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Good morning.

The issue that we are going to talk about today is related to the types of health, healthy lifestyle
They are related to patterns of consumption of the individual in their food, the development or non-
physical activity, the risks of leisure in particular the consumption of alcohol, drugs and other related
activities and occupational risk. These activities can be considered as factors of risk and protection,
depending on the positive or negative behavior, to introduce communicable diseases of the non-
communicable (Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, Cancer, among others).

1 you have to engage in physical activity not only is good for weight loss, also improve heart
and lung capacity, helps prevent and even treat chronic diseases (such as hypertension, cancer,
and depression) and lowers cholesterol. In addition, it improves the quality of sleep and has a
regulating effect of stress.
2 you have to rest because sleep is usually an indicator of health. Some cardiovascular,
respiratory and metabolic diseases are linked to the quality of sleep. Try to sleep time, quantity
and quality.
3. I should relax in a State constant stress causes that we lose muscle mass and accumulate more
fat; It raises blood pressure, increases the cholesterol in the blood and lowers levels of good
cholesterol or HDL. Therefore, increased risk of chronic non-communicable diseases.
4. I must visit the doctor: he can guide you to modify risk factors for new conditions. Most of
the diseases can be cured if detected early. Don't forget to make yourself a checkup.
5 we need to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day and feed us well: water helps us to have good
digestion, keep our body's normal temperature and eliminate waste substances. Most of the
nutrients that we get from food, can be used by the human body only thanks to the water.
6. it should avoid smoking and alcoholism. According to the World Health Organization
technical report: diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases, avoid the consumption of
tobacco and alcohol can prevent gastritis, esophagitis, cancer and liver disease.
7. it must have food hygiene covers a broad field including the handling of foodstuffs of
vegetable origin, breeding, feeding, marketing and slaughter of animals, as well as all health
processes aimed at preventing that the man-made bacteria reach the food.

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