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Answer Key

1. You will be contacted by the college later.

2. When was the letter delivered by the mailman?
3. Your homework should be finished by you before going to the party.
4. The plants are watered everyday by the gardener.
5. Cookies are being sold to the neighbors by the children.
6. The movie has been seen by many people.
7. The shop might be closed by the manager over the holiday.
8. The temple is visited by tourists every year.
9. Mary flowers are sent by someone.
10. Why was the door closed by someone?
11. The apartment is cleaned by her every week.
12. Many tests have been taken by us in our class this semester.
13. I was called by many friends on my birthday.
14. The students’ questions are being answered by the counselor now.
15. Your bills should be paid by you every month.
16. You will be called by someone this evening.
17. My bicycle was stolen by a thief.
18. The police was called by my neighbors.
19. The final exams are being prepared by the secretary.
20. The package might be delivered by the mailman tomorrow.

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