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With March marking the beginning of the school year for the new 12th graders,
the imminence of higher studies is slowly being thrust in our face. It’s seemingly
impossible to avoid the chitter chatter of university plans and board exams, each
student making strides to get to the college of their dreams.
A lot of students enroll themselves in soul crushing entrance coaching classes,
where despite being forced to make numerous sacrifices and suffer through long
intense hours of mind numbing lectures, only a select few manage to make it
through to the best Indian colleges, while the others are left to rot. That doesn’t
mean we should settle for what we can get here. After all, there exists a world
beyond our borders.
Despite the renowned pedagogy of the Indian institutions, not a single Indian
university ranked in the 2019 Times’ World University Rankings top 200, with
IISc ranking as the top Indian university, in the 251-300 range. While the
judgement criteria can’t be entirely vouched for, it just goes to show how many
other prestigious universities exist outside of India.
This and more was mentioned in a talk to the 12th graders, by ‘Manya’, an
acclaimed Indian overseas guidance group bent on getting deserving students
the proper education they deserve, if not inside then outside India. The group
spoke about the different exams and requirements needed to qualify for an
overseas education, and how their group comes into play in order to get their
students what they need.
The group is a partner of the Princeton Review, with over 47 branches across
India. From shortlisting of schools, to test preparation, including even visa
services, Manya stressed their hands-on approach to help students realise their
In a country where rote efficiency and the ability to repeat is prioritised over the
ability to think and be creative, international institutions can provide a new
angle to shaping the growth of our fresh adults, and raise a new generation of
thinkers and revolutionists. It’s our choice to whether to take that leap or not.

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