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1. The mice, by Lope de Vega

The mice got together to get rid of the cat

and after a long time
of disputes and opinions
they said they would guess
in putting a bell
that walking the cat with him
get rid of better could
A barbican mouse came out
colilargo, hociquirromo
and curling the thick back
said to the Roman senate
after talking cult for a while
Who of all has to be
who dares to put
That bell to the cat?

2. The lizard is crying

The lizard is crying

The lizard is crying
The lizard and the lagarta with white aprons
They have inadvertently lost their wedding ring
Oh! your lead ring
Oh! your leaded ring
A big sky without people
he rides the birds in his balloon
The sun, round captain
wears a satin vest
Look how old they are!
How old are the lizards!
Oh, how they cry and cry!
Oh, oh, how are you crying!
Folk Songs

1. Honeymoon In Rio Dulce

In Guatemala Tierra Linda Tierra Hermosa

I fell in love
Of A Suggestive And Whimsical Girl
What I saw happen

With His Big Eyes What Lighted Lights

He Captivated Me
And With A Kiss From His Primormous Mouth
I love it
For Our Love

We lost La Razón
And then we married with sincere devotion
And When Deciding Our Honeymoon
We Think What To Pass In Rio Dulce
It was better

And To Rio Dulce With My Love In Barca We Were

Surcando El Mar
And in that Mystic Corner We Only Had

2. Cobán
In Cobán I enjoyed
Charm Of Your Floor
The Beauties That I Admired
Motivated This Song.

In Cobán Me Quedaré
Enjoying of the landscape
And from the lovely climate
From Cobán Imperial City.

// Admiring His Greenery

The Orchid Charm Is Divided
White Nun Primrose
That Flourished
What is the National Flower //

Where the Quetzal and the White Nun

They Have Their Nest Is In Cobán
Bella Tierra Where La Paz
And Love in a Couple Always Goes

Where the Quetzal and the White Nun

They Have Their Nest Is In Cobán
And I Sing Is Excited This Song
That I Dedicate With Love And Admiration
For Cobán

Tongue twister

1. Do not look at me, they look at us,

they look at us that we look at each other,
let's see that they do not look at us
and when they do not look at us we'll look at each other,
because if we look at each other
discover can
that we love each other

2. They told me that you said

A saying that I said.
The one who said it, lied.
And in case he had said
that saying that you have said
what I said,
said and redicho remained.
and it would be very well said,
as long as I had said
that saying that you have said
what I said.

1. The desire of the shepherd

Once upon a time there was a pastor who was in charge of taking care of a herd of oxen. One day
a calf was lost and he desperately went out looking around, but nothing, he could not find it. So
much was the anguish over the loss of this calf that he promised Zeus that if he told him who was
responsible, he would sacrifice a kid in his name.

The shepherd continued to search and found a lion eating his baby calf. When he saw who was
responsible for this he got very scared and raised his hands exclaiming:

- Great Zeus, I know that before I asked you to show me the thief in exchange for a calf; but now
I ask you to help me escape this lion and I promise to sacrifice a bull!

Moral: Problems have solutions but always keep in mind that by finding him, you may be
encountering the following problem.

2. The failure of the three oxen

Once upon a time there were three oxen that grazed together and that always stayed close together.
For several days a lion kept watching them for the purpose of devouring him but he always felt a
little afraid because by never separating the three oxen, he put him at a disadvantage if he came to
fight against the three.

Very intelligent the lion created a strategy based on lies and lies with the aim of destroying that
union between the three oxen. Once he achieved his goal he was able to separate them and thus
eat each one independently.

Moral: Never allow anyone to destroy the unit you have with your friends and family because only
in that way will you be easier to hurt.
Kid stories

There was a little prince who did not want to study. One night, after receiving a good rebuke for
his laziness, he sighed sadly, saying:

Oh! When will I be older to do what I want?

And behold, the next morning, he discovered on his bed a coil of gold thread from which came a
faint voice:
Treat me carefully, prince.

