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Soccer Match Wewalked inte the football stadium, There are people walking all around us, The machines beep as we scan our tickets walking threugh the gates, The attendant greets us by Saying good morning, There. is music playing over the speakers which gets louder as we walk tawards our seats, We walk up the stairs to find our seats, There are people chatting all around us and they are getting excited for the match te start. We fold our chairs down and take a seat. The players start to run out onto the pitch and the whole crawd starts to cheer and clap, The players take their pasition and the crowd goes silent, Then the. referee blows their whistle and the match begins, The players start to kick the ball around to each other, calling each other to pass the ball, A person selling snacks is walking past us of fering to buy some: ice cream or crisps, The home team, our team, starts to get closer and closer to the goal, The crowd starts to get very excited and almost starts celebrating a goal, A player kicks the ball, another player heads it and goes towards the goal, The crowd goes silent as they wait ta see if it’s going in, Boom! The ball hits the post and bounces back to the players. I can hear how disappointed the crawd are, The ball is hit out of bounds and the referee's whistle. goes off again, The away team start te make their way clase to a goal, and the crowd shout angrily at our players to step them, The players are passing the ball to one another and it flies through the air, Silence again, The ball hits the back of the net and the small crawd for the away team cheer, The referee's whistle blows far half-time, The music starts playing over the speakers again and we can hear the commentators talking about the highlights so far, Half-time doesn’t last teo long and the players come back out to a cheering crowd, The home crowd has not lost hope yet The whistle blaws and play resumes, The home team start with the ball and they are shouting louder this time, They pass the ball quickly running towards the goal, The home crowd is getting louder and louder, The ball is in the air and everyone is shouting to try to make it go in the goal, A player jumps up and kicks it behind their head, It goes straight past the goalie and hits the net, Goall! The next 45 minutes go by without much happening, It is the final minute of the match now and the home team has been given a penalty, The player lines up their ball, The crowd slowly gets quiter until there is absolute silence in the stadium, You can almost hear everyone's heartbeat from how nervous we are, The player starts to run towards the ball, He kicks it. It goes straight in the top left corner of the geal, We won

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