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Treasure #1: Behind a tree at the very beginning.

Treasure #2: In the first jungle area, there are three

idols buried in the
ground which you need to dig up. The first is right at
the beginning, the
second is further down the path under a stone face, and
the last is near the
end of the area. Go towards the screen to find a ladder
and climb down.
Move to the left and you'll find the last idol. Once all
three are dug up,
this Treasure will appear near the ladder.

Treasure #3: After going across the water on the raft, you
should see this
shining behind a ledge.

Treasure #4: After going across the water on the raft,

climb up the ledges
to the left towards the waterfall to find a lever. Pull
it to open the
way into the waterfall. Once inside, pull the lever to
your left and
climb up the ledges to this treasure.

Treasure #5: Inside the temple, past the three spiked

platforms, go along the
ledge to the right of the switch you have to whip. You'll
find this in
the back.

Treasure #6: (Explosive) Just after snagging the idol fire

an explosive at
the gray wall. This is in the next room.

Guest Character - C-3PO: (Explosive) In the same area as

Treasure #6. Smash
the blocks that encase him.

Parcel: (Thuggee, Glass) In the first room after the idol

room, use the
Thuggee Statue to remove the spikes from the lower area.
Drop down and go
left past the mailbox. Use explosives or a scream on the
parcel encased in
glass, and carry it back to the box, avoiding the rolling

Treasure #7: (Thuggee, Scholar) In the same area as the

Parcel, use the
Thuggee Statue to retract the spikes, then go all the way
to the left to
find a glyph panel. Decipher it and a bridge will extend
that the rolling
heads will smash. Enter the next room to find it.

Treasure #8: In the middle of the path during the boulder

chase. You'll trip
right over it.

Treasure #9: During the chase to the plane, go right to

find a goofy looking
skull face. Grab one of the Hovitos' crossbows and fire
it at both eyes to
open the mouth and take the Treasure.

Treasure #10: During the chase to the plane, go far out to

the left to find
this hanging off a ledge.

Artifact: Giant Hovitos Idol

Parcel Extra: Fast Fix (30,000)

6B. Into the Mountains =

Treasure #1: Using Marion, jump up to the hanging ladder,

then jump up it to
the balcony. Go to the far right and bust up the barrels
and boxes.
Assemble the lever and pull it to release some barrels
which will open the
way to the back of the bar where this is.

Treasure #2: On the right side of the bar area is a

fireplace and two ropes
hang near it. Grab each of them to reveal this one in the
Parcel: (Soldier) Once outside the bar, knock on the
soldier door to the left,
and enter the house. Inside, climb the ladder and place
the box. Use the
whip platform you construct, which will free a certain
jolly red elf. Go
outside and you'll find he left a present for you, in the
form of a parcel.
Toss it in the nearby mailbox.

Treasure #3: (Explosive) The house to the right of the bar

has shiny bars
blocking the door. Blast it open and take the Treasure

Treasure #4: Once outside the bar, assemble three snowmen.

The first is
found inside a pile of logs on the left side of the bar.
The second is
after you set the first dynamite. The last is across the
bridge. Use a
torch on the fuse that comes out of the dynamite in boxes
to blow them.

Treasure #5: (Free Play) Just outside the bar, dig up the
obvious spot, and
four other spots will appear. Dig them all up and
assemble the snowmobile.
Drive it through all five of the appearing barriers and
you'll get the

Treasure #6: (Shorty) In the area past the village

(cliffs), in the beginning,
use a shorty to climb through the vent. Whip across the

Treasure #7: (Glass) In the collapsing bridge area, drop

down after the
third bridge. Take out the glass ice cage containing this.

Guest Character - Luke Skywalker: (Glass) In the same area

as Treasure #6,
blast or scream at the wall of ice in the back to free
Luke from his wampa
Treasure #8: (Scholar) In the cave area, just before the
exit, is a glyph
panel. Decipher it to reveal this one.

Treasure #9: Carry a torch into the last area and use it on
the gold pot near
the llama statues.

Treasure #10: In the area with the bazooka and truck, once
you put the llama
on the plate so the lift starts working, go up and to the
left and drop down
behind the gate. Use a wrench on the engine to get it
working (there's one
just to the left of the lift). Now, exit out the gates
and go left and
blow up some stuff to uncover a small red and blue brick.
Carry it to the
green device behind the gates to uncover this Treasure.

Artifact: Nepalese Altar

Parcel Extra: Super Slap (25,000)

6C. City of Danger =

Treasure #1: In the first large market area, go to the

little alcove past
the bananas on the left and walk around to make flowers
sprout. Smash them
to create a green ladder. Assemble it and climb up to the

Treasure #2: (Glass) In the first large market area, climb

up to where the
monkey is. The doorway to your right is covered with
glass to be screamed
or blasted away.

Treasure #3: (Soldier) Knock on the soldier door near the

gate that needs
two keys to open. Inside, pull the lever four times. The
first three times
will yield soldiers, but the last will give you a Treasure.
Treasure #4: (Soldier) In the second big market area (with
the camels), there's
a soldier door on the left. Inside, assemble the dishes
onto the TV to make
this appear.

Treasure #5: (Shorty) In the second big market area, enter

the vent on the
back wall, then use the whip platform.

Treasure #6: (Explosive) In the second big market area, on

the far right side
is a shiny barrier. Blast it away, then enter and climb
up the stairs.
Take the box to the green panel and assemble another box.
Push it off the
ledge to reveal this one.

Treasure #7: In the alley area, once you get to the roof
with the monkey
holding the dynamite, bust open the green box to assemble
a ladder. Using
Marion, jump from the ladder to the platform to the right.
The balcony
above seems to only have studs, but if you hop on the low
wall to the right
and move back, you'll hit this treasure.

Treasure #8: Once you reach the rooftops area, you'll come
to an area with
a sprinkler and barbecue. Go towards the screen to see a
railing. Hang off
it and drop down to the left to find a ledge with this one.

Treasure #9: (Explosive) In the rootop area with the monkey

with the wrench,
use the whip to get over to the right side. Go through
the buildings to find
the shiny metal propeller. Blow it up and reassemble it
to ride it up to the
roof and take the Treasure.

Treasure #10: (Explosive, Shorty) In the last area, use

explosives to blow
up the bars blocking the vent (just to the left of the
soldier door). Crawl
up the vent.
Parcel: (Scholar) In the area where you reassemble the
truck is a glyph panel.
Decipher it and head through the door to enter a very
familiar cantina.
Assemble four piles in the middle to make speakers, then
step on the lit up
panels. Your partner will step on the other. Keep
stepping on both panels
to make the parcel appear. The box is right next to you.

Guest Character - Chewbacca: (Scholar, Shorty) Go to the

same place as the
Parcel and use the vent in back to crawl to where Chewie

Artifact: Monkey Statue

Parcel Extra: Treasure X2 (1,000,000)

6D. The Well of Souls =

Treasure #1: Behind the back left pillar at the beginning.

Treasure #2: (Shorty, Explosive) In the second area, go to

the snake pit off
to the left. Crawl through the vent, then blow up the
shiny things holding
the box. Grab the sword on the back wall, then go back
through the vent.
Throw the sword at the bridge's rope to lower it, then
carry the box over
to the pressure plate on the right. There's a Treasure
right behind it.

Treasure #3: (Shorty, Explosive) From Treasure #2's area,

smash the seven jars
on the wall and proceed to the next area. In this next
room, push the box to
the end of its path to open the rotator switch. Turn it
all the way to the
light is reflected to the big ball, which opens to reveal
the Treasure.

Treasure #4: In the third area (with the trap stairs), open
the gate on the
left, then break down the walls to reach a small alcove
with this.

Treasure #5: (Explosive) In the third area, blast the shiny

jackal statue to
find this underneath.

Treasure #6: After getting Marion back and leaving the

entry room, slide down
the first rope all the way to see this on your right.
Best to jump to it
with Marion.

Treasure #7: After getting Marion back and leaving the

entry room, cross over
to a spot where some stones and webs block a passage to a
secret chamber.
Bust them down and enter. This part is tricky, and
requires some precise
jumps. Use Marion, of course. The path is pretty
obvious. Hop on the
first available railing, then hop right to the one on the
next pillar before
it rotates all the way in, then quickly hop back to the
left, then to the
right again, then ride it until you can reach the last one
to the right, then
jump down to the Treasure.

Treasure #8: This one you pretty much trip over as a matter
of course, but
I'll tell you that it's in the room with the three "snake
vents", two of
which you definitely have to close, and the third which
would make a lot of
sense to close anyway. Do so and the Treasure will appear
high in the middle
of the room. Only thing is, this is best done BEFORE
moving the block on
the floor. Move it close enough to jump to.

Treasure #9: (Scholar) The burial chamber is the one with

coffins flanking
the walls (some with spear traps). Bash down the fake
wall on the left and
enter the next room. Step on the button and rush across
the retracted
spikes quickly. On the other side, smash the pot near the
crank to find
the Key for it. Turn it to extend a platform on the left.
Take the glyph
piece back to the other side and place it. Decipher the

Treasure #10: After you beat the giant snake, but before
leaving, use the whip
platform near where the snake was to cross to the far
side. Climb the rope
and jump to the left to find this one.

Parcel: After you beat the giant snake, go to where

Treasure #10 is (above),
and bust down the five golden items near it, which will
open the way to the
Map Room. Pull the switch to open the big doors, then go
to the back
room. You need to open three vents to let water in. The
first is a simple
lever job. The second you need to piece together the
trough, and the third
needs a Key which is in the back right corner. Once all
three are open,
flowers will spring up in the Map Room. Destroy them all
to make the Parcel
appear. The Mailbox is right nearby to be put together.

Artifact: Anubis Statue

Parcel Extra: Fast Dig (50,000)

6E. Pursuing the Ark =

Parcel: (Explosive) Use the crane to pick up your partner

and set them down
on the left side, on the upper platform. The partner can
then walk over
and grab it. To actually mail it takes a bit more doing.
Blow up the shiny
bars on the wall near the crane and throw the switch.
Carry the Parcel up
the stairs and quickly stuff it before time runs out. Oh,
and you also have
to have placed the cylinder so you make the jumps up.
Treasure #1: (Explosive, Scholar) Under the scaffolding on
the left side is
are several boxes. Jump up to that platform, clear the
boxes, and you'll
reach a shiny gate to blow up. Go through that and
decipher the glyph
panel. Blast the glass box that appears and high jump to
the Treasure.

Treasure #2: Once you complete the small set of three

tracks, grab a shovel
and get on top of the train track platform. Have the
other character push
it to the center and hop off to the back and start
digging. You'll basically
fall onto it.

Treasure #3: (Shorty) In the area where you push the mine
cart into the
wall, assemble the vent, and crawl through it to find this

Treasure #4: (Explosive) In the second area, blast the

shiny mine cart in
the left corner to uncover this.

Treasure #5: Once you find the car in the second area, use
it to drive through
the gate in the back of the same area. In this oasis
area, bust up all the
deck chairs to find the pieces to make a raft. Go back
and grab a shovel
(you can probably find one in a supply barrel) and row
over all six of the

Treasure #6: Once you find the car, drive it onto the plate
to the right
side to lower a platform. Hop onto it as Marion and jump
up to reach it.

Treasure #7: (Explosive) In the back left is a tower with a

treasure at the
top. Destroy both barbecues to find ladders to place next
to the tower.
Blow up the shiny cage at the top.
Treasure #8: Although this can be done carrying a gun into
the area, it's
easiest to just bring a gunner in Free Play. In the
airport area, go to the
right of the plane to find a target practice area. Shoot
the five targets
as they swivel around to get the Treasure.

Treasure #9: You need a shovel for this. In the airport

area (fighting the
Boxer), you need to place three blue boxes on three green
panels near the
cabin. One box is to the right of the plane in a palm
tree, another is
amongst some stuff in the cabin, and the third is buried
off to the left of
the plane. Once all three are in their spots, assemble
the gramophone.

Treasure #10: During the big truck chase, after driving the
second truck,
another will come up behind and reveal the Treasure.

Artifact: Sphinx
Parcel Extra: Fast Build (40,000)

6F. Opening the Ark =

Treasure #1: Jump down into the water on the far side of
the sub dock. With a
little downward momentum, you can get low enough to go
under the dock and
reach this visible one.

Treasure #2: In the lower right corner of the sub dock, use
Indy in his
army disguise to get past the soldier door. In the next
room, bust down all
the crates and assemble the propeller on the motor boat,
then ride it over
to this one.

Treasure #3: (Explosive) On the sub's left hand side are

two shiny hatches.
Blow them both open to reveal buttons. Stand on both to
make this appear.

