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React, I chose to use that as the front-end framework for Session Brew Finder with an Express
server on the back-end

If you’re rendering multiple React components in one area of the page, make sure you’re wrapping
them in some sort of HTML container

There are a few different technologies that you can use but since I am familiar with React and really
enjoy it I opted to use React-Native. There’s a framework called Expo that makes developing React-
Native apps much easier (

I used NodeJs with Express for my API. This was because of my familiarity with it and wanting to
build a full-stack product. I used passport for the JWT and API middleware (to check that a user is
authenticated every time they make a call)

or my database I used MongoDb. I’m using a mac so I installed MongoDb community. I then
browsed to a folder in my project directory and ran this command to start the database in that folder:

The API and database are hosted on AWS. Both of Ubuntu servers. The API server is accessible
over HTTPS and uses LetsEncrypt for it’s SSL. The database is hosted on an non public Ubuntu

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