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Modernism (or Enlightenment Postmodernism

Reason and science provide accurate, Reason and science are Ideologies in
objective, reliable foundation of the Nietzschean or Marxist sense:
“knowledge” simply myths created by man.
Reason transcends and exists There is no universal, objective
independently of our existential, means of judging any given concept
historical, cultural contexts; it is as “true”; ALL judgments of truth
universal and “true”. exist within a cultural context
(cultural relativism).
In sum: Truth exists independent of In sum: Truth may exist independent
human consciousness and can be of human consciousness but there is
known thru the application of Reason. no objective means of nailing it
All Enlightenment conclusions lead
from this assumption. All Postmodern conclusions lead
from this assumption.
Connotations: The application of Connotations: There is no objective
Reason leads to means upon which to predicate
a progressive movement toward morality and right/just governance.
civilization, democracy, freedom,
scientific advancement. Postmodern theory is descriptive of
the human condition; it describes
The Enlightenment is prescriptive: a an impasse in philosophy and social
means of building a better society. relations.
Existence of stable, coherent “self”, The “self” is a myth and largely a
independent of culture and society. composite of one’s social experiences
and cultural contexts. The "self" is an

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