Treasure #4: (Shorty) In upper-left part of the sub dock is

a vent. Crawl
through it.

Treasure #5: In the area with the horse pen, use the
soldier door on the
far right to open a small door to a small room. Inside,
smash the big cake
in the center.

Treasure #6: (Free Play) Dig inside the horse pen to

unearth a Treasure.

Parcel: (Scholar) In the horse pen area, decipher the glyph

panel to enter a
cave. In the cave, push each of the gold and brown
objects to the side (on
the bottom, you'll have to break a box and assemble the
floor. With both
objects in opposite corners, stand on the top of both of
them to uncover the
floor. Build the stairs and carry the parcel to the

Treasure #7: Instead of using the numerical puzzle to make

a 4, use it to
make a 7 (like the door off to the right) to open the way
to this one.

Treasure #8: In the final area, grab a shovel (there's one

right near the
green boxes in the middle) and dig up to the left.
Assemble the camera and
push it into position.

Treasure #9: In the very back of the final area, clear the
spot of breakables
and use a shovel to dig up this Treasure.

Treasure #10: (Scholar) There's a glyph panel in the last

area in the back
right. Decipher it.

Artifact: Ark of the Covenant

Parcel Extra: Artifact Detector (250,000)

6G. Shanghai Showdown =

Treasure #1: Wreck the drum set to the left of the stage
and push the bass
drum to the right. Hop off the drum as Willie to reach it.

Treasure #2: Once you commandeer the "gong-mobile", use it

to break down three
shiny tables to make this appear.

Treasure #3: In the first outside area, uncover the crawl

vent next to the
wrecked car. Have Short Round climb up it, then go across
the railings and
ropes to the right. At the top, smash all the objects and
put together the
red door.

Treasure #4: (Explosive) Go to the far left of the first

street area, and
dig up the anvil. Blast open the nearby gate and place it
on the button to
get this one.

Treasure #5: (Thuggee) In the first street area, climb up

to the Thuggee
Statue on the left. Once you use it, it will let go of
its balloon, which
will become a rope. Grab onto it and float to the

Treasure #6: (Explosive, Shorty, Scholar) In the far right

street area, blast
the shiny trash cans to find parts for a vent. Climb up
it and hop into the
carrier. Switch to the other person and decipher the
glyph panel to find
parts for a crank. Use it to get the other person to the

Treasure #7: In the back left corner of the first street

area, near the piece
of engine you use to make the car, bounce from the awnings
to the right, then
up to the top to get this.

Treasure #8: (Free Play) Go to the upper right area of the

airport with one
of the boxes containing parts for the propeller. Switch
to a female to
jump up to the Treasure.

Treasure #9: In the airport area, take the forklift with

anyone but Indy so
he hops on it. Right near where you get the forklift is
the Treasure, so
press Z to extend it. Indy will automatically hop up, so
switch back to
him to grab it.

Parcel: (Explosive or Sword) I say Explosive, but really

anyone with a sword
will also work, for the reason that you're using the
Explosive to get a
sword and nothing else. Anyway, at the airport, go to the
far left and
blast the gray box to find the sword. Throw it at the
rope over the large
hangar door to the left and go in. Grab the rope on the
weird propeller to
get it moving, so you can jump to the parcel and carry it
to the mailbox.

Treasure #10: (Explosive, Soldier) It's in the same area as

the Parcel.
Open the soldier door in that hangar to get this.

Artifact: Jade Dragon

Parcel Extra: Treasure X4 (2,000,000)

6H. Pankot Secrets =

Treasure #1: Head straight south as you begin. This is

somewhat hidden behind
Treasure #2: At the drawbridge, head down to the left and
build the raft.
There's a shovel at the very beginning of the level if you
didn't pick it up
yet to move the raft. Float down to the left to find a
digging spot and
unearth this.

Treasure #3: Just before the big hill up to the palace

(after the second
spiked log), make sure Indy has a shovel, then whip across
the platform to
the left and dig up the spot.

Treasure #4: As you proceed through the palace, you'll come

upon small alcoves
with large potted plants in them. The second potted plant
will have this.

Parcel: (Thuggee) In the dining hall, high jump on top of

the beige barrel and
whip across to grab the parcel. Take it alll the way down
the hallways to
the Thuggee Statue. Use it to uncover the mailbox.

Treasure #5: In the first bedroom (with the blue book),

smash open one of the
wardrobes to find this.

Treasure #6: In the second bedroom, push the bed to the

right, then hop up
to the whip platform with Willie and jump straight up.

Treasure #7: Just after entering the caves, you should see
this glinting
to your right in a little alcove. Jump to it.

Treasure #8: In the second area of the caves, head towards

the camera and
bear left. You'll need Willie or another woman to reach

Treasure #9: In the room in the caves with bugs on the

floor, whip open the
door to the back left and enter to scare up a skeleton.
Smash it.
Treasure #10: Just after the room with all the bugs, head
down the stairs and
smash up the debris on your right to discover this one.

Artifact: Ivory Elephant

Parcel Extra: Poo Treasure (70,000)

6I. The Temple of Kali =

Treasure #1: (Free Play) High jump up to the obvious

Treasure near your
starting poing.

Treasure #2: (Free Play) There are three skulls buried in

the first area.
The first is right next to where you start, the second is
down near the
lava (and the red and green structure) and the third is
just before the
exit of the area, past the rotating pillars.

Treasure #3: Grab a black turban from one of the white-

suited Thuggee guys
and use it on the statue near the beginning (past the whip

Treasure #4: Go down the ladder at the beginning and jump

left across the
sinking rocks to reach this.

Treasure #5: (Explosive) Before the rotating pillars, blow

up the shiny
bars blocking this Treasure.

Treasure #6: Once on the rotating pillars, jump up to the

top of the left
pillar to reach this. You should be able to get this by
jumping from one
of the railings on the right pillar going clockwise.

Treasure #7: In the second area, climbing up the left-hand

ladder will
break the path up there, opening the way to this Treasure.
Parcel: (Scholar) In the second area, go to the far right
and fix the
engine, then decipher the glyph panel. Take the parcel
all the way to the
left edge, break the red and black structure so you can
reassemble it into
the mailbox, and dump it in.

Treasure #8: (Free Play) Fix the engine on the left side of
the second area,
which will raise a big skull rock with this on it.

Treasure #9: (Explosive) On the left side of the second

area is a series of
gray bars. Blast them to reveal a switch that, when
pulled, creates platforms
up to this Treasure.

Treasure #10: Once you climb up to the left switch next to

the big Kali
statue, climb up the railings on the left side of its head
to reach this.

Artifact: Jewel Eyed Skull

Parcel Extra: Super Scream (80,000)

6J. Free the Slaves =

Treasure #1: (Free Play) In the first area, crawl through

the obvious vent
on the way to the exit.

Treasure #2: (Thuggee) Just before the exit of the first

area is a Thuggee
Statue. Use it to make it explode, leaving an air vent
you can ride up to
the Treasure with.

Treasure #3: In the second area, use the whip platform to

get water flowing,
then assemble the pieces into a railing. Have Willie jump
up to the railing
and to the top to get this.
Treasure #4: In the third area, go to the right, then down
to the lower ledge
near the lava to snag this one easily.

Parcel: (Explosive) In the third area, near the blue object

in the back, is a
shiny cage. Blast it open to get the parcel. You need to
do the same
method you used for the blue object to get it across the
platforms: set it
down, then jump across and whip it to get it. Once you
get the lift working,
ride it up with the parcel and ship it.

Treasure #5: In the third area, after releasing the

prisoner, carry the orange
circular object to the next room. Staying on the button
will lower the lift,
so quickly jump onto it to ride up to this one.

Treasure #6: In the fourth area, after releasing the

prisoners, blow up the
barrel in their cell to find a blue piece. Carry that to
the engine near
the entrance of this area.

Guest Character - Princess Leia: (Explosive, Soldier) In

the fourth area, go
towards the right edge and look at the front to see some
railings that go
down. Drop down to the right and blast the rubble in the
way. Use the
soldier door to find Her Worshipfulness.

Treasure #7: (Thuggee) In the fourth area, near the cage is

a Thuggee Statue.
Use it.

Treasure #8: (Free Play) In the fourth area, crawl through

the vent that
leads to the platform switch.

Treasure #9: If you took a shovel with you to the last

area, use it in three
rather obvious spots to dig up three big skulls. Two on
the main floor, one
down in the lower right.
Treasure #10: In the last area, after crawling up the vent,
jump to the left
to find a railing leading up to this Treasure.

Artifact: Dinosaur Fossil

Parcel Extra: Character Treasure (100,000)

6K. Escape the Mines =

Treasure #1: From the beginning, look for the ladder at the
bottom of the
area, which leads down to this one.

Treasure #2: In the back of the first area, high jump up to

an alcove with
studs and this one, rather visible.

Treasure #3: On the right side of the first area, near the
end of the track,
high jump up to the ledge, then to the railing, then to
the Treasure.

Parcel: (Scholar) Use the glyph panel and dig up the parcel
that's behind it.
The box is off to the right.

Treasure #4: (Thuggee) Crawl through the vent on the left

side and use the
Thuggee Statue.

Treasure #5: In the first part of the minecart ride, lean

left as Indy to grab
one of these on the way.

Treasure #6: In the first part of the minecart ride, as the

bad guys start
going up alongside you, smash three to get a Treasure.

Treasure #7: In the first part of the minecart ride, there

are three
overhanging structures that you need to be centered and
press B to smash.
Indy has two, and the others have one. Smash all three.
Treasure #8: In the second part of the minecart ride, lean
left as Indy to grab
one of these on the way. It's just as you pass the exit.

Treasure #9: In the second part of the minecart ride, as

the bad guys start
going up alongside you, smash three to get a Treasure.

Treasure #10: In the second part of the minecart ride,

there are three
overhanging structures that you need to be centered and
press B to smash.
Smash all three.

Artifact: Pankot Diamond

Parcel Extra: Treasure X6 (3,000,000)

6L. Battle on the Bridge =

Treasure #1: (Explosive) Now this one's just mean. Make

sure you begin the
Free Play as an Explosive wielder. Immediately turn
around at the beginning
and blast the bars to your right to get this one quickly.

Treasure #2: One of the tougher ones to get, because it

requires you to run
almost all the way to the end of the first part without
getting caught in the
water. It will be on the left near the end of this. If
you miss it, you
have to restart.

Treasure #3: After reaching the cliff, drop down to the

right (as Indy) to
grab this.

Treasure #4: (Free Play) Crawl into the vent in the cliff
area (where the
Key is) and dig this up.

Treasure #5: (Scholar) In the third area, use the glyph

panel to raise some
platforms to reach this one.
Treasure #6: In the third area, the second to last of the
trap pits has a
Treasure instead of spears.

Treasure #7: After the first set of trap pits, you can see
this glinting
behind a rock.

Treasure #8: (Free Play) After the first set of trap pits,
dig up the spot
near Treasure #7 and place the glass on the orange panel,
then smash it.

Treasure #9: In the area with the stone pillars, leap along
them towards
the screen to find this one.

Treasure #10: After the stone pillars, head to the left and
start walking
around to make flowers sprout. Make a complete smiley to
make this one

Parcel: (Explosive) After the stone pillars, there's a

leaf-covered pit on
the right. Drop down into the cave. Blow apart the gray
stuff on the left
to reveal a box and a sword. Put the box on one of the
green panels, and
throw the sword at the cage on the right to drop the other
box. Assemble
the mailbox, then dig up the parcel nearby and mail it.

Artifact: Ceremonial Headdress

Parcel Extra: Regenerate Hearts (150,000)

6M. The Hunt for Sir Richard =

Treasure #1: (Glass) Just up the first rope is a window

with a Treasure behind
it. Break it down.

Treasure #2: (Shorty) On the right side of the river is a

bunch of tables and
a food stand in an alcove. This is all near the second
key. Blast the mess
out of them and construct a vent to crawl through, leading
to the upper
levels. Go to the left and into the doorway to find this

Parcel: (Shorty) Go the same place as Treasure #2, up to

the top level, and
pull the switch up there, which will open the gate in the
river to the back
area. In this area, use the whip platform to drag down
the parcel, then
smash the boards blocking the lever. Pull it and ride up
the scaffold. Walk
into the room and smash the cupboards to find a key. Take
it to the right
and turn the crank to reveal a platform. Drop out and
jump to the right.
For the last gap before the mailbox, set the parcel down,
jump over, and whip
the parcel so you take it with you.

