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1. Sign-up to a particular Group where you would like to join. Choices are:
a. Amoris Laetitia Group – 11 (ID3) /13 (ID1) members
b. Familiaris Consortio – 13 (ID3) /14 (ID1) members
c. Casti Connubii – 4 (ID3)/ 5 (ID1) members
2. The Name of the Group you have chosen signifies the name of the Church
document assign to you.
3. Each member has to read some parts of the document according to the
division showed in the separate attachment.
4. Decide as a group how you will go about the division of the assign topics,
you may do draw lots or can be the number you get in the group for
signing-up will determine your topic. Feel free as a group to decide.
5. There are some Chapters that have to be done in pairs or 3 persons for
this PETA.
6. Each member/s has to READ REFLECTIVELY the assign part of the
through a design or drawing such as like this:

7. Requirements:
a. Use an A3 size of paper or tarpaulin, canvas or other material you
deem fit to use.
b. Use a medium you like for designing/ drawing.
c. Include in the design the Title of the document, Chapter or Topic, and
the significant quotes for example:

“Every family should look to the icon of the Holy Family of Nazareth.” (AL #30)

The family, which is founded and given life by love, is a community of persons: of
husband and wife, of parents and children, of relatives… without love the family
is not a community of persons and, in the same way, without love the family
cannot live, grow and perfect itself as a community of persons. (FC #18)

God is the Author of the perpetual stability of the marriage bond, its unity and its
firmness. (CC #5)

8. Put your name, year, course and section at the back.

9. Those who have to work in pairs or in triad in one Chapter must produce
10. Then, share your work and reflection in the group and come up with
a SUMMARY OF THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. The contents of the group
summary are the gathered insights, learning and realizations upon
reading the document.
Requirements: Georgia 12, single space, 0.5 inches margins in all sides, 3-
5 pages only.
11. Submission will be on May 28 during the Final Exam.

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