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Martin Heidegger Studies in Continental Taought smn van Phenomenological JOHN SALLIS Interpretation of Kant’s Robert Bernasconi Wiliam 1, MeBride Critique of Pure Reason Rudolf Bernet J. Mohanty John D. Caputo Mary Revlinson David Carr Tom Rockmore Bdward §. Casey Calvin 0. Schrag ‘Hubert L. Dreyfus + Reiner Schiirmann: Don thde Charles E. Scott Translated by avid Farell Kx Sheeh 5 Tenore Langer! Rotert Sokolowskl Parvis Emad and Kenneth Maly Alphonso Lingls Broce W. Wilshire David Wood Indiana University Press Bloomington & Indianapolis Published in German as Phanomenologische Interpretation von Kants Kritk der reinen Vernunfe ©1977 by Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main. ‘Thied edition. 1995, Publication of this work was Supported by funding, {rom Inter Nationes, Bonn. ©1997 by Indiana University Press Al rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or utiizeé in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The Assodation of American University Presses’ Resolution on Permissions constitutes the only exception to this prohibition, ‘The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements ‘of American National Standard for Information Sciences— Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI 23948-1984, ‘Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. [Phinomenologische Interpretation von Kants Keitk der reinen Ver- nnuntft. English Phenomenological interpretation of Kant’s Critique of pure reason / Martin Heidegger ; translated by Parvis Emad and ‘Kenneth Maly. P.__ am. ~ (Studies in Continental thought) “The translation of a lecture course delivered at the University of Mar: burg in the winter semester of 1927-28" Foreword. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-253-33258-3 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. Kritk der reinen Vernunit. 2. Knowl- ‘edge, Theory of. 3. Causation. 4. Reason. I.Title. IL. Seves B2779.H4213.— 1997 121—de2t 96-4479 1.2345 02 01 00 99 98 97 Contents Translators’ Foreword Preliminary Consideration Introduction ue of Pure Reason as Laying the Foundation for ‘Metaphysics as Science § 1. The Traditional Concept of Metaphysics § 2. General Meaning of Laying the Foundation of a Science 4) Phenomenological Interpretation of Science's Way of Being €) The Existential Concept of Science, Knowledge asa Revealing, ‘Comporunent to Beings. the Primary Revealing in the Prac- tical-Technical Realm, and the Prescentific Understanding of the Being of Beings B) Conversion of the Prescientific Comportment to the Sdentific Comportment by the Basic Act of Objectfication. Objectifi- ‘ation as the Explicit Accomplishment of Understanding of Being 1) The Process of Objectfication in the Genesis of the Modem Mathematical Sclences of Nature i) The Relation between the Founding of Science and Philosophy ©) The Limit of Science's Self Founding B) Founding of Science as Regional Ontology. Founding of On- ‘ological Inquiry in Philosophy as Fundamental Ontology § 3. Laying the Foundation of Metaphysics as Science as the Critique of Pure Reason 4) Kant’s Inerpretation of Ontological Knowledge ) Knowledge a priori B) The Condition for the Possibility of a Science of Beings in General 1) Analytic and Synthetic Judgments £8) The Problem of the Possibility of Synthetic Judgments a priori or the Problem of an Ontological Understanding of Being ) The Difference between Transcendental Philosophy or Meta: physics and Laying the Foundation of Metaphysics as the Critique ‘of Pure Reason 1) Ontology as Systema. The Critique as Laying the Foundation of the System of Transcendental Philosophy B) Laying the Foundation for Metaphysics as Critique of Pure Reason is Pace in the Whole of Metaphysics § 4. The Horizon of inquiry, the Field of Investigation, and the Structural Plan of the Critique of Pure Reaton The Cri B B 8 a 23 23 24 a 7 27 29 3 35 39 2” a wi Contents rst Part The Transcendental Aeshetc ‘Chapter One ‘The Function of newtion in Synthetic Knowledge § 5. Intuition as the Primary and Essential Character of Knowledge in General ‘) The Intuitive Character of Knowledge in General ) The Significance of Intuition. Infinite and Finite Intuition. Finite Intuition and Sensibility, Affection, and Receptivity ©) Sensibility and Understanding as the Two Roots of Human Knowledge; the Common Origins of Bath Roots 4) Synthetic Knowledge a priori and the Necessity of Pure a prior Intuition § 6, Demonstration of Pure Intuition a price! a) Empirical Intuition and Empirical Sensation ’) Appearance as Object of Empirical Intuition Distinguished from the Thing itself (©) The Togetherness of Sense-Data and Space-Time Relations in ‘Empirical Intuition 4) Space and Time as Pure Forms of Intuition and the Manner of ‘Their Investigation in the Transcendental Aesthetic Chapter Two Phenomenological Interpretation ofthe Transcendental Aesthetic 7. Discussion of the Metaphysical Exposition of Space and Time 8, Phenomenological Analysis of Space and Time as Pure Forms of Intuition, § 9. The Difference between “Form of Intuition” and “Formal Intuition” § 10. Transcendental Exposition of Space and Time 4a) Space and Time as Conditions for the Possbilty of Synthetic Knowledge a priori ) The Phenomena of Motion and Change 511. The Priority of Time over Space as Form of Intuition a) Time as Universal Form of Appearances ) The Original Subjectivity of Time in Its Expression as Self-Alfec- § 12, Summary Characterization of space and Time, Their “Empirical Reality” and “Transcendental eality” 36 56 38 62 65 66 66 or 70 m 78 a4 1 96 96 97 100 100 103 105 613. 54. 15, g16 §17 sis, Contents Second Part ‘The Analytic of Conceps in the Transcendental Logic irs Division Exposition of the Idea of @ Transcendental Logie and Analytic ‘Chapter One ‘The Significance of Transcendental Logie ‘The Analysis of Thinking as Element of Knowledge and the Unity of ‘Thinking and Intuition as the Two Themes of Transcendental Logic Kant’s Determination of Thinking Determination of General and Transcendental Logie 4) Determination of General and Pure Logic as Distinguished from Applied Logic bb) Determination of Transcendental Logic as Object-Related Division of General and Transcendental Logic into the Analytic and the Dialectic 4) Formal Corrections and Factual Truth of Knowledge ') General Logie as Analytic and Dialectic ©) Ontological Truth; Transcendental Logic as Transcendental Ana- lytic and Dialectic Chapter Two The Significance ofthe Transcendental Analytic ‘Methodic and Critical Preparation for Interpreting the Transcenden- tal Analytic 4) Transcendental Philosophy as Ontology of the Extant in General «Determination of General and Transcendental Logic as Science ‘of Thinking with Respect to Objects in General 8B) The Concept of Object in General; Foundation of Formal Logic in Formal Ontology b) The Systematic Unity of the Ontological Determinations of the Extant in General and the Completeness of the Table of Categories (©) Division of the Transcendental Analytic {) What Is Incorrect in the Division of Transcendental Analytic Into an Analytic of Concepts and an Analytic of Principles B) Preparatory Demonstration of the Problematic of the Meta physical and the Transcendental Deduction of Pure Concepts, of Understanding Exposition of the Essence of the Transcendental Analytic of Con: cepts a) The Meaning of “Analytic” and of “Transcendental Analytic” bby Analysis of the Essence of the Concept 13 us 120 120 124 129 129 130 BL 136 136 136 139 140 waz 1a 146 148 148 149

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