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Kathryn Cisneros

Professor Holly Batty

English 101
May 2019

In order to revise my essay, I went back to the grading criteria that I was marked down
from. I read carefully what the professor was looking for in order to be able to improve my
essay. I also took into consideration the comments Professor Batty gave. First, I fixed my title,
my original title was “Single Parent College Student”, it was straight to the point, yes, but basic.
I put no effort into the original title, so I switched it to, “One Individual, Three Full-time Jobs,
and A Better Future”. Hopefully this title is better. Then the criteria said my thesis was missing
the solution to the problem, so I added the solutions onto my thesis. I added two solutions that I
discussed during the following body paragraphs. Then, I read over the body paragraphs and
added a proper counter argument. I noticed I was marked down some point for my body
paragraphs. I had a counter argument; it’s just wasn’t a strong counter argument. It also wasn’t
its own paragraph; it was mixed in with a body paragraph and it didn’t flow nicely. In my
counter argument I originally said, “I understand staff wouldn’t want to stay longer hours.” Then
I proceeded to give a solution immediately, I didn’t elaborate why the staff wouldn’t stay longer.
I also fixed my work cited page into alphabetical order. Finally, I revised it and read it over to
make sure it flowed and also looked back at the criteria, to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
Then I read it two more times, to check for any grammatical errors.

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