

improve our school by bringing higher level academics such as AP classes to Garinger and

pushing students to higher standards. As a junior I explained to the administors that I would be

looking forward to seeing these changes occur in my senior year at Garinger. One main obstacle

I had to overcome was my fear of speaking to others. Having to get faculty and students opinions

forced me to open up and talk about my topic so I could get their opinions and inputs involving

my topic. It was hard for others to understand me because I would not project my voice to make

it easier for them to understand me. In order for me to speak in front of administration I knew I

needed to project my voice so the whole room would not only hear what I had to say, but also

understand it. I learned that speaking low demonstrated that I had no confidence in what I was

speaking. Projecting my voice showed that I was confidence with my topic, so I made sure on

presentation day to project my voice. This SLE helped me learn that their are always different

sides to a situation. It helped me learn to not only get one opinion on a situation, because one

person's view of a situation might be biased and it will cause you to get a one sided opinion.

Having students, faculty, and administrators viewpoint on my topic allowed me to see their

overall output on the situation. If I needed to do another SLE one thing I would do differently
would be to work with my community a little more. I would not only get Garinger’s outlook on

the situation but also another schools perspective as well.

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