Treasure #3: (Glass) At the far right of the plaza is a

glass wall. Break it,
then take the mopeds behind them. Several cones will
appear. You need to
drive over all of them, including the ones on the left
side of the water, so
make sure to complete the bridge.

Treasure #4: (Explosive, Soldier) In the upper right corner

of the library,
blast the three metal shields on the wall to reveal a
code. Assemble the
ladder panel and push it over to the soldier door, which
will open a hidden
radio room. Blast everyone in it and bust all the
consoles to find pieces
to make the switches on the left. Step on each switch
until it matches up
the code on the wall (V, VII, III).

Treasure #5: On the left side of the ground floor of the

library, smash up
the plants near the armor to find tiles for a checkered
floor. Assemble them
all and push the armor to open up cabinets with swords on
the second floor.
Take a sword and go left over the balcony to see a gate
with the Treasure
behind it. To open it, throw a sword at each of the two
ropes at the

Treasure #6: (Thuggee) In the first catacombs area, there

are five
skeletons hiding. For each one you find, a skull appears
around the gate to
the left. Finding all five will open the gate to the
Treasure. The first
skeleton is right near the gate in one of the coffins.
The second one
is down the path a ways on the right. Pull the tomb out
of the wall to
find it. The third requires you to use the Thuggee Statue
along the way.
The fourth is just after the rat pit. Smash the boards on
the right side.
The last is actually in the next area, with the big lake
of oil. Hold Z
while swimming to dive down and hit all three of the drain
cranks on the

Treasure #7: (Shorty) In the room with the big oil lake,
grab the rope that
raises the platforms, which will also open the vent on the
left. Quickly
crawl through it, then dig in the spot on the right, which
will drop you
onto a button, opening the gate to the Treasure.

Treasure #8: (Free Play) In the last room of the catacombs,

in the upper back
right corner of the room. To get there, you need to jump
onto the left
ledges, then whip across. It's best to use one of the
boxes as a starting
point to high jump from, but it can be done even if you
used them already.
Jump from the coffin to the left side of Richard's
sarcophagus and don't get
too close. Jump from there to the whip platform.
Treasure #9: Once you're in the boats. Drive into all ten
red buoys in the
water (they're easy to find). The Treasure will appear on
the center island.

Treasure #10: (Explosive) At the far end of the lake is a

crane. Fix it up,
then pick up your partner and deposit them in the upper
area. Have them
high jump so they're hanging from the right hand crate to
pull it down (for
some reason, standing on it doesn't accomplish the same
thing). Jump from
the right to the left crate to the top of the tower.
Blast open the cover
and drop down to collect the Treasure.

Artifact: Crusader Shield

Parcel Extra: Parcel Detector (125,000)

6N. Castle Rescue =

Treasure #1: (Explosive, Thuggee) In the castle are four

knights armed with
axes and red shields. You need to blast them to get the
Treasure to appear.
One is in the first area, two are in the second area, and
the last is behind
a Thugee Statue in the second area. Enter the room that
the statue opens.
Shouldn't be hard to find.

Treasure #2: Once in the second area, head to the back room
and climb up on
the dresser in the back left corner with Elsa to reach

Treasure #3: (Thuggee, Shorty) Use the Thuggee Statue in

the second area and
go to the big map room. In the back corner are some
filing cabinets that
become a vent when destroyed, so crawl up.
Parcel: (Thuggee, Explosive) Go to the same room as
Treasure #3 and blast the
armor to the right of the red banner to reveal the parts
for a crank. Turn
it to lift the banner and find the parcel. The mailbox is
also right there.

Treasure #4: (Explosive) On the castle walls area with the

crane, blast the
anvil sitting next to the crane to make this appear, then
high jump to it.

Treasure #5: Once you're in the burning library, have Henry

unlock the glyphs
on the east wall to find this.

Treasure #6: (Shorty) In the last corner of the burning

library, smash the
books covering the vent, then crawl up.

Treasure #7: On the roof, after finding a bazooka, use it

on the fence to
your left. Double jump to the ledge to reach this.

Treasure #8: On the roof, blast the ladder between the

scaffolding in the
back left corner with explosives. Climb up to reach this.

Treasure #9: Once you blast the antenna on the roof, climb
up the rope to
the gargoyle and push it off the ledge.

Treasure #10: Take a bazooka into the last room and blast
the shiny file
cabinet. Place the piece on the glyph wall and have Henry
read it to
make this appear.

Artifact: Suit of Armour

Parcel Extra: Disarm Enemies (100,000)

6O. Motorcycle Escape =

Treasure #1: (Explosive) Blow up the shiny mooring on the

boats and take one
with a female to the right. Leap over to the enclosed
area with the

Treasure #2: (Explosive) In the first room, blast the gate

in the back left,
then head to the next room. Blast the glass doors to take
the checkered
flooring. Place it, then push the box to open the lower
hatch and take the

Treasure #3: In the first road area, find three patches of

flowers. One is
under the first set of white flags. The second is near
the soldier door hut
(between two ramps), and the third is just across the
second bridge jump.
You'll probably plow into it as you land.

Treasure #4: (Explosive) About halfway through the

minefield, you'll spot
some shiny bars. Blow them away and take the Treasure.

Treasure #5: As you go through the minefield, you'll see a

large barn behind
you with an open door. Drive inside.

Treasure #6: Right near the mailbox, turn the crank near
the well to raise
the bucket.

Treasure #7: In the area with water tower, shed, and

gardens, head to the
barn out to the left and go behind it to find this one.

Parcel: (Free Play) Near the windmill, smash a box to find

a Key. Use it on
the nearby crank to turn the windmill and spit out a box.
Place the box to
make a step to high jump up, grab the parcel, and drop it
off at the mailbox
near the well.

Treasure #8: (Free Play) Enter the farmhouse where the

bazooka hides, then
fix the tractor in two places. Ride it out the door on
the back wall. You
now need to roll over the gardens to make carrots crop up.
Each garden
patch has one, the two to the left of the shed, and the
one to the right.
Once all three are up, the Treasure appears over the

Treasure #9: In the area with the three big guns, blow up
the one on the far
right, which will open the door beneath it, allowing you
access to the

Treasure #10: In the area with the three big guns, use
bazookas, to blast the
clear blue plates on the ground, revealing flowers and
green seeds. Plant
all the green seeds and this will appear in the middle.

Artifact: Gilt Frame Portrait

Parcel Extra: Treasure X8 (4,000,000)

6P. Trouble in the Sky =

Treasure #1: (Glass) Inside the blimp, smash the glass-

encased Treasure on
the right.

Treasure #2: (Explosive) In the first farm area, blast the

shiny metal cart
in the left area to find a Key. Put in the crank. Now,
go up and smash
the clock like you'd usually do, only reassemble it. Now,
go back down and
turn the crank until the time is 12:45 and the door to the
house will open.

Treasure #3: As you work along the farms, you'll come to a

water tower. Whip
it open to find a blue piece that you can put on a door a
bit back to the
left. The door will open to reveal this.
Parcel: At the last barn before the wall you have to jump
over is a
tractor. Ride it out back west over three red spots that
are near some
plants. Each time you roll over a red spot, you'll
unearth a mushroom.
Smash them all to make the parcel appear, which is
delivered near the barn.

Treasure #4: (Explosive, Shorty) In the second farm area,

there are beige
mounds that will stand up to anything except explosives.
Smash the first
one to find a vent to crawl through.

Treasure #5: In the second farm area, there's a glyph panel

on the back wall
early on. Use Henry on it to make railings appear that
you can use to get
to this Treasure.

Treasure #6: (Free Play) In the second farm area, go to the

back farmhouse
with the blue tractors. High jump off the rolling cart to
the switch to
open the back shed for the Treasure.

Treasure #7: When fighting the planes down at the beach, go

to the very far
right to find this one behind a rock.

Treasure #8: On the beach, find a shovel near a hut, then

use it to dig up
three sand castles to make this one appear. The first two
are right in the
main beach area, but the third is on the far west side.

Treasure #9: At the right side of the beach is a ladder

leading up to some
railings. Take the left-hand railings and hop up to this

Treasure #10: In the far west side of the beach area. Hop
across a series
of white rocks in the ocean to reach an island where you
can hop up a series
of steps to this one.
Artifact: Eagle Statue
Parcel Extra: Treasure Magnet (100,000)

6Q. Desert Ambush =

Treasure #1: (Scholar, Explosive, Thuggee) Near Kazim's

men, to the left, are
a bunch of debris that can be turned into a ladder. Climb
up to the glyph
panel and decipher it. Head inside the cave and blow away
the debris
blocking you. Use the Thuggee Statue to knock loose the
checkered floor and
push the lion statue back. Dig at the empty spot left
behind to find the

Treasure #2: There's a boarded up cave in the back of the

first area. Enter
and place the lion's head on the statue.

Treasure #3: (Explosive) In the same cave as Treasure #2,

blast the shiny
boxes near the entrance to reveal a Key. Ride up the left
and place it to
lower a hook to whip across. Smash the rocks to find this
Treasure behind

Treasure #4: There are three antennae in the first area.

One's already
visible near the trucks, the second is near the cave
entrance and needs to
be assembled. The last is near Kazim's men and needs to
be dug up. Once
you assemble the bulldozer, run over all three.

Treasure #5: Use the bucking horse (or a high jumper) up

the left side of the
first area. There's a Treasure at the top.

Guest Character - R2-D2: In the same spot as Treasure #5,

head left and use
the whip platform to lower a Sandcrawler tube, out from
which pops a plucky
little droid.

Treasure #6: During the tank battle, go to the back of the

arena and goad
Vogel into shooting at the gas tanks in the back.
Assemble the sprinkler.

Treasure #7: During the tank battle, head up the right side
to the mine cart.
Use Sallah to dig up the box and place it in front of the
cart, then assemble
the push plate so you can push it down the track and into
the rocks blocking
the Treasure.

Treasure #8: During the tank battle, bash some objects on

the left side to
uncover a ladder. Assemble it, then climb up to the
ledge. Goad Vogel into
shooting at the shiny objects up here and assemble two
piles into an oil
derrick. Ride up the oil geyser that results to snag this

Parcel: (Free Play) BEFORE pushing the box off the ledge to
make a land mine,
switch to a high jumper and jump off the box to the
railings above to reach
the Parcel. Take it down and finish Vogel, then dig up
the mailbox in the
left part of the area.

Treasure #9: (Shorty) Blast the drums in front of the vent,

then crawl up
the vent.

Treasure #10: In the area after the tank battle, get Vogel
to blast the shiny
crate on the ground, which has a key. Use a horse to leap
up to the higher
ledge, then use the key to raise the platform. Go up the
path and across to
this one.

Artifact: Ancient Amphora

Parcel Extra: Treasure X10 (5,000,000)

6R. Temple of the Grail =
Parcel: (Explosive) Blast the right-hand truck to free the
mailbox. Go all
the way towards the screen to find a dig spot, which has
the parcel.

Treasure #1: First, free the horses. Do this by leaping

off one to the upper right and get the Key. Then, grab a
horse and ride all the way to the bottom of the area. You
should see a Treasure up on a ledge to the left. Leap off
the horse to it.Treasure #2: (Thuggee) In the entry area is
a Thuggee Statue. Use it to
reveal some pieces. Make a picture of a Treasure, then
smash it.
Treasure #3: (Shorty) Shortly into the third area is a
vent. Crawl through
and flip the lever to open a room with scales. Have both
characters stand
on the other end to raise the cage. Take the Treasure.
Treasure #4: Inside the third area (blade traps), there's a
tantalizingly placed between two blades. Tread carefully.
Treasure #5: (Sword) Just before the door out of the third
area is a
counterweight holding a door closed. Throw a sword at the
rope to drop it.
Treasure #6: (Shorty) In the fourth area, crawl through the
first available
Treasure #7: (Free Play) Before the exit to the fifth area,
fix the engine,
which starts the railings moving. I suggest using a high
jumper to make
the odd leaps between the railings, then up to the top
where the Treasure
Treasure #8: (Explosive) In the invisible bridge room,
blast the teeth of
the lion statue holding the Treasure.
Treasure #9: After the first invisible bridge, use the whip
platform to
uncover this one.
Treasure #10: Just before the door to the Grail chamber,
there is a glyph
panel to its left. Take a torch from the beginning of the
room to the
torch flanking it and use your book on the panel.
Artifact: Fake Holy Grail
Parcel Extra: Invincibility (1,000,000)

6A. Negotiations =

Required Character: High Jumper, Astromech, Shortie

Canister #1: As you go down the first hallway, you'll see six blue
along the walls. Use the Force on all six and a canister will appear
at the

Canister #2: In the opening hallway, hang a left and use the Threepio
Have two characters stand on each of the buttons to uncover this one.