This thread represents the succession of your days. As they go by, the thread will go loose. I do
not ignore that you want to grow soon ... Well, I grant you the gift of unrolling the thread at your
whim, but everything you have unrolled can not be twisted again, because the days gone by do not

The prince, to make sure, shot with the impetus of the thread and found himself turned into a
handsome prince. He shot a little more and saw himself wearing his father's crown. He was king!
With a new twitch, he asked:

Tell me coil How will my wife and my children be?

At the same moment, a beautiful young woman and four blond children emerged at her side.
Without stopping to think, his curiosity was taking over him and kept releasing more thread to
know what his older children would be like.

Suddenly he looked at himself in the mirror and saw the image of a decrepit old man, with few
snowy hair. He was frightened of himself and the little thread that remained in the coil. The
moments of his life were numbered! Desperately, I try to wrap the thread on the reel, but without
achieving it.

Then the weak little voice that already knew, I speak thus:

You have foolishly wasted your existence. Now you know that the lost days can not be recovered.
You've been lazy to pretend to go through life without bothering to do the work every day. Suffer,
well, your punishment.

The king, after a cry of panic, fell dead: he had consumed the existence without doing anything

It was a harsh winter day. The snow fell, the wind blew and Belinda played with some dwarfs in
the forest. Suddenly there was a long howl.

What is that? The girl asked.

It is the hungry wolf. You should not go out because I would devour you, explained the wise dwarf.

The next day the howl of the wolf was heard again and Belinda, distressed, thought that everyone
was unfair to the beast. In a carelessness of the dwarves, he left the house and left a basket of food
on the snow.

The next day the snow stopped and the wind died down. The girl went out for a walk and saw a
beautiful white lamb approaching.

Hello Hello! The girl said. Do you want to come with me?

Then the lamb jumped on Belinda and the wolf, hidden, threw herself at him, reaching him with a
bite. The cunning and malignant stepmother, she lost the skin of the animal with which she had
disguised herself and escaped with frightening cries of pain and fear.

Only then did the wolf turn to the mountain and Belinda felt her heart tremble, with joy, rather
than for having saved herself, for having won a friend.
Biography of you favorite artist

Ricardo Arjona

Guatemalan singer Ricardo Arjona arrived in this world on January 19, 1964 in the Latin American
town of Antigua, in Guatemala. When he was three years old, his family moved to the country's
capital, where he lived through his childhood and was able to start his academic and musical

At 8 years old Ricardo is already a precocious musician who plays the guitar very well. He
continues studying and arrives to go through a rebellious adolescent stage that leads him to have
problems in school, but he never leaves aside his musical training, the only thing that he really
likes. Although he spends his time in no time stop thinking about realizing his childhood vocation
and start a professional career as a singer. At the age of 21, Ricardo Arjona has the chance to
materialize his dream of always thanks to his first album, which he titled Let me say that I love
you. Unfortunately this recording and its result is an experience so unsatisfactory that they decide
to leave the world of professional music. After this, for five years he directs his life to the
realization of very diverse activities: he works as a teacher, studies the advertising career and plays
basketball, becoming head of the official selection of his country.

But music is still a passion that Ricardo can not forget and decides to try again to triumph in the
song with the release of his second album, SOS Rescue Me. Since then he has not left recording
studios and is still editing all his compositions. His next work, Jesus: Non-noun verb, becomes the
great success he has been waiting for since the beginning of his career and means his definitive
consolidation as a composer and singer. In addition, the spectacular sales figures that this album
gets in the Latin music market make it the best seller in history in the Central American countries.

The popularity of Ricardo Arjona is growing steadily and his artistic career is widening after work.
After Jesus ... he travels to Mexico where he performs in the telenovela Reach a Star and is also
the author of his main theme. Themes of this era such as The Woman Who Dreamed Not and Only
One Woman join their increasingly long list of successes. Later, in 1992 and after signing for the
Sony Music label, he achieved the greatest success of his professional life with Animal Nocturno.
Free, Dance with me and Women are some of the songs on this album with which he achieves both
Gold and Platinum records.

