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Edward Sanchez

Ms. Price

English 1 Honors


Schizophrenia Essay

Walter from the book “A Raisin in the Sun” has shown signs of having Schizophrenia

because of his symptoms. Walter has shown that symptom through the book. Walter show signs

of having Schizophrenia because of disorganized speech, odd behavior, and a lack of purposeful

activity due to the current situation him and his family are in.

Walter Lee shows sign of Schizophrenia because of his disorganized speech. Webmd

clearly states, “People with schizophrenia can have a hard time organizing their thoughts. They

might not be able to follow along when you talk to them. Instead, it might seem like they're

zoning out or distracted. When they talk, their words can come out jumbled and not make sense”

(Webmd). The book states “Oh, Walter! Oh, Walter! (To MURCHISON) How’s your old man

making out? I understand you all going to buy that big hotel on the Drive? (He finds a beer in the

refrigerator, wanders over to MURCHISON, sipping and wiping his lips with the back of his

hand, and straddling a chair backwards to talk to the other man) Shrewd move. Your old man is

all right, man. (Tapping his head and half winking for emphasis) I mean he knows how to

operate. I mean he thinks big, you know what I mean, I mean for a home, you know? But I think

he’s kind of running out of ideas now. I’d like to talk to him. Listen, man, I got some plans that

could turn this city upside down. I mean think like he does. Big. Invest big, gamble big, hell, lose

big if you have to, you know what I mean. It’s hard to find a man on this whole Southside who

understands my kind of thinking—you dig? (He scrutinizes MURCHISON again, drinks his
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beer, squints his eyes and leans in close, confidential, man to man) Me and you ought to sit down

and talk sometimes, man. Man, I got me some ideas …” (Hansberry 85-86). Based on this

evidence it shows that Walter was on one topic to the other while talking. It confused others and

was hard for them to follow along to what he was saying. Walter lee has problems with his

disorganized speech because of jumping to many topics confusing others. He also shows sign of

Schizophrenia by lack of proposal activity.

Walter shows no signs in wanting to do activities such as going to work. This is one of

the major symptoms showing Schizophrenia. PsychCentral clearly states, “Negative symptoms

characterized by a lack of any emotional expression and/or a lack of purposeful activity (e.g., just

sitting with no interest in going to work, school, or engaging in any activities)” (PsychCentral).

The book states “She said Mr. Arnold has had to take a cab for three days … Walter, you ain’t

been to work for three days! (This is a revelation to her) Where you been, Walter Lee Younger?

(WALTER looks at her and starts to laugh) You’re going to lose your job” (Hansberry 105).

Based on this evidence it shows that Walter has not been going to work. He shows the lack of

proposal activity by not going to work. He started to be in a bad mood everyday, go get a drink,

come home then sleep. He does not feel like doing any activity. Walter shows that he has

Schizophrenia through his disorganized speech and is lack of activity, but others think


Despite the evidence against Schizophrenia, many people believe that Walter is just

going through a phase, but they fail to see his odd behavior. Those who believe that Walter has

nothing wrong with him think that is his personality being goofy. He was also going through a

tough time about money in general. Although aspects of this argument are enticing, it ultimately

fails to be a stronger argument because of his disorganised speeches, weird behaviors, and lack
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of proposal activity. It clearly states “(Shouting and thumping his chest) FLAMING SPEAR!

HOT DAMN! (He is suddenly in possession of an imaginary spear and actively spearing enemies

all over the room) OCOMOGOSIAY …” (Hansberry 80). Walter shows his weird and random

behaviors thought the story. This is one example of his symptoms of having Schizophrenia.

Therefore, Walter is not just showing this type behavior because of the money situation. This is

not a one time thing. This is a serious condition Walter has.

Walter has Schizophrenia because of his disorganized speech, unnatural behavior, and his

lack of doing activities. Walter is going through hard times and this could have an effect in his

behavior. Walter Lee has shown his symptoms towards Schizophrenia during the hard times with

the family and had a huge affect to his decisions throughout the book.
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