Canister #3 (Shortie): Midway down the first hallway (where it turns

there's a Threepio panel on your left. It leads to a room with blocks
force fields. Send a Shortie up through the left-hand vent to find
this at
the end of the walkway.

Canister #4 (Shortie, High Jumper): In the same area as #3, use a

Shortie to
get through the vent to the upper ledge, then hit the button in the
upper-left corner, which will remove the force fields from the area.
the four blocks on the ground into a tower, then use a high jumper to
go up
to the upper-right for this one.

Canister #5: Similar to the one above with blue lights, there are six
lights after you turn the corner in the first hallway. Force all six
to make
a canister appear.

Canister #6 (Astromech, High Jumper): In the same area as #5 is an

Artoo panel
on your left. In this next room, there is a small square cart that
forward when the Force is used on it. Step on it and your companion
move it forward. High jump up to the canister above you.
Canister #7 (Astromech, High Jumper): In the same room as #6, go up to
back vent and Force it away. Go through it with a high-jumper. In
the next
room, hover across as an Artoo unit, then get onto the fighter and
high jump
up to the canister. The nearby Artoo panel will deactivate the force
so you can go back.

Canister #8 (High Jumper): As you remove the vent leading to the second
of the mission, it makes a box. High jump off it to get this one.

Canister #9: As soon as you reach the second area, you'll see a
canister above
a ledge to your left. Use the Force on items on the floor to your
left to
make a tower you can use to climb up to the ledge that has it. You
also be able to make the jump from the entrance itself.

Power Brick (Astromech, High Jumper): In the second area, force the
canister on your left so you can high jump up to the Artoo panel. Use
then go to the next room. Step on the gray space (not the button) and
buddy will step on the button. Double jump into each of the canisters
on the
left and right to lower them. Once both are down, have each of you
step on
the two new buttons to reveal the brick.

Canister #10: In the large area of the hangar on the right side, Force
the big
block, then three little blocks on top of it. Climb onto the over-
platform above. You may be able to make the jump to the canister, but
much easier to Force the lever (to the left of the magnet thingy) to
move it

Minikit: Republic Cruiser

Power Brick Extra: Super Gonk (100,000)

6B. Invasion of Naboo =

Required Characters: Grappler, Bounty Hunter, Shortie

Canister #1 (Grappler): Take the first right to the clearing with

Stack the three rocks on top of each other and shoot the target.
Double jump
up to the canister.

Canister #2: As soon as you stand the tree up in the first area, smash
it up
to make a canister appear.

Canister #3: This is one of the few that you can mess up on and have to
back in to get. Once you destroy the droid transport using the Force,
DON'T smash it. High jump off the left end to get up to this one.

Canister #4: After smashing the droid transport on your way to the
area, saber the whole thing into scrap. You'll find a hole with the
canister underneath.

Canister #5: Once you reach the rocky steps, Force away the plants on
the left
at the bottom of the steps to reveal a block. Force it into the wall,
have a high jumper jump off it to reach the canister.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): As you cross the sinking stones, you'll
see a
green Bounty Hunter circle. Use it to open a panel with this behind

Canister #6: After crossing the sinking stones that you need Jar Jar to
on, you'll find some stones on a higher platform that you can use the
Force on (you need to do this to proceed). On top of that ledge is a

Canister #7: As you enter the third area, you Force some blocks to
lower a
ramp. Drop down to where you moved the blocks to to find this one.

Canister #8 (Shortie): Just before you reach the first swamp puddle.
see an obvious vent. Crawl into it as a Shortie.

Canister #9: Once you reach the second swamp puddle in the third area,
see some logs blocking a cave. Force them away to find this one.

Canister #10: In the last area, there is a three-piece statue on the

Force it together in the proper order: legs, body, head, and a
will appear.

Minikit: Gungan Bongo

Power Brick Extra: Poo Money (100,000)

6C. Escape From Naboo =
Required Characters: Astromech, Bounty Hunter, Shortie, Sith

Canister #1: In the first plaza, blast away all the doors on the ground
floor. Use the Force on each of the pillars in-between to make boxes,
stack the boxes. High jump from the top of them.

Canister #2 (Astromech): In the upper plaza in the first area (with the
puzzle), use the Force on the back wall sections. High jump up to the
one, then float across as an astromech to get to it in the far corner.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter, Sith): You need to solve the "puzzle" in
the upper
plaza in the first area. One block is already made for you. Another
to be assembled in the canisters in the upper left. The third needs a
thermal detonator on the shiny canisters in the back right. The last
needs a
Sith to remove the flowers with red sparklies, then blow up the
planter they
were in. Once all four blocks are assembled, they need to be pushed
to their
lit-up "ready" spots, and they're all in the opposite corner they need
to be
in. Once all four are in place, Force them to their spots on the
puzzle, and
you're done.

Canister #3: As soon as you reach the second area, go towards the
and it's right in front of you.

Canister #4: In the third area, after you bust out of the windows, go
to the left. When you reach the bottom ledge, go to the right and to
end to find this one.

Canister #5 (Astromech, Sith): In the same basic area as #4 (down and

to the
left in the third area), use an astromech's hover to get to the far
ledge. Grapple up to the top and use Sith Force on the flower beds,
destroy them to unearth this one.

Canister #6: In the fourth area (where the Jedi come back), go to the
as normal, then onto the ledges in the back of the area. You'll
come across a grapple point. Grapple up and go to the left to find
point, which leads to an area with little swinging gates on the ledge.
open all of these gates to make this one appear.
Canister #7 (Shortie): In the fourth area (where the Jedi come back),
go the
same way as #6 to the first grapple point. There's a vent up here
that a
shortie can go through, which leads to a canister.

Canister #8 (Shortie, Bounty Hunter): Go up the vent described in #7,

then go
to a ledge on the right. Drop down below you to find a balcony with
windows. Use a thermal detonator on those, then use the Force on the
painting inside to find this one.

Canister #9: In the last area there are four round trees surrounding
middle skylight. Destroy them so you can move their bases to the
Once you have all four stacked, use a high jumper to reach the

Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter): In the last area, press the red button on
right-hand big skylight to uncover a shiny grate covering on the right
Use a thermal detonator on it.

Other Fun Stuff:

- On the last area, the back left grating (need Sith Force) has a
stud under it, worth 10,000.

Minikit: Royal Cruiser

Power Brick Extra: Walkie Talkie Disable (5,000)

6D. Mos Espa Pod Race =

Required Vehicles: TIE

NOTE: This is still technically a race, so there is no shooting or


Canister #1: On the main path in the first rocky area, just after a

Canister #2: Just before the drop off (which is before the service
you'll see it to the right of the boost pads.

Power Brick: Just after all the rocks, there's the drop off (not long
the service ramp). After that drop off, hold left to go around the
It will be in your path.
Canister #3 (TIE): Take an Imperial Fighter through the gate up the
ramp to find it.

Canister #4: In the middle of the cavern with all the crystals. You
can't miss it.

Canister #5: In the left side of the Tusken Raider canyon, between two

Canister #6: Just after the Tusken Raider canyon, after some poles.

Canister #7: After the canyon, you'll see two holes in a rock
formation. The
right-hand hole has this one.

Canister #8: Soon before the open plain area, you'll have a little jump
The canister is on the right just before this.

Canister #9: In the open plains before the end, you'll find one on the
side's boost pads.

Canister #10: Pretty much right before the finish line, after some

Minikit: Sebulba's Pod

Power Brick Extra: Power Brick Detector (125,000)

6E. Retake Theed Palace =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: In the first plaza, either use a Grappler to get up to the
or Force the objects on the right side to get on the high balcony.
There's a
canister behind the lattice on the right side. Just walk around the

Canister #2: On top of the high balcony in the first plaza, in the
is a circular window. Blast it open and double jump into it.

Canister #3: In the second area (with all the buttons on the floor),
the statue in the background and step on the button to uncover this

Canister #4 (Sith): There's a part in the second area that branches off
has red lights. Follow this area and use Sith Force on the black
object on
the floor to move it so you can jump up to the upper ledge that has an
odd insignia on the wall. Sith Force it down to find this canister.

Canister #5: In the fountain area, go to the back and use a Shortie to
the upper area (near the elevator for Artoo). Go around to the right
back to find this one.

Canister #6: This is in the fountain area, high up on the near left
To get up here, it's best to go up the Force-stairs and across the
Hop off to the left and use the Force on the brick-wall to get up to

Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the area after the fountain (six

buttons on a
high balcony), drop down the front side to find some stacked boxes.
them up and assemble the shiny canister. Blow it with a thermal

Power Brick: In the dining area (with all the tables and the shiny
go to the left side and Force together the chairs, then the tables.
the statue in the back and step on the button, then Force out the
and cups. Now, blow up the whole mess to make this appear.

Canister #8: In the dining area, go to the left of the stairs up and
the two tables over to the wall on the left. Jump into the alcove
them and grapple up. Go left and climb up to the top ledge, then keep
going left to find this.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter, Sith): In the hangar, go to the far left

the lone pilot is) and use a thermal detonator on the shiny canisters.
the block, then Sith Force it into place to reach this one.

Canister #10: In the hangar, in the far right upper corner. To get
climb up to the spot where one droid is guarding two pilots. Use a
jumper from there to get up to the right ledge, then walk all the way
around to the corner.

Minikit: Naboo Starfighter

Power Brick Extra: Super Slap (5,000)
6F. Darth Maul =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: In the hangar, on top of the Starfighter on the left side.
may find it easier to get to after activating it.

Canister #2: In the hangar, on top of the Starfighter on the right side.

Power Brick (Imperial): At the exit to the hangar, you'll find lifts on
either side of the doorway. Hop on them and use the Force so the two
characters will raise each other. Use an Imperial to get past the
circle at the top. In the next room, step on all ten of the black
buttons on
the floor, turning them red, which will make the brick appear. You do
to be quick.

Canister #3 (Imperial, Sith): In the same location as the Power Brick,

Sith Force on all six lights on the walls to make this appear.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): In the second area, go to the very end of

ground floor area and use a thermal detonator on the shiny wall.

Canister #5: Use a grappler in the second area at the grapple point to
the top area (with the ton of studs), then go all the way around to
right. Hop on the yellow lift and use the Force on its gear three
times to
raise it high enough to reach the canister.

Canister #6 (Imperial): When you enter the third (open) area, use an
on the panel to your left, then quickly hop on the platform to be
carried to

Canister #7: In the third area, there are four beams that lift you up a
way. Enter the back right beam and ride all the way up to a canister.

Canister #8: In the final room. Use a high jumper to get on top of the
platform to camera right.

Canister #9: In the final room. Once Maul activates a platform, jump
on it
with a high jumper.

Canister #10: In the final room. Once Maul activates another platform,
on it with a high jumper.

Minikit: Sith Infiltrator

Power Brick Extra: Force Grapple Leap (15,000)

6G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: There are ten "light columns" dotted throughout the
Blast them all to make this one appear. There are six in the first
area and four in the second. They shouldn't be too hard to spot, and
make a big "#/10" when you shoot them down.

Canister #2 (TIE): Once you see your first "torpedo trolley", hang a
left and look for a TIE Gate. It's right behind it.

Canister #3: In the first area, blast all five guns that shoot back at
and you'll make this appear.

Canister #4: There's a skyscraper some ways down the first area that
five blue spires on the top. Torpedo all these. There are ships in
area that have torpedoes behind them to use.

Canister #5: Just before the first tunnel, blast the stoplight. A tram
will drive by dragging a sign with a Gungan on it. Blast it.

Canister #6: In the first force field area, find and shoot all the red
squares on the floor, which will raise up a canister.

Canister #7 (TIE): After the first force field area, make a hard right.
You'll find a TIE Gate, with this behind it.

Power Brick: After the first force field area, make a hard right. To
left of the Imperial gate are several pylons with green lights on top.
Shoot all of these before any of the lights shut back off and a
will appear with the Power Brick on it.

Canister #8: In the second flying area, blast all five guns that shoot
at you for this.

Canister #9: As you fly through the second area, you'll see three
signs (near a gold circle building). I think you have to blast all
three in
a specific time to get this.

Canister #10: In the last force field area, shoot all the red squares
raise up the canister.

Minikit: Zam's Airspeeder

Power Brick Extra: Stud Magnet (100,000)

6H. Discovery on Kamino =

Required Characters: Grappler, High Jumper, Imperial, Bounty Hunter,


Canister #1 (High Jumper): Head to the left of your ship and Force some
onto a platform, which will raise up. High jump to reach the canister.

Canister #2: Send an astromech back behind your ship to hover across
stud chain to the canister.

Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): After seeing the clone army, instead of

going the
usual left, go right. Open the door with a bounty hunter. In the
next room,
hop onto the button and wait for your partner to hop on the other.
this until you lower a white mass. Force the elevator open so you can
up to the canister.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): From #3, shoot the target on the
wall, then head to this back area. The trick here is that you enter
one of
the vents as a shortie, but end up in a different capsule above. If
enter the far right one, you'll end up in the one with the canister.

Canister #5: From the clone army area, follow Taun We down the hallway
the left. Use the Force on all six mountings on the wall to reveal

Power Brick (Imperial): Use an Imperial on the left hand door in the
outside Jango's room. In this room, step on a light and wait for your
partner to step on the other. Continue this pattern until all lights
are lit
and the disco show begins.

Canister #6: In Jango's room, go to the back right and pull the lever
the corner with the Force four times to release all the bricks. Force
them onto the wall to make a Jango portrait and open the hatch to this.

Canister #7: The second room you chase Jango to (he goes into the tube)
circles on the floor and wall. Step on the corresponding circle on
floor that matches the one on the wall (your partner will follow
suit). Do
this three times to unlock the canister.

Canister #8: In the outside area where you chase Jango, turn left and
across the gap to this one.

Canister #9: In the outside area, when Jango turns and goes up to the
in the back, go right instead to find a grapple point. Grapple up,
then use
the Threepio panel to lower a lift. Hop on and shoot all three
targets to
open the hatch to the canister.

Canister #10 (Sith): In the area where Jango releases two tubes worth
of Gun
Pods, there's a Sith Force door on the left wall. Enter the room and
both players work the wheels on the far wall to release all the Gun
and the canister.

Minikit: Jedi Starfighter

Power Brick Extra: Disarm Troopers (100,000)

6I. Droid Factory =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Imperial, Shortie

Canister #1: Go straight down from the beginning.

Canister #2: The second alcove on the right in the first hallway has

Canister #3 (Shortie): As soon as you enter the second area, before the
recedes, hop to the left and climb up the vent to find this one.

Canister #4 (Imperial): At the end of the second area, go down towards

camera from the middle fan to find another door. Grapple up to it,
shoot the
target, then use an Imperial on the panel. This next room requires
color combining, using the Artoo panels on the primary colors. First,
red and yellow to make orange, then yellow and blue to make green,
then red
and blue to make purple.

Canister #5: This one is lying in plain sight in the third area, after
ride the first big bucket, on the back ledge, to the left of the Artoo

Canister #6: In the third area, open the Artoo panel door. Hop across
platforms to get to this one.

Canister #7: In the fourth area (where you meet Threepio and have to
platforms), grapple along the back and you'll pretty much trip over

Canister #8 (High Jumper): In the fifth area (with all the Geonosians),
find a gate made out of bricks you can smash down. Do so, then Force
remains into a platform on the left. Use a high jumper to get up to
canister high above.

Power Brick: In the fifth area (with all the Geonosians), you'll find a
gate made out of bricks you can smash down. Do so, then enter the
In this next room, you need to hit several Artoo panels to move blast
shields. It's a pretty obvious pattern. Hitting the fourth one will
you to get the Brick.

Canister #9: At the very end of the fifth area, go down and right past
exit door and this one should be quite visible.

Canister #10 (High Jumper): In the last area, use the Artoo panel on
the left
to release some bricks you can use to make a lift and its raising
Stand on it so your partner can help you up, then use a high jumper to

Other Cool Stuff:

- In case you're wondering, the Artoo panel in the second area (in the
factory) just shuts down the machines.

Minikit: Droideka
Power Brick Extra: Character Studs (100,000)

6J. Jedi Battle =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Shortie, Sith

Canister #1 (High Jumper): Near Padmé's post, high jump up to the left
then the back right to find this.

Canister #2 (High Jumper): Mere inches from #1, high jump forward from
back right.

Canister #3: To the right of Padmé's post, have two Force-users use the
levers near the gate to open it.

Canister #4: Near Anakin's post, use a grappler to get up to this one.

Canister #5: Again, mere inches from #4, grapple again to reach this.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): To the right of Anakin's post, use a

detonator on the shiny object to create bricks, which you can use to
small steps to the Brick.

Canister #6 (High Jumper): Near Obi-Wan's post is a grapple point and

Imperial panel, which gets a lift moving, but a high jumper can also
make the
jump quite easily.

Canister #7 (High Jumper): Right near #6, either Force together the
lift on
the right or just high jump to it.

Canister #8 (Shortie): To the right of Obi-Wan's post, Force together a

platform near the vent and use a Shortie to crawl through to this one.

Canister #9 (High Jumper, Sith): In the empty alcove, use the Force to
put the
pillar together. You need to go in proper order of color. The dark
goes on the bottom, then the medium brown, then the light brown, then
ornate top. Next, use Sith Force to lower the platforms, and use a
jumper to reach it.

Canister #10: Just to the right of the big gate where new enemies spill
you'll find this hiding behind a pillar.

Minikit: Republic Gunship

Power Brick Extra: Perfect Deflect (25,000)

6K. Gunship Cavalry =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: At the very beginning, to the left of your starting point.

Canister #2: In your path after a few turbolasers.

Canister #3 (TIE): There's a TIE Gate on your left before the first
field. You'll find this behind it.

Canister #4: In your path after the first force field, after three

Power Brick: Not long after Canister #4, this is hidden behind a rock
the right near the cliff.

Canister #5: Not long before the second force field is a wall on the
obviously protecting this. You'll need to slam a rolling bomb into it.

Canister #6: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #7: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #8: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #9: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Canister #10: In front of the Trade Federation Control Ship.

Minikit: AT-TE
Power Brick Extra: Exploding Blaster Bolts (20,000)

6L. Count Dooku =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Shortie

Canister #1: In the first area, use the Grapple Point.

Canister #2: In the first area, use an astromech to float out to the
left of
the landing platform and back, or just jump out there and die.

Canister #3: Just before entering the larger hall, use the Force on two
objects to move them in front of the rock wall, then blow them up.

Canister #4: In the large hall, step on the buttons on the left to
up to this one.
Canister #5 (High Jumper): Continue climbing past #4 using a high
jumper to
find this.

Canister #6 (High Jumper): In the large hall on the right side, use a
jumper while stepping on the ledge buttons to get up to this.

Canister #7: In the second area, look for an orange container with two
targets. Shoot them to open the container.

Canister #8: In the back of the second area, stand up the three parts
of the
pillar one at time to reach this one.

Canister #9: From the ledge of #8, shoot the orange hanging object to
right to uncover this one.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): Near Dooku's standing spot is a

box. Use a thermal detonator on it and then Force the vent. Crawl
with a Shortie, then grapple up to the top of the structure to find

Canister #10 (High Jumper): High jump on top of Dooku's Solar Sailor
and then
to this one on a nearby ledge.

Minikit: Solar Sailor

Power Brick Extra: Force Pull (12,000)

6M. Battle Over Coruscant =

NOTE: I know my descriptions aren't that great, but these really aren't
that tough to find. Remember, you're looking for a floating spinning
object. That's your target.

Canister #1: Straight in front of you after you make the nosedive past
first Republic cruiser.

Canister #2: Straight ahead as you fly past the second Republic cruiser.

Canister #3: Soon after busting apart the first shootable CIS cruiser.

Canister #4: As you pass under a Republic cruiser.

Canister #5: As you fly through a rather open space with a frigate not
off to your right.

Canister #6: As you pass over the top of a Republic cruiser.

Canister #7: Just after you blow up the bridge tower on a CIS cruiser.

Canister #8: Inside the cruiser you fly through.

Power Brick: Not long after you pass through a cruiser's hangar, you'll
the brick spinning on the left side of the screen. Fly through it.

Canister #9: There's really very little to landmark this, except that
right in front of you after the Power Brick.

Canister #10: Not long before you hit the Invisible Hand (Grievous'
you'll find this as you fly under a Republic cruiser.

Minikit: Drop Ship

Power Brick Extra: Vehicle Smart Bomb (15,000)

6N. Chancellor in Peril =

Required Characters: Grappler, High Jumper, Bounty Hunter

Canister #1 (Grappler): In the hangar, grapple up on the right hand

side to get
to the upper ledge where this is.

Canister #2 (Grappler): In the second area, use the obvious grapple

early on to fly right through this one.

Canister #3: In the third area (with the four doors), access the far
locked door (Artoo panel) to open the way to this one.

Canister #4: In the third area, access the third door from the left
panel) to open the way to this one.

Canister #5: In the fourth area (thin rafters), head all the way to the
to find this one easily.

Canister #6 (High Jumper): In the fourth area, there's one above the
Either use a high jumper, or a shortie in the vent on the right side
of the

Canister #7: After taking out Dooku, and going to the next room, go to
the door on the right to find this one.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): In the dropping elevator area, one of the
has a shiny covering. Use a thermal detonator on it to remove its
cover and
get this. You'll probably find this easier to get to once you use the
panel to make the elevator go back up.

Canister #8: In the area after the elevator (where you cross a ledge
with a
bunch of contraptions), there's a canister hidden behind the
contraption at
the end. Force it out of the way.

Canister #9: In the very last room, to the left of the entrance.

Canister #10: In the very last room, to the right of the entrance.

Minikit: Emergency Ship

Power Brick Extra: Super Astromech (10,000)

6O. General Grievous =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter

Canister #1: Once Grievous jumps to his second hiding place, you can go
the back wall. The left side has bricks that can be Forced into steps
leading up to this one.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): As you get to the back ledges, go to the

left one, then hover further to the left using an astromech. You'll
find a
shiny wall you need a thermal detonator for.

Canister #3 (High Jumper): The spot that Grievous stands for his second
place has a canister high above it that can be high-jumped to.

Canister #4: There's an obvious one on a low ledge near a Powerup below
Grievous' second hiding spot.

Canister #5: Just above #4 behind a breakable wall.

Canister #6: Go to the far right along the back ledges and down to a
grapple point to find this one.

Canister #7: Grievous' third hiding place is right next to this one.

Canister #8: The bomb you move to Grievous' third hiding place has one
hidden right behind it.

Canister #9: Moving further right (near the natural bridge to the
area) is where you'll find this one.
Canister #10: In the hidden building on the far right, blow away all
mines to make this appear.

Power Brick: In the hidden building on the far right, use the Force on
four parts of the central structure to make this appear.

Minikit: Jedi Starfighter (Episode III)

Power Brick Extra: Super Jedi Slam (11,000)

6P. Defense of Kashyyyk =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter, Sith): In the first area, at the first
in the bridge path, take a right to get to an object that you need to
Force. Once you take away the outer casing, use a thermal detonator
on the
inner part to blow it up.

Canister #1 (High Jumper): In the big tree that you climb around to get
to the
first captured Wookiee, starting from the spot where you find him,
hover to
the left using an astromech, then grapple to the left, then high jump
to the
ledge with the canister.

Canister #2: In the crossroads (while saving Wookiees), go to the left,

to the only dead end area that doesn't have a Wookiee. Grapple on the
left-hand grapple point to get this easily.

Canister #3 (High Jumper): In the beach area, high jump up on the right
You should be able to see it easily when you enter.

Canister #4 (High Jumper): In the beach area, there is a tree with some
platforms on it about halfway. High jump up the platforms, then hover
to the
right as an astromech to find this one.

Canister #5: In the beach area, there are three hidden carrots in the
From first glance, they look just like all the other plants. The only
noticable difference is that they have a larger "aura" than the rest.
need to Force all three out of the ground to make the canister appear.
There is one on the far right side, one on the far left, and one near
rocks in the middle that is VERY tough to get without Fast Force or a
buddy fending off all the bad guys.
Canister #6: In the pond area with the two Commander droids, go to the
high ledge on the right with the Commander and you'll find this one.

Canister #7 (High Jumper): In the pond area, Force the downed ARC
Fighter up
out of the swamp, then quickly switch to a high jumper and jump up
from the
ship to this one.

Canister #8 (Sith): In the forested area with the slanted ledges, there
is a
black plant you need to use Sith Force on, which reveals a grapple
Grapple up, then hover over with an astromech to the right to get this.

Canister #9: As you climb up the ramps with the rolling rocks, you'll
see a
grapple point. Grapple up and you'll hop into this one.

Canister #10 (High Jumper): In the last area, raise up Yoda's little
ship, but
don't open it, yet. High jump on top of it, then up to the canister.

Minikit: Wookiee Cat

Power Brick Extra: Super Thermal Detonator (25,000)

6Q. Ruin of the Jedi =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: From the beginning, go straight back and to the right.
one should be obvious.

