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Rearrange the following steps in logical order

A. Setting up a free blog using Wordpress

____________ Click on change your Blog Description or Permission
____________ Create a free Wordpress account
____________ Choose a free theme then click Customize
____________ Choose the option Create New Blog or Register another Blog
____________ Pick a blog Address and Name
____________ Change the General Settings including the site title, tagline and time zone
____________ On the left menu, choose Appearance >>Themes

Answer key:

1. Create a free Wordpress account

2. Choose the option Create New Blog or Register Another Blog
3. Pick a blog address and name
4.Click on change your Blog Description or Permission
5On the left menu, choose Appearance >>Themes
6.Choose a free theme then click Customize
7.Change the general settings including the site title, tagline and time zone

Not belong to the group

Edit the page theme your liking
Delete other existing blog

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