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Tracking devices like the one in Chloe’s car are not an invasion of privacy because Chloe’s

parents just want her to not make any mistakes while driving the car. Lydia Mulvany quotes,

“Research shows that electronic monitoring devices can reduce risky driving behavior by

teenagers, and a growing number of insurance companies and auto manufacturers are offering

new products.” These electronic monitoring devices tell the driver if they are making a mistake

and tells the driver what they are doing wrong so the driver does not make that mistake again. It

can prevent being distracted by a phone, objects, or a friend. Another quote written by Lydia

Mulvany is, “The company has recorded 65 percent to 70 percent reduce distractions, tailgating,

poor scanning, intentionally unsafe driving and speeding.” Being recorded can make the driver

be focused on driving instead of paying attention to other objects that are not as important as

driving in that moment.” In conclusion, being recorded by electronic monitoring devices can

reduce mistakes the driver can make, even if the driver would not have privacy, and can also

help the driver be responsible by focusing on driving without any distractions.

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