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It is the year 3081. The setting is a small town near Europe, didn’t exist until
the year 3000 when an asteroid crashed into the ocean randomly and created a new
landmass. Unfortunately, there were many people who wanted to claim that land as
their own. The first man that found the land was Mr. Jenkins, a stubborn old man
who was on a boat very close to the crash and came upon the land first so he
technically had the rights to it, since it was international waters. The neighboring
areas were very upset when they found out about the new land and the research to
be done on it, and when they found Mr. Jenkins didn’t want to share his new land,
they tried to buy it. One day Mr. Jenkins went missing, and a large amount of money
was suddenly in his bank accounts from a rich billionaire named Steve Harron. Steve
Harron let scientists study the land until the year 3010 when he decided to make the
new land into his own town, named after himself, Harronton. The town looked like
any other town, there was grass, forrests, beaches, and more. No one would guess it
was an asteroid that wasn’t even there 10 years prior. Harronton was a pretty rich
town, but many bad things always happened, it was said to be the curse of Mr.
Jenkins. The story went that Steve Harron murdered Mr. Jenkins when he found that
he wouldn’t sell the land and to cover his tracks put the money in the account, and
now when things go wrong, it is Mr. Jenkins getting his revenge.
71 years later, the town was growing industrially, but no one really came or
left the town and everyone knew each other. The kids of the town are very careless,
given their parents are rich and give them anything they want. They are constantly
partying and doing whatever they want. They all grew up there, hearing constantly
about the curse of Old man Jenkins, but never thought much of it. Emily and her
brother, kevin, were the nephew and niece of Mr. Harron and thus local celebrities.
Their parents died in a mysterious fire when Emily was born and their uncle
brought them to his town to take care of them. Since many people were fake friends
because their uncle owned the town, they each kept their friends circles very small,
Emily only befriending Jeremy and Mike while Kevin stuck mostly to jake. Kevin is
secretly really interested in what actually happened to mr. Jenkins while Emily
couldn't care less.
Kevin and jake find out that Mr. jenkins is still alive and go on to find out
what really happened and how he is still alive, since he was 64 in the year 3000 he
would be 145. Kevin and Jake find him and come back. They become very short
tempered and angry with everyone in town over the tiniest of things. Kevin even
becomes short tempered with Emily. Emily starts to realize something is wrong. She
is worried about kevin and starts to look into the last things he had done before
going crazy/mean.
Emily’s 2 friends, Mike and Jeremy, begin to worry about her. They begin to
see her less and she is always so focused on the curse that she is out of everything
else, not wanting to party as much, not doing her homework, and not even going to
Jeremy’s football games. They come to her house one day with the plan to start an
intervention when they find no one answering the door. They go around back and
find her window wide open. They climb up and find her room is thrown around
everywhere, she has a collage wall that detectives have, and a safe in her closet was
broken into. The rest of the house was untouched. They immediately call the police
and Kevin. They both come around 10 minutes later. Kevin gets very angry and
vows to figure out who did this. The police can’t figure out what happened or where
emily went. The first week Kevin seemed very angry, worse than before, and Jeremy
and Mike grew more worried. The second week Kevin seemed like he completely
forgot about his sister and was back to being just short tempered. Mike and Jeremy
go to Kevin with their concerns when they get into a big fight with Kevin and jake,
when Jake pulls a knife and accidentally stabs Kevin instead of Jeremy. Jeremy and
Mike decide something really bad is happening and they have to find Emily. Kevin is
in the hospital.
The 3rd week of Emily missing comes, and everyone has stopped talking
about it. Mike and Jeremy start looking into everything emily did before
disappearing. They recieve a cryptic letter saying that the writer knew where emily
was, but they wanted a lot of money and they had to meet outside of town. Mike and
Jeremy tried going to the cops with the letter when they are ambushed. Mike is
kidnapped and Jeremy is hurt badly.
The 4th week of Emily missing and Jeremy begins to give up. no one else in
town cares what happened to her or mike. Kevin and Jake kept trying to make
Jeremy forget about it as well. Jeremy received another letter, this time from Mike,
saying everything was fine, it was a long story he would explain later and to forget
about everything. Jeremy never liked that letter but he didn’t do anything else to
find Mike or Emily.
The 5th week Jeremy gets ambushed again and he runs to the edge of town.
He no longer cares about this case because it has caused him so many issues so he
turns around to see Kevin and Mike at the edge of town as well. Thy tell him he has
to save emily, before it is too late but Jeremy doesn’t trust them. He turns to fight
them when the van chasing him finds him so he has no choice but to trust them. He
follows them onto a boat and into the ocean. They take him to a weird, run down
building and put a hood over his head. when the hood is removed he is in a room
with one other chair, a table in the corner and very few lights. Kevin and Jake come
into the room and explain that they were the ones sending the letters to Jeremy, the
first to see how far he would go since there was a lot going on and the second to
make him stop trying. Kevin and jake say the guys who kidnapped mike and emily
were the ones who kept chasing him and that they tried to kidnap them too, but they
found this house.
