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<img src= "images/EcoTech.png" alt="EcoTech Logo" class="Logo" >
<h1>Business Development Application Town of Grimisby</h1>
<li> <a href="index.html">Home</a> </li>
<li> <a href="bio.html">Biography</a></li>
<li> <a href="gisProject.html">GIS Thesis Project</a></li>
<li> <a href="gMapsApi.html">Google Maps API </a></li>
<li> <a href="contact.html">Contact </a></li>

<!-- information about the company -->
<div class="trans">
<h2>Eco Tech Inc</h2>
<img src= "images/EcoTech.png" alt="Eco">
EcoTech is founded in November, 2018 as a part of Thesis
Development Project. It is a GIS Based consulting company which
basically do mapping and analysis of any area. Currently,
EcoTech is working on a project of Grimsby Town. The overview of the project
is given in the GIS Thesis Project page.
<!-- Information about Project Manager -->
<div class="transparent">
<h2>Project Manager</h2>
<img src= "images/Author.jpg" alt="Author Profile Picture">
Ms Neela Bariya is currently enrolled in GIS -GM Program
in Niagara College and has done her previous studies in India.
The Education details about Ms Bariya is given in the
below sections.
To view the Resume of the Project Manager. Ms Bariya is
mainly interested in Environmental Sector.
<a href= "./_bgDocs/Resume.pdf"> please click on

<!-- Educational Information -->
<div class="transparent">
<h2> Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda</h2>
<img src="./images/MSU.jpeg" alt="Maharaja Sayajirao
University of Baroda">
<p>Ms. Neela Bariya
has completed her Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree in
Geography from Maharaja Sayajiorao University
of Baroda. During that duration, Ms Bariya has learned many
subjects such as Human Geography, Population geography, Physical
geographyincluding ocenaography,
Climatology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Urban and Regional
Planning, Environmental Impact Assessment and others speheres of Geography. As
a part of
curriculum Ms Bariya has also developed some skills of GIS.
Ms Bariya has also done a Fluvial geomorphological Survey in her Master degree
deeply understand the fluvial geomorphological features.

<div class="transparent">
<h2>Niagara College</h2>
<p> <img src= "./images/NOTL.png" alt="Niagara College" class=
"NOTL"> <br>
Ms Neela Bariya has started her Post Graduation Program at
Niagara College in September
2018 <abbr title="Geographic Information Systems - Geospatial
Management">GIS - GM Program </abbr> The main purpose of taking this program
was to increase the limited knowledge of GIS. In this program,
She explored many software and enhanced the skills. </p>

<div class="footer">
<p>Written by: Neela Bariya.<br>
Visit us at:<br>
EcoTech Inc. <br><br>
8511 Jennifer Crescent, Niagara Falls<br>

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