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I live by a simple motto - "by serving others and working hard I gain more than I give." I strive
to do everything to the best of my ability and with a good purpose. I believe my varied
leadership roles have allowed me to serve, while also preparing me to be successful as a student
at the Clemson University. I have served others as a club leader, during youth mission trips,
during volunteer experiences and by participating in a YMCA Counselor Training program at
Camp Kanata. My time at camp provided the opportunity to serve and discover the “counselor in
me.” This program provided time for self-reflection, growth and leadership training. I learned to
be a strong, confident leader without overpowering others. I was able to make an impact on
children's lives, give back to a place I love, and learn who I want to be as a leader. I am a hard
worker, I give my all to every task - my work ethic reflects who I am. My determination and grit
have helped me to be successful because I don’t give up even when something does not come
easy to me. I give, I serve, and I work hard as a student, a volunteer, and as a leader. Grades and
test scores don’t define who I am, I have so much to offer on campus and in the classroom that
will allow me to make a difference. I look forward to using my talents to serve others while
learning and thriving on campus and in the workplace in the future.

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