An old man walks into the room and Kevin and Jake grow quiet. The man sits
down. He doesn’t speak for a long time. When he speaks he sounds like he isn’t that
old, perfect annunciation, loud, and crisp. He explains that the men chasing all of
them are the same men who tried to kill him many years ago. 81 to be exact. they
were after the kids because they thought they knew where he was. Jeremy figures
out that that man is mr. Jenkins. He starts to ask him how he is still alive and what
was going on and how can he get back to emily when Kevin smacks him. Kevin
begins to explain that they had grown short tempered because they found out what
had happened to mr. jenkins and that the whole town never cared about anyone
unless it profited them. He explains that when Mr. Jenkins found the new land mass
all those years ago, it made him stop aging physically and made him feel like he was
30 again. When all the scientists and politicians came to the land to study it or buy it
and found Mr. Jenkins they tried to study him or steal his land. He met Steve Harron
and he sold the land to him in exchange for peace. Mr. Harron made Mr Jenkins
disappear and made all the scientists and politicians leave, never to return. Mr.
Harron had told Mr. Jenkins he would make the town a haven for anyone who
wanted to get away but instead turned it into a rich person paradise. When he
brought this up he grew mad with power and put Mr. Jenkins on a solitary island,
where no one would ever find him. Harron had unwittingly cursed the town to
never go quite right. The scientists who wanted to study that land never quite got
over it. They wanted to know what happened to Mr. Jenkins and whenever someone
got close to figuring what happened they always seemed to disappear because of the
curse, but they were being kidnapped by the scientists.
Jeremy grows angry with Kevin for not just telling him this before and he
goes to fight him when Jake holds him back. They said they didn't want it to get this
far and they didn’t want anyone else getting hurt. They wanted to help him though
because the scientists wouldn’t leave them alone. Mr. Jenkins lets them stay there
for 3 nights, feeding them and telling them stories about his youth. He trains them
how to shoot guns as well, since their little knives weren’t gonna do them much
The 3 boys go back to the town where cops are waiting at all of their houses.
While they were with Mr. Jenkins the scientists had broken into each of their houses
and ransacked their rooms. The town thought they were the latest missing kids and
now were growing worried. The cops began to chase the 3 boys to find out where
they were but the boys hide in the forest. They start to try to find the scientists
hideout, Kevin saying he thought they were in the center of town, hiding in plain
sight. They find a strange building in the forest and go inside. They find many
weapons and strange men. The men turn and start to chase them, Kevin and Jake get
away but the men catch Jeremy. Jeremy ends up getting away but caught in a trap
while escaping. Kevin and Jake go back for Jeremy and save him and go back to
town. They sneak through the town and decide to try the science building.
Right before they find the science building, Jake is attacked and kidnapped,
Kevin and Jeremy barely getting away. Kevin turns on Jeremy saying it was all his
fault, he only got caught because they went back for him. while fighting they get
ambushed and Kevin gets kidnapped, Jeremy barely gets away. Jeremy figures he
has to be getting closer and enters the science building. There are many armed
guards around, which is very suspicious for a science building. He hears a lot of
noise in a room he is passing. As he enters he sees Mike, Jake, and Kevin. He
immediately unties Kevin who lunges at him. Jeremy pins kevin down but kevin
won’t stop so he shoots him in the leg and then quickly unties Mike. Mike says that
the bad guys have been jake and kevin this whole time. They retie kevin and jake
and go on to find emily. as they look Mike explains that he has seen emily, for some
reason they can’t get to Mr. Jenkins without her. When Jake and Kevin were looking
into the Curse they were stopped by a group of scientists. they sided with the
scientists and found out where Mr. Jenkins was being held. When they got there they
couldn’t get in. They almost gave up when they noticed emily was going somewhere
every night without explanation and found out she was going to his house and
feeding him and keeping him company. They figured that Mr. Harron made it so she
was the only person who could ever visit him so they had to get to her. They
planned all of this to get to her. when she wouldn’t comply they tried to kidnap her
friends but they found Jeremy was to big of a foe and tried to friend him, but that
obviously didn’t work out. The Mr. Jenkins Jeremy met wasn’t the real Mr. Jenkins.
They come up to a large room with a large telescope, Emily is tied up
underneath to a bed. They see 10 guards and know there are more nearby. Mike
says he will the ones by the door and jeremy should the 4 around emily. THey split
up, Jeremy gives mike a gun. Mike shoots 2 of the guards and then is grabbed.
Jeremy shoots 3 of the guards before he is shot in the leg. They are both put next to
emily. Kevin is wheeled in by Mike and a large man in a suit, who sounds kinda like
fake Mr. Jenkins. Mike starts beating up Jeremy as kevin watches. emily wakes up
and screams. She starts to yell at kevin.Suddenly 3 of the guards are shot from
nowhere, then 2 more, and everyone is running for cover. Mike’s ties are shot so he
is free and he unties Jeremy and Emily and they carry him to the side. They get out
of the science building and run to the woods.
Suddenly a bunch of men surround them, and an man who appears about 64
walks to the center. He tells them they are safe now, that he is the real Mr. Jenkins,
and when Emily never came to bring him food he pressed his emergency button and
called Mr. Harron. Harron loved Emily more than everything and when he found out
the scientists, Kevins and Mike had kidnapped her all to find Mr. Jenkins he grew
upset. He let it go on for too long and finally sent in a crew. He wanted to keep it
undercover though because he knew Emily hated the spotlight. Mr. Jenkins and Mr.
Harron were on good terms, the first part of the story was true, but Mr. Harron and
Mr. Jenkins didn’t get into a disagreement. Mr. Jenkins stays hidden from the
scientists with Mr. Harron, and Emily found him one day and really liked him. Mr.
Harron let her continue to see him because he didn’t want to upset her but told her
not to tell anyone.

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