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Social Media Posts  

Social Media Platform Post Ideas Action/ Information


Twitter Tweet the Daily Specials Create Weekly list

Facebook Post EL Paso 5k sponsorship photos Upload photos

Instagram Video the families Attach videos

enjoying the food

Pinterest Show the restaurants design. Upload catchy pictures

Facebook Do a sponsored post Upload a video that will catch

the viewer's attention.

We heart it Share dessert recipes Text and picture

Tumblr Show the restaurant good sides so Attach photos

people would want to visit.

Snapchat Post the menus Pictures with caption

Twitter Tweet about what's new and special. Tweet high quality picture.

Instagram Post healthy foods for those who are Caption the ingredients with a
on a diet​. post

Youtube Family talking about how good the Upload video

foods are and would highly
recommend it.
Snapchat Post the process of making those Upload the video
delicious food.

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