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Michael Guerrero

May 28, 2019

Service Learning Experience

For my Senior Learning Experience I chose to present my topic to classes, wrote an

article and posted it on the Garinger Rambler Page and to create a google forms survey. I chose

to present my topic in classes that were relevant to my topic. So I present to 3 classes, Mr.

Montgomery Civics and Economics class and his Sociology class, and Mr. Bakes AP United

States history class. After I finished my presenting my presentation to the class, I had a quick Q

and A session with them to answer any questions they might have, and I also had them fill out

my google forms survey. I decided to write an article about my topic because I wanted to inform

others of conservatism and how they are mistreated in the media. I also wanted to show the

people who read my article how this hot button issue affects students like me. I created a google

forms survey because I wanted to see how a school made up of mostly minority students felt

about my topic and how many agree with me on media censorship and of conservatism. Things

that I learn from my service learning experience were things that I already predicted. Such as

many students at Garinger hold unfavorable views towards conservatives and they are mostly

Democratic. But something that did shock me was that an outstanding number of students do

believe that the media is bias and that this country is divided because of fake news. This shocked

me because I wouldn’t have believed that kids a Garinger would say that the media is bias. This

will help me in the future because it will show me to expect the unexpected. What I will do

differently later in the future would be to get more information and get more survey questions

answered because I’ve gotten only 10% of the entire Garinger population so I would to get more

people involved in the future.

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