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Victoria Shubelyak

May 22, 2019
Intro: Teachers lifting up papers (3)
1.Teachers work on average 58 hours a week (43 at school and 11 at home).
2.Teachers get paid 18.3% less than workers with similar education levels.
3. Teachers work more than 400 hours of overtime in a year.

Claim: still shot photos saying- Teachers should be appreciated much more for all the work they
do both helping a student educationally and in daily life outside the classroom because the stress
and pressure of the teaching field continue to become worse.

Body:still shot facts-

1. a survey says 94% American people said we should recognize our teachers more.
2. 2010 surveys 88% American adults report having a teacher with a “significant positive
3. Teachers affect about 3000 children on course of their career.
4. 30% of teachers have jobs outside being a teacher.
5. Around 98% of people say a teacher can change the course of a students life.

Conclusion: Simple thank you really makes a difference

-video of students thanking there teachers(4).

Stil Shots:

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