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5/31/2019 Junior Summary - Google Docs

Natalie Manzo

Junior Summary

During my junior year, I had a lot of ups and downs. Academically I was doing pretty
okay, and I’ve kept my grades up. But towards the middle of the school year, I started having
personal issues with friends and the people I surrounded myself with. I had to make a whole
new group of friends and figure out what I really wanted to do in the future. Towards the end of
the year I had another big personal issue that had to do with my health. When I finally came
back to school after 2 weeks of missing, it was very hard for me to try and get my grades up and
figure out how to try and get all my missing work done. When I came back, I had tons of missing
assignments, finals, and ap testing. My grades have improved a little, but I still have a lot of
work to do.
Every challenge was pretty difficult to get over. I had my family as a support system to
help me feel better when I felt as if I had no one. I had a couple close friends who helped me
push through hard times and I had good teachers who I went to for help. My teachers, especially
Mr. Hunsuck, my pre calculus teacher, made sure to help me try and get back to the grades I
needed. He even helped me with other classes, not just math.
My junior year has taught me a lot. It’s taught me that missing even a little bit of school
can have a big impact for you, and also that people who want to be in your life will fight to be
there, and not to beg for people to stay. That you can only count on yourself, and to make sure
to focus on yourself and make sure you are doing what you are supposed to. It also taught me
that school is easy if you pay attention and actually work on the things you are supposed too. It
may be easy to slack off and not do your work, but it’s easier to get your work done and have
that feeling of accomplishment.
Many people who I thought would always be in my life decided they didn’t want to be in
my life this year, and when this happened, I looked for people who would help me through losing
others. Estefania, my best friend, helped me get over losing the closest people I had. She was
always there for me when I needed to talk, and she taught me to fight for what I believe in. My
teacher Mr.Hunsuck also helped me a lot. He helped me with not only math class but many of
my other classes. My friend Sirelle also helped me get through my junior year. She gave me
faith in believing that there are still good people who are nice and do good things. For her I am
forever grateful.
I want to say that I may have not achieved anything academically, but personally I did. I
gained a lot of new friends and found what I really wanted to do and who I wanted to be. I
figured out that sometimes you have to cut people out of your life because some people will do
nothing but bring you down in life. You should only surround yourself with people who will help
you rise and become who you need to be. 1/2
5/31/2019 Junior Summary - Google Docs

AVID has been pretty helpful to me. From getting more organized, to being able to
present and figure out a problem with the help of my friends, AVID has taught me a lot. One big
lesson that I’ve realized that is it is very important to ask for help, and it is okay to ask for help. I
learned that everyone does need help on something, and you shouldn’t feel out of place just
because you don’t know something. It’s better to ask questions then to never know at all. It
made me realize that you shouldn’t feel like you are dumb for asking for help. 2/2

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