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A cell-based model of Intrinsic p8thW8y

factor XII
coagulation and the role of HMWK

factor Vlla factor Xl-

4 factor XIa Extrinsic pathway

Maureane Hoffman i
factor IX- factor tXi3 factor Vita
factor VllIa Tissue facbr
Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham. North
Carolina. USA 1 = 4
factor X factor xa - facmr x
factor Va
Abstract Our cell-based model of haemostasis replaces the
traditional ‘cascade’ hypothesis, and proposes that coagulation
takes place on different cell surfaces in three overlapping steps:
initiation, amplification, and propagation. In highlighting the im-
portance of cellular control during coagulation, the cell-based fibrinogen --+ fibrin
model allows a more thorough understanding of how haemosta-
Fig. I. The ‘cascade’ hypothesis: intrinsic and extrinsic pathways.
sis works in vivo, and sheds light on the pathophysiological mech-
anisms behind certain coagulation disorders. For instance, this
model proposes that haemophilia involves a failure of platelet-
surface FXa generation, leading to a lack of platelet-surface : spite a prolonged partial thromboplastin time (FIT), which
thrombin production. Our data suggest that high-dose FVlla is : indicates a disturbance in the functional activity of the in-
able to bind weakly to activated platelets, independently of tissue : trinsic pathway.* In contrast, an increased predisposition to
factor, in otder to generate sufficient amounts of FXa to support : haemorrhagic risk may be present in patients deficient in
a burst bf thrombin generation in the absence of FIXa/FVllla. _ FXI. The degree of prolongation of the FIT in this disor-
The considerable success of high-dose recombinant FVlla (rFVlla; i der, however, does not necessarily predict the extent of the
NovoSeven@, Novo Nordisk, Copenhagen, Denmark) as a ther- ; bleeding tendency, which is typically less severe than that
apy for patients with haemophilia and inhibitors has led to its use : observed in haemophilia.
in a growing number of alternative indications. We believe that The cascade hypothesis cannot account for the varying
even in the presence of the FIXa/FVllla complex, rFVlla may be : degrees of haemorrhagic tendency and diverse clinical obser-
able to enhance both FXa and FlXa levels on the surface of acti- : vations that result from deficiencies of different components
vated platelets, thus increasing the production of thrombin. : of the two pathways. In an attempt to explore the process
0 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. : of haemostasis from new angles, we developed experimental
! and conceptual models that would allow us to test hy-
KEY WORDS: coagulation; cell-based model; haemostasis; re- ! potheses in a biochemical or Ed r&o system. This, in turn,
combinant factor Vlla; haemophilia f would increase understanding of how the normal haemo-
: static system actually works in &JO. In addition, we wished
: to explore the mechanism of haemostasis in haemophiliac
INTRODUCTION : patients. Such patients have a normal prothrombin time
: (F’T), which measures activity of the extrinsic pathway, de-
* $‘ he classical model of coagulation describes a ‘cas- : spite a prolonged F”IT and a pronounced bleeding tendency.
Q cade’ of reactions involving activation of various clot- : Why, then, does the extrinsic pathway fail to compensate for
a ting factors along either an extrinsic or an intrinsic I the dysfunctional intrinsic pathway? In other words, why do
pathway. According to this model, stimulation of either of j haemophiliacs bleed?
these two pathways can result in the production of a large We have developed a cell-based model of haemostasis that
amount of thrombin and subsequent formation of a fibrin : will replace the classical model of the coagulation cascade.3
clot’ (Fig. 1). : This cell-based model emphasises the interaction of clotting
However, although this cascade paradigm supports labo- : factors with specific cell surfaces4 and appears to be able to
ratory evaluation of coagulation disorders and demonstrates : shed light on many of the unresolved issues highlighted by
the interactions between coagulation factors, it does not : the traditional cascade theory.
adequately explain the mechanisms leading to haemostasis
in viva. Furthermore, it does not provide a great deal of
information regarding the pathophysiology of the haemo- ; THE CELL-BASED MODEL OF HAEMOSTASIS
static system. In particular, the model does not explain why
certain categories of patients demonstrate a haemorrhagic The first step in our investigation was to establish an in vitro
tendency; nor does it facilitate accurare prediction of which experimental system incorporating platelets and plasma con-
patients will actually bleed. For instance, patients with a defi- centrations of various clotting factors and coagulation in-
ciency of factor XII @XII), high-molecular-weight kininogen, hibitors. A cellular source of tissue factor (TF) was consid-
or prekallikrein do not present with a bleeding tendency de- ered to be essential, and inclusion of TF-bearing monocytes

