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Behavior Yes No

1. I seek adequate blocks of time to engage in peaceful dialogue to solve conflicts in a x

productive way.

2. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my bosses and/or x


3. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my co-workers. x

4. I usually listen carefully and respectfully to understand my managers and/or x


5. I usually listen carefully and respectfully so I can understand my co-workers. x

6. At work meetings, I try to listen carefully, with understanding and respect for all x

7. I set aside periods of time to establish my goals and evaluate my performance. x

8. I dedicate sufficient time to establish goals and evaluate my collaborators’ x

9. If I need to bring a matter to a colleague’s attention, I do so in a clear, direct, x

respectful way.

10. I give positive recognition to my colleagues well done activities to motivate them x
to keep improving.

Total number of answers

Questions for reflection:

1. What positive behaviors could you identify in the way you communicate?

I believe that I am brief, specific and positive when I talk to my collaborators. When I have to,
I take full responsibilities of my actions and talk objectively and openly when there is problem
to be solved.

2. What behaviors of yours do you feel need improving?

I believe that sometimes I asked questions that may sound accusing or way too inquisitorial.
Additionally, in some meetings I get impatient and tend to interrupt.

3. How do you think your way of communicating affects people and results?

I believe that I have an effective communication that facilitates working with me and thus
promotes a productive environment.

4. What factors do you think influence the way you communicate with others?
I believe the most important factor is experience, I try to communicate with others in the same
way I would like other people to communicate with me.

5. What conclusions can you make based on these observations that will allow you to
improve your communication as a leader, both in the work environment and in your personal

I believe that I need to listen more place into context what people are saying. Also I need to
recognize people’s feeling in order to be more of help.

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