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For my research paper my topic was about paying students to attend school.

When I thought of

the reasons why students don’t attend school, I thought of lack of motivation. Today teens only

do things for an incentive. I choose this topic because there are many reasons why students don’t

attend school, they are not just disobedient kids. For my research paper it was a hard time trying

to find facts that supported my topic. Many schools have tried giving out incentives for their

school but they did not show how it improved attendance. Some students don’t attend school

because they are disobedient; I learned that students miss school for many reasons such as health

problems like diabetes, asthma, oral and mental health issues; students also miss school because

of unreliable transportation. This helped me learn to look at the different point of views of a

situation. You might think this person missed school because they didn’t feel like attending but

in reality it's a much bigger problem. You can’t just judge a book by its cover. Teachers and

other faculty members need to realize that we students are humans too and that we have

problems going on at home as well as them. If I need to conduct another research paper I would

pick a topic I could relate to more. My topic was important to other students who could relate to

this it, but for me I personally attend school regularly. I feel like if I could relate to it a little more

than it would be easier to right. When I thought of the topic I thought more of what I see which is

lack of attendance and motivation.

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