0 2003 Elsevler Sdence Ltd. All rights reserved. Blood Reviews (2003) 17, 51-55
Table I Cell-based model system

Component Concentration (nM)

Monocytes (cultured -

with agents to induce TF)

Platelets (unactivated) -

Prothrombin I400
Factor V 25
Factor VIII 0.4
Factor IX 70
Factor X 135 ’ IX
Factor XI 30
Fig. 2. Haemostasis occurs on two cell surfaces: TF-bearing cells and
Factor Vlla 0.2
platelets. (Reproduced from Hoffman M., Monroe D.M. 3rd. Roberts
HR. Activated factor VII activates factors IX and X on the surface of
activated platelets: thoughts on the mechanism of action of high-dose
ATIII 2500
activated factor VII. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1998; 9 (Suppl. I): S6l-
565, with permission.)
TF, tissue factor; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor; ATIII. antithrombin

However, reliable evidence exists suggesting that the reac-

ensured that the system contained all necessary components tions responsible for initiating coagulation occur all the time
of the haemostatic process (Table 1).5 The concepts and outside the vasculature in healthy individuals. Coagulation
theories leading to the cell-based model of haemostasis all factors, including FVII, FX, and prothrombin are able to per-
evolved from this kind of experimental system. colate through tissue spaces, and can leave the vasculature
We now know that haemostasis occurs on cell surfaces. in amounts dependent on their molecular size. These factors
Earlier theories derived from the cascade hypothesis sug- can be detected in the lymph and assayed along with their
gested that the coagulation factors themselves were respon- activated forms and activation peptides. Based on this obser-
sible for controlling haemostasis in a system where cells vation, an ‘idling’ theory has been proposed, in which the TF
merely provided a phosphatidylserine-containing surface on pathway remains constantly active, generating low levels of
which the procoagulant complexes could be assembled. activated factors in the basal state.6 Therefore, continual pro-
However, the cell-based model proposes that cells play very duction of small amounts of thrombin takes place outside
active roles in controlling coagulation,* with certain features the vasculature in healthy individuals, even under normal
of the cell surfaces directing the haemostatic process. In circumstances when vascular integrity remains intact.
this system, cells with similar phosphatidylserine contents In effect, the initiation step of coagulation is proceeding
are able to play very different roles depending on their at all times, but does not lead to formation of a blood clot as
complement of surface receptors.4 its location is separated from other key components of the
The cell-based model also emphasises that coagulation oc- coagulation system by an intact vessel wall.
curs in a series of three overlapping steps that take place on
different cell surfaces, rather than as a cascade that produces Amplification
an abundance of activated factors and inevitably leads to clot As a result of vessel damage, components of the haemostatic
formation. The first phase, or initiation, occurs on a TF-bear- system that are normally unable to leave the vasculature
ing cell. In the amplification phase, platelets and cofactors due to their large size are now able to do so. The most
are activated in order to prepare for large-scale thrombin important of these elements are platelets, PVIII, and von
generation. Finally, propagation occurs on the surface of Wfflebrand factor (vWP). As they leave the vascular system,
platelets, and results in the production of large amounts of they come into contact with the limited amount of thrombin
thrombin (Fig. 2).4 that is being generated on the surface of the TF-bearing
cell. Platelets stick to the site of injury, forming a plug at
Initiation the damaged vessel wall, and become fully activated by the
Coagulation is initiated on a TF-bearing cell, which produces thrombin.
the first activated factors (Fig. 3a). This TF pathway may still This same thrombin is also critically important in activat-
be referred to as an ‘extrinsic’ pathway, as the TF-bearing ing coagulation factors. It completes the activation of w,
cell is, under normal circumstances, outside of the vascular which is released from activated platelets, and is responsi-
system and therefore extrinsic to the blood. A large number ble for the cleavage and subsequent activation of FVIII frc%fn
of cells ekpress TP including stromal fibroblasts, mononu- vWF (Fig. 3b). In addition, studies have shown that thrombin
clear cells: macrophages and endothelial cells, but TF is not can also activate FXI, which binds to high-affinity sites on
usually in contact with the blood until injury or inllammation the surface of activated platelets.7,8 This may explain why
occurs. FXII and other contact factors are not always necessary for

Blood Reviews (2003) 17, 5 l-55 0 2003 Ekevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

(4 IXa

+ FreevWF


(b) (--_______

TFPI = tissue factor pathway inhibitor.

