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Find out the absolute relative approximate error between 1st and 2nd order polynomial interpolation


Compare the two orders of polynomial interpolation

1st order: 393.69 m/s

2nd order: 392.19 m/s

3rd order: 392.06 m/s

The absolute relative approximate error a obtained between the results from the first
order and second order polynomial is

392.19  393.69
a  x100

= 0.38502 %
Comparison between 2nd and 3rd order polynomial interpolation:

The absolute relative approximate error a obtained is

392 .06  392 .19
a  x100
392 .06

= 0.033427 %

Comparison table
Order of 1 2 3
v(t=16) 393.69 392.19 392.06
Absolute Relative ---------- 0.38502 % 0.033427 %
Approximate Error

Question 1:
Fit a second order polynomial using NDD METHOD to the
three points given as xo=1, x1=4,x2=6 and f(xo) =0, f(x1) =
1.386294 , f(x2) = 1.791759.
Use the polynomial to evaluate ln 2.
Question 2: In question #1, data points at xo=1, x1=4, x2=6
were used to estimate ln 2 with a parabola. Now adding a
fourth point [x3=5; f(x3) = 1.609438], estimate ln 2 with a
third order Newton’s interpolating polynomial.
[Hint: don’t sort and rearrange the dataset, as newton divided
difference is ideal to work with the dataset in which the
difference between x – values is unequal].

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