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Tora No.of Questions 5] Teal No, of Printed Pages 2 i No " EC - 302 B.E. Ul Semester Examination, December 2015 ‘Computer System Organiza Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70 Answer five questions. Ineach question pat A,B, Cis ‘compalsory and D parthas intemal choice. ii) Allparsofeachquestonare whe ater tne place i) Allquestons carry equal marks, outof which pat Ane B (ax. 50 words) cary 2 marks, partC (Max. 1€0 words) ‘ay 3 marks, pat (Max. 400 word) cary 7 mars |v). Exoepenumericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing. Note: i) unit 1 La) Whatis memory reference instruction? 1) Write te differences between adress bus and the data us. ©) Draw Von-Neurann architecture, What is meant by Von ‘Neuman botleneck? 18) What is instruction cycle? Explain diferent phases of instruction cycle and show flow chart for instruction exe. oR ‘What isregiste? Explain various types of register. Unit Draw flow chart for decimal multiplication, ) Whatis Hardwired contol unit? ©) Write a brie notes an shift micro operation, beam ” » oy » 9 ® » ° % Be ei ‘With peat block diagram, explain working principal of sicro program sequencer. rgpvenliecom slow char to explain how addition and subrzetion cof two fixed point number can be done Unit-m1 Whats Priory inerrup? List the features of JOP Write the difference between programmed MO and jmrerupeciven UO. Draw the block eagram of DMA transfer in computer systemandexplain, on xphainin viet programa UO anditerupt initiate VO, Unit-1V ‘Whats memory hierarchy’? ‘What is Content Addressable Memory? What are is sxtvarages? Explinhitratioin ache organization Give shor aoteson vital memory ganization Ok Define the folowing terms 4) Writetioughcache i) Directmapping Unit-v WhatisFlynn's Taxonomy? apvanine Write the characteristics of multiprocessor, Differentiate between loosely coupled and closely coupled multiprocessor configuration, ‘Write the various performanesissues in pipelining, ‘oR ‘What are Interconnection structure? Explain the scheme crossbar switch in det

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