But his triumphs do not stop here. Two years later Ricardo can already boast of being one of the
most famous artists in Latin America thanks to the two million copies he sells from Historias. This
album (which contains songs like Your reputation and Ella and him) takes you to the highest levels
of success in the history of Latin music. And Arjona does not stop working to offer his numerous
fans his best compositions. In 1996 he recorded If the North was South and later shows his facet
of artist more committed to the lyrics of the album Sin Harm to third parties. Ricardo Arjona is a
multi-faceted musician and he demonstrates it with each of his works, going from the songs of this
last album to the rhythms of the fiesta that are the protagonists of Galería Caribe, his musical
proposal that appeared in 2000 and with which he manages to sell millions of discs. This is
followed by Santo Sin (The baby and It hurts to see you are some of his most listened to singles)
and Solo, which is recorded in 2004.
Game form of kacks

The group of Matatenas is dropped from a height of approximately 30 centimeters, or they are
thrown, slightly, on the floor or table, so that they are within reach of the participant. The position
that the pieces take when they stop moving will be very important; This is a factor that determines
whether the turn is easier or harder.

With the ball in one hand, from a comfortable height to the player, the ball is dropped on the
horizontal surface; in how much the ball leaves the hand of the participant, the same will reach
towards the pieces taking with the same hand one of these; Then he will catch the ball with the
same hand. It will continue until you lose the ball or fail to take the next piece or pieces.

One way to play is to bounce the ball and take one piece at a time. Another way to play is to throw
the ball and then go accumulating the pieces in consecutive amounts; for example, after bouncing
the ball, capturing the first piece, and receiving the ball coming down from the only allowed
rebound, all with one extreme hand, then, it will repeat the movements, but this time with the
condition of capturing two pieces, and thus consecutively in order of the integral numbers until all
the pieces are finished. If the intention of the game is competitive, the winner can be considered
the one who ends up with more matatenas.

The matatenas is a game for both sexes; although it is common that in some cultures where this is
a popular game, be the girls who are related to participating more in this hobby. If this is purely
cultural and there is not necessarily a basis for making a determination in the separation of
participants, it is understandable that the early connection of the task of collecting and cleaning
seeds or that the game pieces were originally seeds, have also , made the appointment. The game
has been played using painted apricot (apricot) seeds.

In the Mexico of the fifties, still, there was and was described with that name a game that consisted
in throwing, with the palm of the hand, plum or apricot seeds, painted with aniline of different
colors, upwards, and in its fall, retain as much as possible on the back, in a rapid movement, turning
the palm down. Then the operation was repeated, but inverse; that is to say, the seeds lodged in
the back were thrown, again, upwards, but now they had to be trapped, all, with the palm. None
should fall, otherwise, the turn was lost. Then it was followed as the game is generally known.
With a preferred seed, called "shot", the ones that were left on the floor were raised.

The shot was thrown at the usual height and dominated by the player, and before he fell, the most
possible ones were raised. If you chose only one, you could not touch or move another. If two or
more were chosen, they would not have to be released to any, and, of course, the non-chosen ones
should remain intact in their accidental place. The shot returned to the hand and only that way the
raised ones were stored, in favor of the participant. If the rules were broken, he passed the game
to the opponent.

The turn was lost, too, if the shot fell. It could be played between two or more, but each one bet a
certain amount of their appreciated seeds. In the end, of course, the one who could rescue his
number and other extras won. For the caló and the accommodations of the language, the children
also called this game, "de los huesitos". It is clear that it was played at ground level. In Mexico it
is also called matatena to the smooth and oval stone of the river. "The streets of the town are paved
with matatenas". One of the tricks that exist for this game is: Try to win or bounce the ball together
with a piece of chips so you will have more chances to pick one up and grab the ball before it
bounces again but whoever has more matatena wins.

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