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Vachnamrut Summary

A devotee who has a moderate Vairagya does

enjoy the most seductive Panchvishay with a
GP – Chapter 2 feeling of perfect detachment. However, if the
prevailing circumstances become adverse due to
time, space and company, he is likely to be
involved in attachment and will weaken his
Vairagya. One who possesses the least intensity
is not likely to be drawn towards the
Panchvishaya’s which do not hold any charm for
him but if confronted with the seductiveness of
charming objects, he is sure to be drawn towards
them and get attached to them.

Satsangis to retain permanently the influence of

divine relations with them. Even if he loses contact
GP – Chapter 3 with the image of God at the time of his own
death, but the reminiscences of the divine leela of
God are not removed from his mind or if he
recollects the affectionate ties of love that he had
developed with the Satsangis, Brahmcharis and
the Sadhus, the divine form of God revives in his
mind by the influence of such contacts and he
would attain a divine status. I perform
Vishnuyagya or hold big congregations on the
festivals like Janmashtami, Ekadasi etc. and
celebrate every year such festivals and I gather all
Brahmacharis, Sadhus, Satsangis etc. therein with
the purpose that if any one who attends these
festivals, even if he be a sinful man he would be
redeemed of his sins and attain the divine abode
of God. if he remembers at the time of his death
the Brahmachari’s, Sadhus and the Satsangis.

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