Canister #2 (High Jumper): About halfway to the stairs, there is some

rubble out in front that is actually three boxes. Force them all into
stack, then high jump from the top.

Canister #3 (Sith): Beneath one of the objects on the far right of the
stairs is a grapple point. Go up to the window above the big door and
use Sith Force on the window to uncover some pieces. You may have to
destroy some things first, but in the end, you can build the canister.

Canister #4: After climbing the red stairs in the second area, use the
white circle and enter the room. You'll find this in the projector.
have an Imperial in Commander Cody if you need it.

Canister #5: Instead of heading for the archives, go down the stairs
towards the council chamber. To the left of the door is a canister
in midair. Hover to it with an astromech.
Canister #6: Instead of heading for the archives, go down the stairs
and into
the council chamber. Force all the seats into a stack and climb up to
top to find this one.

Canister #7 (High Jumper): In the large archive chamber, go to the

alcove on the right side, and above the lever you should see this one.
High jump to get it.

Canister #8: In the large archive chamber, go to the leftmost alcove on

right side and above the lever you should see this one. You can pull
platforms to get up to it.

Canister #9 (High Jumper): In the large archive room, once you move the
three levers, the platform blocking the door will shift to a flat
High jump onto it, then to the ledge in the back of the room. Move
around to
the left, then hover over the force field in the alcove on the left
side and
drop down to get this one.

Power Brick (High Jumper): After getting #9, use the Threepio panel to
the force fields on the left-side alcoves. Use the Force to pull out
platforms, then high jump up to all the levers (one needs a button to
a force field). Once all three levers are pulled, a platform moves to
the upper left ledge. Climb back up there and high jump up to the

Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter, Sith): In the last room, use a thermal
detonator on the left-hand panel, and Sith Force on the right-hand
Stepping on both buttons at once lowers the force field in front of
shiny boxes. Thermal detonate them, then build a lever and pull it.

Minikit: ARC Fighter

Power Brick Extra: Deflect Bolts (150,000)

6R. Darth Vader =

Canister #1: In the very first area, before hopping all the way to the
turn camera left at the gap to find this.

Canister #2: In the very back middle of the second room, amongst a pile
Canister #3: In the second room, smash yellow bricks in the back left
uncover this.

Canister #4: Just south of #4, flip the lever to find this one.

Power Brick: On the left side of the second room, use the Artoo panel
open the door to the brick.

Canister #5: In the front left of the second room. Flip both levers to
blow up the screen, uncovering this one.

Canister #6: Right behind you as you enter the third area.

Canister #7: Right in your path in the third area as you hop across

Canister #8: In the last big lava area, on the right side of the room.

Canister #9: In the last big lava area, on the left side of the room.

Canister #10: In the last big lava area, in the very back right of the
The best way to get there is to hover from the big pillar leading to
the last rock.

Minikit: V-Wing
Power Brick Extra: Dark Side (25,000)

6S. Secret Plans =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1 (Sith): Just as you exit the first two rooms, the Rebel
Troopers will be leaving from a door, which has a red aura. Bust it

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): In the first room with grapple points,

toss a
TD onto the shiny module to blow open the floor. The small character
is a red herring.

Canister #3: At the top of the room with grapple points, use the Force
to move
two platforms into place, then hop up.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): Use the green circle or white

to access a hallway. At the end, enter the two pods to toss out
Assemble them into a door.
Canister #5 (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): There are three pieces with
on them to be found. The first is right in front of the green circle
the second is in the hallway behind it, and the third is behind a
shield in that hallway. Get them all to make the canister appear near
#4 is.

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): In the same area as Canisters

4 and 5,
continue ahead through the door to reach a shower area. Force the
one on the right to create plants, which can be destroyed to find the

Canister #6: In the room with push blocks, Force two containers on top
of each
other and double jump up above.

Canister #7: Whose dumb idea was this one? Just after the first
panel, use the Force on the first upper-left panel to open a secret
It's hard to distinguish this one from the others.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): In the same area as Canisters 4 and 5,

blow up
the shiny module with a TD to find the parts for a car. Drive it all
way to the crane room and onto the lift. You can also use the milk
you can create in the shower room (same room as Power Brick).

Canister #9 (Imperial, Bounty Hunter): Early in the last room, behind a

on the left side, is a flower. Behind the white circle door is
In a shiny module later in the hallway is the third. Find all three
make the canister appear.

Canister #10 (Sith): In the bath in one of the escape pods is a plug
that a
Sith needs to drain. Do so.

Other Cool Stuff:

- There's not much in it, but the first Threepio panel has a goofy
perspective room.

Minikit: Star Destroyer

Power Brick Extra: Super Blasters (15,000)

6T. Through the Jundland Wastes =
Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick (Bounty Hunter): Just after the bantha area, on the right
are two
shiny structures. Hover over there and use TDs to blow them away.
This is
the Tusken Village. Near you on the right are three boxes. Make a
out of them and hop up to the rock. Hover over to the far rock and
push the
mine cart down the slope so it rolls into the wall, breaks it, and
the brick. If you have trouble getting over there with the structures
intact, or have a hard time throwing TDs, you can also use the Droid
Destruct, which gives the same kind of explosion.

Canister #1 (Bounty Hunter): In the Tusken Village (see above), use the
to raise the mound of dirt so you can hop up. Continue over to the
and hover across.

Canister #2 (Sith): Just past the first chasm is a wall that can be
down by a Sith. Build a charge to blow open the rock wall. Go inside
put together and use another charge on the next rock wall so you can
jump up the ledges to the canister.

Canister #3 (Shortie): Put together and use the first grapple point,
across, and crawl through the vent.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): At the top of the sandcrawler,

use a TD
on the nine caps to the left. Two of those cover buttons. Step on
both to
raise a vent you can crawl through.

Canister #5: Inside the Sandcrawler, once you're in the room with the
boxes, push one into the slot on the right to free the canister.

Canister #6 (Sith, Shortie): In the room of the Sandcrawler after the

elevator, you'll find a console near one of the two gates. Sith Force
it to
open a vent to crawl through. Once out, have both characters step on
buttons, then Force the valve, then the structure above it to stop the
flow. You can make the jump across if you use the lava output, but
easier to hover across.
Canister #7: In the first vaporator area, put together the grapple
then Force the hook into position so you can grapple up to this one.

Canister #8 (Sith): In the first vaporator area, you'll find supports

need to be Sith Forced. Go up to this area. There are two buttons
need to be held down, but one's pretty big. Finally, a use for
banthas as
you can steer one onto the big one, then step on the other yourself.

Canister #9: Further down the canyon, after the vaporators, is a

just after the bones you need to make into a bridge. Step onto that
to lower it, revealing this one.

Canister #10: Put together a landspeeder and take it up to the big mud
bog up
north. Go to the rocks with the canister and put together the grapple
Grapple up, then hop over to the canister.

Other Cool Stuff:

- The Threepio panel first in the Sandcrawler leads to a TV room. Put
together to get some neat shots of "elsewhere".

Minikit: Sandcrawler
Power Brick Extra: Fast Force (40,000)

6U. Mos Eisley Spaceport =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick: To the left of the door out of the first area are four
cans. Use the Force on all four to remove their lids, then again to
all the parts inside. Once all the parts are out, assemble the door.

Canister #1 (Imperial): To the right of your starting point is a white

door. Once inside, use the Force on both faucets of both showers to
the pool.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Okay, go up to the Double Score Zone, then

across the broken bridge to the left. Access the green circle to
loose a
bunch of bricks you can put together into a fan system. Now, you need
find three carrots that are in garbage cans. There's one by the
one further out on the left, and one further out on the right. Just
everything open and you should have it. Once you have all three,
float up
on the fans to the canister.

Canister #3 (Sith): In the upper right part of the first area is an

object to use Sith Force on. Blow it up and drop down.

Canister #4: In the second area, stack two crates to climb up to this
obvious one.

Canister #5: In the second area, either use an AT-ST, or use the white
near the door in the first area with an Imperial to hop up near the
rubble gate. Put together the two blaster chairs, then hop in and
bulls-eyeing womprats. Peg ten and get your prize.

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): Near the crooked wrecked ship in the

area is a shiny vaporator. TD it to reveal the parts for a rotator
which will straighten the ship and drop a grapple point. Grapple up
double jump to the canister.

Canister #7 (Shortie): In the cantina, crawl in the vent in one of the


Canister #8: The only real requirement for this one is that you do it
Free Play, because you at least need Threepio. You need to get into a
back area by either a green circle door, a Threepio panel, or Sith
in the dewback area after the cantina. Back here there's a cell-type
You'll need two Force users to open one of the gates to get to this

Canister #9: You need to find three big radishes. One is right outside
back door of the cantina, another is in the area mentioned in Canister
and the third is in the dewback area. Bust down the garbage cans
these and a canister will appear in the block pushing area.

Canister #10: Use Artoo at the movie theater to let yourself in. Once
put together the movie screen, shoot it down.
Other Cool Stuff:
- Bring your Landspeeder through the wash, then over to the lot. A
will drop off studs to buy it.

Minikit: Landspeeder
Power Brick Extra: Super Lightsabers (40,000)

6V. Rescue the Princess =

Required Characters: Shortie, Sith

Canister #1: Turn right just after the first area to find a crane. Use
crane to dump stormies and troopers into the hole in the hangar. Once
dump ten, pick up the canister as well.

Canister #2: In the control room, use the Threepio panel to find one in

Canister #3: You need to enter the "Ben Area" by crossing the large pit
with a
Jedi or Artoo, then turn left to find one at a dead end.

Canister #4 (Shortie): Still in the Ben Area, hover across to the

right, then
grapple up and crawl through the vent.

Canister #5: Continue on in the Ben Area to the tractor beam

Force the bridge over to the other side, then pull all three levers
grapple up to the canister.

Canister #6 (Sith): Continue on to the next part of the Ben Area and
Force the door into platforms. Hop up onto them to another canister.
careful because there's an invisible ceiling on the causeway itself.
need to jump out over the pit to get some height.

Power Brick: Partway up the normal path is an Artoo panel. Enter the
hover over to the left side, then grapple up.

Canister #7: In the room with the rotating bridge, just before dropping
in front of the door to the next room, hover across to this canister.

Canister #8: In the room with control panels and stormtroopers (after
rotating bridge), destroy all the control panels and the TV will start
working. A canister will pop up, then.

Canister #9: Just before the elevator to the cell block, Force three
into a tower, then climb up and push the module into the hole to free

Canister #10: Use Threepio on the last cell on the left to find this.

Minikit: Millenium Falcon

Power Brick Extra: Tractor Beam (15,000)

6W. Death Star Escape =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick: After exiting the compactor, use the Threepio panel to
another compactor. Put together the fridge and use the Force to open

Canister #1 (Bounty Hunter): Just after the first helmet dispenser, use
a TD
on the brick wall to find one.

Canister #2 (Shortie): In the first big room, go down to the enclosure

the floor waxer and crawl through the vent.

Canister #3: After the first big room, you'll see two stormies cleaning
window. Hop in the crane and use it to cover all the dirty spots.
they're all gone, the window will break and you'll get another one.

Canister #4 (Sith): After the window room, you'll eventually come upon
panel for Siths. Break it open for another one.

Canister #5: After climbing around the causeway and getting an elevator
motion, at the top, near the white circle, is an object that can be
into a platform.

Canister #6: After the big pit with the swinging across, go towards the
camera and hop out the window to the left.

Canister #7: After the big pit, you'll find orange tanks on the side of
passage. Each one has a "grape piece" in it. Find all three to make
one appear.
Canister #8: In the room with the ton of stormtroopers, Force two boxes
a stack, then double jump up to the catwalk above.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): In the last room, near Vader, use a Bounty
Hunter on the green circle.

Canister #10: After opening the door with Artoo and Threepio, you'll
find one
in their room.

Minikit: Y-Wing
Power Brick Extra: Invincibility (1,000,000)

6X. Rebel Attack =

Required Vehicles: TIE, Cable Craft

Canister #1: After the first shield gate, there will be a red and green
spinner to your left. Blast it to raise a cage that has the canister.

Canister #2: Near the first quad target, you'll see four blue strips
lined up
on the right wall. Blast them all and behind them is the canister.

Canister #3 (TIE): To the left of the second shield gate is an area

accessible to TIEs. Drop a torp at the target to find the next

Canister #4 (TIE): Halfway up after the second shield gate on the left
is another TIE Gate. Within it are several green squares. Fly over
these green squares quickly to get another canister.

Canister #5: Just in front of that Imperial gate is another spinner.

it to reveal another canister.

