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Darius Mullens


Joni Lerner

Assignment #1 Definitions

Thread-​ The “string” used to connect pieces of fabric or mend tears

Stitch-​ A loop of thread from a single passing of the needle.

Gathering-​ Making a larger piece of fabric fit into a smaller space by creating ruffles

Basting-​ A temporary stitch used to hold pieces of fabric in place; not tied off at the ends, so

that it can be pulled out

Back-stitch-​ used to outline shapes and add detail in embroidery

Thread tracing-​ marks details onto fabric

Tie off-​ a knot in the thread at the end of the stitch; used to hold a stitch in place and prevent it from coming undone

or being pulled out

Tracing wheel- ​traces patterns onto fabric and makes perforations

Tracing paper-​ used for tracing designs

Selvedge-​ prevents woven fabric from unraveling

Yard-​ measurement that a lot of fabrics are based on for size and patterns

Straight edge- ​Used to draw straight lines on your fabric so that you can sew on a straight line

Fabric face-​ the side of the fabric that you want the audience to see; the outside of the fabric

Straight of grain-​ consists of the warp threads; less stretch than the cross grain

Cross grain-​ slight stretch; Perpendicular to the straight of grain; consists of the weft threads

Warp-​ make up the straight of grain

Weft- p​ erpendicular to the warp threads; make up the cross grain

Bias-​ the most stretch on a piece of fabric; the diagonal stretch; 45 degrees from the straight of grain

Sharps, betweens, milners, embroidery, crewel, and glovers are all types of n​ eedles.

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