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Universal Declaration of Human Right

Article Notes (Quotes)

Article 5 No one shall be subjected to Then [after arriving back in Jiangsu] they put me inside a room
torture or to cruel, inhuman or where there were two women who stripped me of my
clothes...[and] beat my head [and] used their feet to stomp my degrading treatment or body," the former detainee said. punishment.
A 70-year-old former detainee from Hubei province resorted to a
009/11/11/chi three-day hunger strike to compel her captors to allow her access
na-secret-blac to a doctor.
k-jails-hide-se “
vere-rights-ab Every day I could only sleep three hours and they would at any
time wake me in order so that I couldn't run away. I was hungry
uses every day, but couldn't get enough to eat. The second time I was
detained for 37 days...I lost 20 kilograms."

"[The guards] entered without a word, grabbed me...kneed me in

the chest and pounded my lower belly with their fists until I
passed out.

"I asked why they were detaining me, and as a group [the
guards] came in and punched and kicked me and said they
wanted to kill me.

"There was no medical treatment [in the black jail]. I'm not very
healthy and combined with the disgusting conditions inside [the
facility], I was sick every day, but they wouldn't give me medical
treatment and wouldn't let me go to see a doctor. [A guard] said,
‘You don't want to die here because your life [to us] isn't worth
one cent. [If] I want you dead, you can die [here] as easily as an

Article 9 No one shall be subjected to Watch said that they were abducted by individuals who provided
no legal justification for detention or any information about arbitrary arrest, detention or detainees' eventual destination or possible length of detention. exile.
Article 19 Everyone has the right to Black jails constitute an unlawful system to detain petitioners as a
freedom of opinion and means to protect government officials
https://www.n expression; this right includes Complaining about how the government knocked down her home
1/01/1639497 freedom to hold opinions and failed to provide a replacement.
without interference and to
20/for-complai "I know her," Li said, explaining that the woman was a fellow
seek, receive and impart "petitioner," who had also traveled to Beijing to complain about
information and ideas through corruption in a company where she had worked.
-chinas-black- any media and regardless of
jails frontiers.

Additional Facts: ​Minors under the age of 18 have been detained in black jails in blatant violation of China's
commitments to the rights of children.

In addition, the operators of black jails receive from those local-level governments daily cash payments of 150 yuan
(US$22) to 200 yuan (US$29) per person, creating another incentive to employ forms of illegal detention

The fact is, there is no rule of law in China. The Chinese Communist Party uses the law as a tool. Why do people
petition? It's because the court systems are broken. It's because they are victims of government officials, and they
can't get redress at home.

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