Canister #6: Further up near the third shield gate, and to the right,
yet another Imperial gate. Just to the right of that gate is another
series of blue bars. Blast them open to get another canister.

Canister #7 (TIE, Cable Craft): Before the third shield gate, there are
TIE Gates on the right side. One has a towable bomb, and the other
has an
electric field. Open both gates first, then tow bombs into either
side of
the electric field.

Canister #8: Just after the third shield gate is yet another spinner to
bust open.

Canister #9: Just after the fourth shield gate, to the left, is another
series of blue bars, behind which is another canister.

Canister #10: At the end of the trench, to the left of the exhaust port
another spinner. Break it open.

Power Brick: At the end of the trench, on the back right side of the
exhaust port's enclosure, is a small tucked away corner which has the

Minikit: TIE Advanced

Power Brick Extra: Score X2 (1,250,000)

6Y. Hoth Battle =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: Use your tow cable to pull down ten AT-STs in the first

Canister #2: In the first area, past the second white wall, in a little
on the right.

Canister #3 (TIE): Behind the first TIE Gate, under a snow drift in the
of the trenched area.

Canister #4 (TIE): Drag a bomb behind the first TIE Gate to the back
You'll find some of your fellows chased into the cave. Blast the
AT-STs and the two Speeder Bikes to get it.

Canister #5: Use your tow cable to pull down ten AT-STs in the second

Canister #6 (TIE): Behind the second TIE Gate (in the second area),
find this down the tunnel on the left.

Canister #7 (TIE): Behind the second TIE Gate, and through the tunnel.
is amongst a pile of snow outside.

Power Brick (TIE): Behind the second TIE Gate, and through the tunnel,
is behind a wall at the end. You need to drag a bomb from the
beginning of
the tunnel all the way through, avoid the AT-AT, and hit the wall with
Canister #8: In the second area, just before the last wall on the right
in the trench).

Canister #9: In the back of the third area, near where you enter.

Canister #10: In the back of the third area, near some snow drifts
the entrance.

Minikit: AT-AT
Power Brick Extra: Self Destruct (25,000)

6Z. Escape From Echo Base =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1: Force all four control panels in the first room.

Canister #2: In the room with the cart on the track, leave it on the
track, hop up onto it, then to the ledge with the canister.
you can just double jump.

Canister #3: In the room where you find Threepio, there are four
You can come back to this room when you have four people, or use a
Hunter's TDs to blow the modules and create generators to free the
who will work for you as well.

Canister #4: In the large room with push blocks, by the exit door,
away the rubble to make a snowman, then push a block into the slot
the fan to get it going. If it seems to get stuck, push it towards
screen a little.

Canister #5: In the large room with the push blocks, use the Artoo
panel in
the front right. Use the Force on one of the fishing holes and
assemble the

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): In the large room with the push blocks,
use a TD
on the structure in the back right to bust a hole to this one.

Canister #7: In the large room with the push blocks is a canister
suspended in
midair. Push a box close if you can then double jump into it.
Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): Go to the Threepio door in the small room
four buttons and two blocks. Use a TD on the rubble, then go through
door and Force the control panel near the canister to free it.

Canister #9 (Sith, Shortie): There are four panels you can turn into
with Sith Force before the hangar. It's tough to scale them, but it's
doable. At the top, go left and grapple up. Crawl through the vent
up here.

Canister #10 (Sith): Go up the same platforms you went to Canister 8,

only go
right this time. Use the Artoo panel. There are levers in this room
do a sort of slot machine thing. Pull the lever on the green and
circles to open a door in the hangar, which has the canister behind it.

Power Brick (Sith): Do the same thing as Canister #10, only pull the
lever on
the red and white slot machine to open a door with the brick.

Minikit: Snowspeeder
Power Brick Extra: Fast Build (30,000)

6AA. Falcon Flight =

Required Vehicles: TIE, Cable Craft

Canister #1: Next to the bridge tower of the near right Star Destroyer.

Power Brick: This one is behind the back right Star Destroyer as you
at it. Just fly around behind the bridge tower and you should pick it

Canister #2, #3 (TIE, Cable Craft): Open the TIE Gate in the second
then use the Snowspeeder to tow bombs onto the red buttons, each of
will release a canister.

Canister #4: In Area 2 (first asteroid area), you'll find this one
the first big barrier, to the left of the asteroid.

Canister #5: In Area 3 on the right side. Just keep shooting and
hit it.

Canister #6: In Area 3, once you hit the big asteroid. Fire a torpedo
one of the floor spots to unearth it.

Canister #7: In Area 3, once you hit the big asteroid. Fire a torpedo
another of the floor spots to unearth it.

Canister #8: Inside the Space Slug, near the right wall.

Canister #9 (TIE): Take a torpedo past the TIE Gate on the big asteroid
blast the blue structure.

Canister #10: In the last area on the right, you'll see a blue asteroid
blocking a hole in a bigger one. It's back there.

Minikit: TIE Fighter

Power Brick Extra: Score X4 (2,500,000)

6BB. Dagobah =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1: Stack the three boxes, then climb up to the tree branch
and hop
over to the one on the right.

Power Brick (Sith): In the first area, use Sith Force on the black
then jump across the gap. Walk to the race track and bust the box to
a tractor to assemble. Roll the tractor over all the red lights to
them green. Do it quickly.

Canister #2: In the center of the first big pond, in the blue box. A
jump can cross from the Artoo panel to the rock on the left side, then
up to the big rock.

Canister #3 (Sith, Bounty Hunter): To the right of Yoda's Hut is a red

that you need to Sith Force. Build the remains into a raft, then
across to the island. Use a TD on the back wall.

Canister #4 (Sith): Inside Yoda's Hut, Sith Force his widescreen TV.

Canister #5: In Yoda's trial area, bust open all three hatches to make
canister appear.

Canister #6: After exiting Yoda's trial area (not long before the
to the cave), there's an obvious grapple point leading to this one.
Canister #7 (Sith, Bounty Hunter): Inside the cave, use Sith Force on
parts of a bridge, then blow containers with a TD to make a grapple

Canister #8: There's a Threepio panel before the ledges. You actually
need it, as you can just double jump over to the nearby window, then
the cage.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): Just before the Vader fight area, use a TD
the rubble on the right wall. Watch out for the falling parts of the
and cross to the canister.

Canister #10 (Shortie): In the last area, crawl up the vent, then
double jump
or hover to your left. You should see the canister above. Double
jump up
the ledges to reach it.

Minikit: X-Wing
Power Brick Extra: Regenerate Hearts (150,000)

6CC. Cloud City Trap =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Power Brick: (Bounty Hunter): In the first area, float to the back of
room, then use a TD on the bars to open the way to the brick.

Canister #1: Around the right of the first door inside, hover to this

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Use the green circle door just after the

Canister #3 (Sith): Not a very intuitive one. Sure, you can figure out
use the lever in the carbon freezing chamber, but to drop a
in there? That takes thinking outside the nine dots.

Canister #4: After the carbon freezing chamber, put together the fan,
up, and gun down the wall above the canister to make a platform to
jump up to.

Canister #5: You can see one in the same room as #4 at the second fan,
but it
won't blow you up high enough. Simply activate the elevator to the
and hover over to it.

Canister #6 (Shortie): In your second duel against Vader, there is a

vent you
can crawl through.

Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the third duel against Vader (with

stormtroopers and flying objects), use a TD in the corner that's
LEGO bricks.

Canister #8: The most obvious one in the game. Right to the left in
the last

Canister #9: Second-most obvious one. Right after #7, double jump
towards the
camera to find another one.

Canister #10 (Imperial): Right before the end is a white circle door
with the
canister behind it.

Minikit: Cloud Car

Power Brick Extra: Score X6 (5,000,000)

6DD. Betrayal Over Bespin =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Canister #1: The Threepio panel at the beginning. You can bring
Threepio back
here after he's reassembled.

Canister #2: Throughout the area are three blue and white structures.
in obvious places. Assemble all three to make a canister appear.

Canister #3: In the room you fight with Boba Fett, use the Force on the
central structure to release it.

Canister #4: Open the Artoo door just after the Fett fight. Pull the
lever to
lower a platform then double jump over to it. Don't worry about the
platform you can use the Force on unless you have two players.

Power Brick: On Free Play, the Slave I actually stays. Hop on top of
it to
find the brick.

Canister #5: On the terrace diner before the twin elevators, use the
Force on
all three tables.
Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): When you have two elevators, use the green
in the left-hand one to ride to the top of a tower. Destroy
leaving some blue cups. Use the Force to shake two of them, making a

Canister #7: As soon as you get to the large outdoor area, run back the
you came to find another canister.

Canister #8: In the large outdoor area, just before the Threepio panel
the end, grapple up to the ledge on top, then hover to the right.

Canister #9 (Sith): Open the Sith Force door panel at the end of the
(second fog cloud) to find the dining room. Shoot the chandelier.

Canister #10: At the very end, double jump onto the Falcon.

Minikit: Slave I
Power Brick Extra: Minikit Detector (250,000)

6EE. Jabba's Palace =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1 (Bounty Hunter): Blow up the shiny rubble to the left with
TD, then grapple up and hover across.

Canister #2 (Sith): Use Sith Force on the pile of black rubble, then
to the left a few times and drop down.

Canister #3: To the right of the first green circle door is a passage
to a
Threepio panel. Behind it is a canister. You can also get this by
close enough to hop onto the spider walker behind the bars. To get
just jump in on a second controller, and jump out on the first

Canister #4: In the room you find Luke, use Artoo on the left door.

Power Brick: In the room you find Luke, up in the area on the right.
double jump off the box up there, or push the box onto the button,
holds a grapple point visible.
Canister #5 (Shortie): In the room with the cells, crawl through into
back left one, then through the vent to the front left one. Blast
the grate on the floor inside, then run through and saber the blockage
under the front right cell to get inside.

Canister #6: In the second area, just after using your first TD on a
gate. Put together a generator on your left and blast it to blow up
prison wall.

Canister #7: In the workshop room, down-stab into the obvious brick
then follow the tunnel.

Canister #8 (Sith): In the large open room where you have to build a
with three pieces, there are two black torches on the back wall. Sith
Force them, then the grating behind to uncover the canister.

Canister #9 (Imperial): In the room with Han in carbonite, use the

circle to open the door to this one.

Canister #10: In the rancor pit, put together the grapple point,
grapple up,
then double jump to reach the last one.

Minikit: Desert Skiff

Power Brick Extra: Super Zapper (14,000)

6FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1: On each of the first two skiffs are two guns. Assemble
four. You'll need to use boxes from using the lever on the second

Canister #2: The second skiff has a diving board. The canister is
out by it. Hover to it.

Canister #3 (Sith): At the last skiff, use Sith Force on the barge to
another raft, which will lead you around the front side of the barge.
Grapple up to find two levers. Put one together and pull them both.
the colored wall and assemble the canister.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter, Sith): From #3, go around to the left

(port) side
of the barge. Flip open all the panels to find two Artoo panels and a
Threepio panel. Use them all, then use the grapple point near here
head through the tunnel. Use a TD on the last wall.

Canister #5 (Sith): At the back side of the barge, use Sith Force on
box to make a grapple point. Pull the two normal levers, then quickly
Sith Force the left one.

Canister #6 (Shortie): In the first room inside the barge, crawl

through the
vents in the back. Pull both levers.

Canister #7: Just after the disco room, shoot up all the windows on the
then assemble the canister.

Canister #8: At the top of the barge, Blast the nearest circular
Use the Force on the pieces to create steps. Double jump up to the
above, then across. Grapple up to reach the canister.

Power Brick: Near the last deck on the top of the barge, bust open a
box and
assemble a grapple point. Grapple up to the platforms above, then
over twice to the brick.

Canister #9 (Shortie): At the back end of the barge deck, crawl into
obvious vent to get this one.

Canister #10: When you get the big gun under control, take out the
module on
the right first. Go back to that module and take the canister under

Minikit: Sail Barge

Power Brick Extra: Bounty Hunter Rockets (20,000)

6GG. Speeder Showdown =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith, Shortie

Canister #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6: There are six canisters on the speeder
run. This is the order you'll find them if going away from the
The first you need to hit a red-lit ramp to raise a bigger one. The
you need to run over three red-lit ramps to raise another. The third,
need to hit two red-lit ramps. The fourth, four red-lit ramps. The
one red-lit ramp to raise a ramp, then three more to lower the cage.
sixth (which is just before the looping point), you shouldn't need to
anything special for. It's right there.

