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5/30/2019 AVID Testimonal - Google Docs

Lizbeth Arias


21 May, 2019

AVID Testimonial

AVID has helped me become a better student by helping me have better note-taking

techniques, organization skills, and many other important skills that I need to be prepared and

successful in college. AVID has given me the tools to succeed acemadicaly and personally.

It has given me the determination to follow my dreams and has also showed me that reaching my

goal of going to a four-year college is attainable.

The tutorials every Tuesday and Thursday help me bring a problem two times a week so I

can understand it better. Being able to collaborate with my fellow classmates and a tutor has helped

me get better scores in my upcoming test. The cornell notes have allowed me to take better notes

and not only get notes but go over them and add questions, annotate, and add a summary. AVID is

a great program and I'm so happy that I joined it freshman year.

The relationships that I've built in AVID are ones that are going to last throughout high

school and hopefully throughout college. Mrs.Brewer is always there to guide us to make the right

choices. She has taught me to set and achieve reasonable goals and about individuality. All my

classmates are people who have similar goals like me so I can ask anyone for help and they will

help me. We all want what’s best for each other and do the best we can to help eachother out. I

love how the AVID program helps us share opinions about who we are and how we can make

ourselves better. 1/1

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