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Rashmi Tarachandani
Family physician

Diabetic Diet

7.00 - 2 glasses of plain water.

7.15 to 7.45 - brisk walk
8.00 - one cup of tea/coffee( no sugar)
8.30 - one cup of skimmed milk (without sugar)
1 chapati + ½ katori veggies OR 2 slices of bread OR
a bowl of oat meal / cornflakes/ sprouted legumes/ upma/ poha
idlis with ½ katori sambhar/ 1 dosa etc.
11.00 - a glass of coconut water / clear soup / thin buttermilk / 1 fruit
1.30 - 2.00 - plenty of salad + 1 chapati (johar, ragi , wheat ,bajra) + ½ vati
of rice + vegetables ( no peas, potatoes, paneer , corn , cream
less oil) + 1 vati dal / curd OR fish / chicken / meat ..1/2
katori..once a week.
4.30 - tea/ coffee (no sugar) + a handful of roasted chana / a bowl of
kurmura/chivda OR 2 - 3 marie biscuits / 1 ½ dry khakhara.
6.30 - 1 fruit (no banana , chiku , mango or grapes)
8.00 - same as lunch.

Foods to be avoided :
● Free sugars like sugar, jaggery , honey , jam , ice cream, cake ,
pastries and all indian sweets.
● Fried items like samosa, vada pav , papad , pickle.
● Dry fruits.
● Coconut

Important :
● Donot skip any meals.
● Drink 2 ½ to 3 litres per day.

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