Fig. 3. The ceil-based model of haemostasis: (a) initiation, (b) amplification, (c) propagation.

coagulation, as initially postulated by the original cascade Propagation

hypothesis. During propagation, FlXa combines with its cofactor, FVIIIa,
Although insufficient to result in clot formation by itself, on the surface of activated platelets. Some of the required
the small amount of thrombin generated at the surface of FIXa is produced on the surface of TF-bearing cells by
TF-bearing cells during the initiation phase is essential in TF/FVIIa, and can diffuse to the activated platelets as it is
amplifying the procoagulant signal. At ;he end of the ampli- not inhibited by tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TPPI), and
fication phase, platelets activated by this limited amount of is only slowly inhibited by antithrombln III (ATIII). Factor
thrombin are clad in activated cofactors and FXIa, and the IXa can also be produced on the platelet surface by FXIa.
process of haemostasis moves into the propagation phase. Once formed, the FIXa/FVIIIa complex activates FX to

0 2003 Elsevier Science ltd. All rights reserved. Blood Reviews (2003) I7, S/-S5
FXa, which immediately combines with its cofactor (Fig. 3~). FIX/FVIII, as it makes FXa in the wrong place. If this is the
The FXa/FVa complex then converts large amounts of pro- case, then efficient haemophilia treatment must involve the
thrombin to thrombin, resulting in the cleavage of fibrinogen restoration of FXa generation on the platelet surface.
to fibrin monomers, which polymerise to consolidate the ini- Our data imply that high-dose FVIIa is able to do just that
tial platelet plug into a stable fibrin clot. - it can enhance haemostasis in haemophiliacs by activating
The cell-based model therefore places an emphasis on sufficient PX on the surface of activated platelets to support
the cellular control of coagulation, and is subsequently able a burst of thrombin generation.’
to explain some clinical aspects of haemostasis that the OriginaIly, our group favoured a TFdependent mechanism
classical cascade hypothesis cannot.4 It allows a more thor- in which high doses of FVIIa could ‘drive’ the TF pathway
ough understanding of how the coagulation process works in haemophiliacs, enhancing the performance of the extrin-
in viva, and provides a greater degree of consistency with sic pathway and therefore producing haemostasis. It is well
clinical observations of various coagulation disorders, recognised that PVIIa exhibits very little proteolytic activity
in the absence of TE However, the doses of FVIIa required to
achieve coagulation in haemophiliacs produced plasma lev-
WHY DO HAEMOPHILIACS BLEED? els that were several orders of magnitude greater than the &
for binding of PVIIa to TF, leading some researchers to sug-
When compared to the traditional cascade theory, the cell- gest that FVIIa is unlikely to work through a TFdependent
based model facilitates a greater understanding of the patho- mechanism.’
physiological mechanisms leading to haemophilia. For in- We used our experimental model to determine how
stance, the cascade model does not explain why the extrin- high-dose FVIIa supports haemostasis in patients with
sic pathway appears unable to produce sufficient amounts of haemophilia. It was found that FVIIa binds weakly to ac-
FX to at least partially compensate for a deficiency of FVIII tivated platelets, even though platelets do not carry TE
or FIX. In other words, why does activation of FX by the Once bound to the platelet, PVIIa generates a small amount
TP/FVIIa complex fail to substitute for the FXa that would of PXa, leading to the production of a limited amount of
normally be generated by FIXa/PVIIIa?’ thrombin on the platelet surface. These findings are also
The cell-based model does not suggest that FXa genera- consistent with our conceptual model of coagulation, which
tion by the TF/FVIIa complex is insufficient in haemophilia, postulates that platelet-surface FXa generation is required
but that it occurs on the wrong cell surface. The FIXa/FVIIIa for the assembly of the prothrombinase complex and subse-
complex activates FX on the surface of platelets during the quent thrombin generation. Furthermore, the concentration
propagation phase, whereas TF/PVIIa can only produce FXa of FVIIa required to produce detectable thrombin generation
on the surface of the TF-bearing cell. The FXa produced correlates with the lowest concentration of PVIIa necessary
on the TF-bearing cell is unable to move to the activated for clinical efficacy in haemophilia patients. lo
platelet surface, as there exist two very efficient inhibitors of When compared to the amount of FXa that would usu-
FXa in the plasma: TFPI and ATIII. At normal plasma levels, ally be produced by the FIXa/FVIIIa complex, the quantity
both TFPI and ATIII inhibit FXa so rapidly and effectively generated by platelet-bound FVIIa is low. However, it is sig-
that the half-life of FXa is 1 minute or less in the fluid nificantly higher than the level of FXa normally produced
phase.2 Therefore, FXa that remains at the TF-bearing cell on platelets of haemophiliacs, and is certainly sufficient to
is relatively protected from inhibition, whereas any FXa that enhance thrombin generation in experimental models of FIX
diffuses from the surface is rapidly inhibited. and FVIII deficiency.
Accordingly, the cell-based model proposes that We believe that haemophilia is characterised primarily
haemophilia is specifically a failure of platelet-surface FXa by a faihrre of platelet-surface thrombin generation. If this
generation, which results in a lack of platelet-surface throm- is the case, then results from our studies in experimental
bin production.’ Haemophiliac patients demonstrate rela- models suggest that high levels of FVIIa may partially restore
tively normal initiation and amplification phases of coagula- FXa generation on the platelet surface, leading to enhanced
tion, and so are able to form an initial platelet plug at the thrombin production in the absence of FIX or FVIII (Pig. 4).
bleeding site, but they cannot generate the burst of throm- We have tentatively made two extrapolations of our in
bin at the platelet surface that is necessary to stabilise the vitro data to the in vivo effects of high-dose FVIIa therapy
initial plug into a fibrin clot. in haemophilia. First, OUT data suggest that a high dose is
needed because PVIIa binds to platelets with a low affinity
o(d of 50-100 nM, rather than 5 1 nM or less for FVIIa
HOW DOES HIGH-DOSE FVBa ENHANCE binding to TF).2 As a result, a high concentration of FVIIa
HAEMOSTASIS IN HAEMOPHJLIA? is required to achieve even a modest degree of platelet
binding. At the concentrations of PVIIa attained in z&o,
As discussed above, the cell-based model of coagulation binding to platelets is not saturated. This observation led us
suggests that the total amount of FXa produced is less to predict that an escalation of FVIIa dose should therefore
important than the location in which it is generated.* We increase platelet-surface thrombin generation. Several groUps
believe that FXa must be formed on the platelet surface have confirmed this theory by demonstrating that clinical
by FIXa/PVIIIa, in close proximity to w, in order to be efficacy may be attained by increasing the dose of FVIIa in
incorporated into prothrombinase complexes. This means those haemophikac patients who fail to respond to initial
that the TF/FVIIa complex cannot compensate for a lack of dose recommendations.

m Blood Reviews (2003) 17, S I-55 0 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
haemostatic process in vivo, and facilitates a greater un-
derstanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms behind
coagulation disorders such as haemophilia.
Haemophilia may be chamcterised by a failure of platelet-
surface thrombin generation in the final propagation stage
of the haemostatic process. High-dose recombinant FVIIa
(rFVIIa; NovoSeven@, Novo Nordisk, Copenhagen, Denmark)
has shown considerable success as a therapy for haemophil-
iacs and inhibitor patients, and this success may be due to
a mechanism of action involving platelet-surface FXa gener-
ation. This results in enhanced thrombin production, and
may partially compensate for the deficiency of FIX or FVIII.
Fig. 4. High-dose FVlla partially restores platelet-surface thrombin gen- The efficacy of high-dose rFVIIa in haemophilia and Inhibitor
eration in haemophilia. (Reproduced from Hoffman M., Monroe D.M. patients has led to its use in a growing number of alternative
3rd, Roberts H.R. Activated factor VII activates factors IX and X on the indications, and data regarding its mechanism of action in
surface of activated platelets: thoughts on the mechanism of action of such circumstances are scarce. However, we believe that
high-dose activated factor VII. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1998; 9 (Suppl. even in the presence of the FIXa/FVIIIa complex, FVIIa may
I): S6 IS65, with permission.) be able to enhance both FXa and FIXa levels on the platelet
surface, thus augmenting the production of vital thrombin.
The second extrapolation from studies of FVIIa in the
experimental model is that the action of high-dose FVIIa
in vivo is not directly dependent on n, but is instead
plateletdependent. Earlier theories postulating a TFdepen-
dent mode of action for FVIIa explain the localisation of
FVIIa a$ti$ity to the injury site, which may account for the
relative lack of thrombotic complications observed during
highdose FVIIa therapy,’ but do not adequately justify the
requirement for high doses. lo However, a platelet-dependent
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0 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights mserved. Blood Reviews (2003) 17, 5 l-55 m

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