Canister #7 (Sith, Shortie): At the first stopping point, use an AT-ST

vault up to the right-side ledge. Sith Force the black plants, then
up the vent, and hover over to the lever. You'll need the speeder
bike to
blow through the cage.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): At the second stopping point, Force

together the
step to get up, then use TDs to find three boxes. Stack them to get
up to
the lever.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): At the third stopping point, assemble the

hop up the right side, and blow up the container with a TD to find a
point. Force together a landing point for that grapple point, then
up to the lever.

Canister #10 (Imperial, Bounty Hunter): At the landing platform, go up

elevator on the right, then pull both levers to drop the cage. You'll
a TD to blow it open.

Power Brick (Shortie): At the landing platform, push the box into the
support pylon, then crawl into it.

Minikit: TIE Bomber

Power Brick Extra: Score X8 (10,000,000)

6HH. The Battle of Endor =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith

NOTE: Having Wicket means an automatic shortie from here on, so I won't
mention it.

Canister #1: At the beginning, destroy the purple containers and put
the rotator switch. After you move it, hover Artoo over to the
elevator in
the back.
Canister #2: After the first bridge, ride the elevator up to the lever
the right and pull it. Then jump over to the hanging rock and Force
down. Hop onto the lowered panel, then pull the lever when it's

Canister #3: After the second bridge, use the Force to bring down one
of the
tree platforms, then hop over and up to the right side, then use the
to bring it back up, then hop to the left.

Canister #4: After reaching the ground, go left and destroy the purple
containers to make a grapple point. Grapple up and break down the
blocking the tree entrance.

Canister #5: After crossing the small stream, destroy the purple
containers to
find parts for a tractor. Put it together, then drive it up the
stream to
get another canister behind a waterfall.

Canister #6: Just before the third area (after the series of gates),
crawl up
the vent and hover over to the canister.

Canister #7: Outside the bunker, find a grapple point under a bush, and
rotator switch in some purple boxes. Rotate the switch to lower a
then grapple up. Force the hanging rock, then hover over to the left.
Force the hanging rock, here, then hover to the left more to reach
this one.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): Outside the bunker, to the right, blow the
containers with a TD, then put together the platform. Hop on and
Force the
hanging rock, then crawl through. Use the Force on the ledge to lower
then go left, raise it back up and get the canister.

Power Brick (Imperial, Sith): Inside the bunker, go left to the purple
room. Use the Sith Force on the panel on the floor, use the white
then bust down the blockage on the right. Push the box into the hole,
up on the catwalk above by hovering from the other side of the room.
the Threepio panel, then crawl through the vent. Push the box to the
of the room, then the brick will appear.
Canister #9: Inside the bunker, go right to the green/yellow lever
Blast all the panels on the back wall to find four panels you can use
Force on. Use it on all four, then assemble the canister.

Canister #10: Once through to the yellow lever, simply hover to the
back of
the room.

Minikit: AT-ST
Power Brick Extra: Super Ewok Catapult (25,000)

6II. Jedi Destiny =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter

NOTE: Vader counts as both a Sith and Imperial, so I won't bother

needing one for particular spots, and you also still have Wicket.

Power Brick: Sith Force the eight red lights flanking the Emperor's
Do it quickly and the brick will appear above the throne.

Canister #1: Force together the platform to the left of the throne and
hop up.

Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Go down the steps and to the right. Use a
on the containers to reveal a grapple point. Grapple up.

Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): In the central elevator, toss a TD onto

one of
the vertical shiny strips to uncover this one.

Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): Use the green circle to make a Threepio

behind you. Use it to open a secret door.

Canister #5: Go on the area to the right of the throne area (the
Crawl through the vent and push the box off the ledge. Blast the
items to
blow open the door and enter a new area. In this area, stack three
on top of each other in the back of the room, then crawl through the
to reach one.

Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): In the same area as #5, use Sith Force,
then a
TD on the fan in the back left to free another canister.
Canister #7: In the same area as #5, uncover a grapple point near the
Then pull the lever at the top to drop a box. Assemble it and push it
the green circle. Next, bust up the nearest chair and assemble the
switch to rotate the box. Now, push the box all the way around and
the arrows to start up a lift. Now, go left of the door you came in
and smash up some stuff to uncover a Threepio panel. Activate it to
a platform to a lever in the back right of the room. Hop on the lift
go right. Pull the lever to uncover the canister below you.

Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter): Go to the area left of the throne room

the electric floor). Use Sith Force on the vent on the right, then
the step, then uncover the green circle and use it to extend a
Hop up the step to the platform, then hover across to the canister.

Canister #9 (Bounty Hunter): In the same area as #8, go through the

and remove all the wall-coverings using thermal detonators, then walk
all twelve air vents to make a canister appear above the pit.

Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter): This is a long one. Its spot is above
door leading to the separate area, and it's flanked by four lights
that you
need to turn on. For the first, go to the middle area and toss a TD
one of the shiny parts of the wall to find a white circle. Use it,
will deploy some bricks near the light second from the left. For the
second, up on the electric floor area, quickly use Sith Force on all
ten red
lights to make some bricks off to the right (the way you came here),
make a green circle. This will create bricks in front of the light
from the right. For the third and fourth go to elevator area (last
part of
the fight) and smash everything up on the top to find parts for the
two. These last two you need to use Sith Force or a TD on. Once all
lights are assembled and uncovered, Force them all to get the final

Minikit: Imperial Shuttle

Power Brick Extra: Score X10 (20,000,000)
6JJ. Into the Death Star =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Canister #1: Just left of the first Star Destroyer's bridge tower is

Canister #2: Just right of the back Star Destroyer's bridge tower is

Canister #3: Once you're inside the Death Star, you'll eventually come
across torpedoes. Toss three into the purple vents right afterwards
make a canister appear.

Canister #4 (TIE): To the right of the gate with four targets is a TIE
Head through it to find another one.

Canister #5: Near the second torpedo dispenser, fly to the back right,
there's a small tunnel leading to this hard-to-find kit.

Canister #6 (TIE): In the area after the first gate (cross-shaped

there's an TIE Gate on your left with another behind it.

Canister #7: You can find this one in the core relatively easily.

Power Brick: This is in the core, on the left side. Get two torpedoes
torp each side of the enclosure to release it.

Canister #8, #9, #10: On your way out of the exploding Death Star, each
has a canister on the way. Just keep shooting ahead and you should
get all
three with no problem.

Minikit: TIE Interceptor

Power Brick Extra: Infinite Torpedoes (25,000)


This new mode tasks you with going into each mission and finding ten
canisters. You will have ten minutes to find them all on most
missions. They
are NOT in the same areas as the canisters in Story/Free Play. Once
you find
all ten, the mission will end, and your best time will be recorded.

As general tips, I suggest searching in alcoves or behind things that

normally wouldn't expect to look. Some of the hiding places can be
devious. However, none of them are "invisible" hidden, as in, you
need to perform any special tasks to get them to appear, so try to save
much time as possible by not manipulating useless objects.

Note that you will NOT have access to Extras. You will, however, be
the standard Free Play set of characters. I suggest taking a Ghost
with you, as they won't be bothered by enemies. Also, to save time,
track of how many "shifts" you are from your astromech, protocol, high
jumper, etc.

Upon completing a Challenge, you'll get your remaining time in studs,

well as an extra 50,000 the first time you do it. Nothing else, though.

7A. Negotiations =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Astromech

Blue Canister #1: In the meeting room, in the back left corner.

Blue Canister #2: Turn right in the first hallway. Force together the
platform on the left and ride it up.

Blue Canister #3: In the main hallway, use the second Threepio panel.
one is to the left, behind two glowing blue conduits.

Blue Canister #4 (Astromech): In the main hallway, use the Artoo panel.
is in one of the showers.

Blue Canister #5 (High Jumper, Astromech): From #4, break open the vent
the upper right and jump up to it. In the next room, hover over to

Blue Canister #6: In the room just before the second area, double jump
the container you made the vent out of.
Blue Canister #7 (Astromech): In the second area, go through the Artoo
in the upper-left corner. Stand on the grey platform and wait for
partner to step on the button. Double jump into the right-hand

Blue Canister #8: In the lower-left corner of the second area.

Blue Canister #9: In the lower-right corner of the second area.

Blue Canister #10: Behind the droid transport at the end.

7B. Invasion of Naboo =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: Turn right at the first junction to find this near

Blue Canister #2: Amongst the flowers just before the droid transport.

Blue Canister #3: On the right side of the first area, just before the

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, behind the LEGO Gungan face.

Blue Canister #5: In the second area, behind the fourth sinking block.

Blue Canister #6: In the second area, on the upper platform after the
sinking blocks.

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the third area, blow up the droid
transport with a thermal detonator and enter the hidden area. It's
the big stone head.

Blue Canister #8: In the third area, near the droid transpor, Force the
engine onto the tree. High jump up to this one.

Blue Canister #9: In the third area, behind the long bricks in the
swamp area.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, on the left behind the Gungan

7C. Escape From Naboo =

Required Characters: Astromech, Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: In the first plaza, behind the third of four

Blue Canister #2: After going up to the first ledge with windows, smash
first window to find this one.

Blue Canister #3: At the end of the first area, behind two shiny

Blue Canister #4 (Astromech): In the third area, drop down to the left
float across the gap. Grapple up to the ledge with the two Droidekas
find this one behind them.

Blue Canister #5: In the third area, drop down to the left and at the
bottom walk around to the right. This one is just hidden behind a

Blue Canister #6: In the fourth area, a bit behind the elevator.

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the fourth area, go to the

above, and to the right-hand one with shiny windows. Blow them apart
a TD to find it.

Blue Canister #8: In the fourth area, just before the exit, high jump
the target lifts to the top area to find this one.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, in the back left behind some

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, at the very near-right corner.

7D. Mos Espa Pod Race =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Right next to the starting line. Can't miss it.

Blue Canister #2: Just before the first set of boosts.

Blue Canister #3: Veer left after the drop-off to find this one.

Blue Canister #4 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate to find this one.

Blue Canister #5: In the middle of the cavern.

Blue Canister #6: On the right side of the Tusken Raider canyon.
Blue Canister #7: After the canyon, through the right-hand hole in the

Blue Canister #8: Right in front of you just before the last stretch.

Blue Canister #9: Just to the left of the second set of boosts in the
last stretch.

Blue Canister #10: Only on the third lap, as the first part of the path
veers to the right, can you get this one.

7E. Retake Theed Palace =

Required Characters: Sith

Blue Canister #1: In the very first alcove, grapple up, then hop one
to the left.

Blue Canister #2: In the first plaza, grapple up and head right behind
latticework (this is the same spot as a regular Canister).

Blue Canister #3: In the area with the six buttons (now two) go left to
end of the hallway.

Blue Canister #4 (Sith): Head down the red-lit corridor and use Sith
to get to the upper alcove to find this one.

Blue Canister #5: Early in the fountain area, blow up the latticework
your right as you climb stairs to find this one.

Blue Canister #6: In the fountain area, high up on the near left
where a Canister was in Free Play.

Blue Canister #7: Late in the fountain area, you'll see this one on a
back ledge easily.

Blue Canister #8: In the large plaza area after the fountain, drop down
the lower balcony to find this one.

Blue Canister #9: In the dining hall area, go to the back alcove and
the right-hand button. It's hidden in here.

Blue Canister #10: In the hangar, near the third starfighter, just back
to the left.

7F. Darth Maul =

Required Characters: Imperial, Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: Just to your left as you begin.

Blue Canister #2: On the left side of the hangar, Force together the
starfighter, then Force both levers on either side of the hangar door.
Once it opens, you'll find this one.

Blue Canister #3 (Imperial): Ride up the lifts in front of the hangar

and use an Imperial on the white circle to access the "dark" room,
this one is.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): In the second area, go all the way to
the right along the bottom and use a TD on the shiny gate to find this.

Blue Canister #5: In the second area, grapple up to the top, and move
around to the left.

Blue Canister #6: In the third area, go to the far left of the room.

Blue Canister #7: In the third area, go to the back-right beam of light
ride up to it.

Blue Canister #8: In the third area, go to the near-left beam of light
ride all the way up.

Blue Canister #9: In the next-to-last area, you'll trip over this one.

Blue Canister #10: In the final area, use a high-jumper to get on top
of the
high platform to the right.

7G. Bounty Hunter Pursuit =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Not far in front of you as you begin.

Blue Canister #2 (TIE): In the TIE Gate in the first area, out to your

Blue Canister #3: To the right of the big skyscraper with all the
targets on it.

Blue Canister #4: In front of the stoplight before the first tunnel.
Blue Canister #5: In the first force field area, go back and to the

Blue Canister #6: Right in front of you in the second open area.

Blue Canister #7 (TIE): In the TIE Gate in the second area, out to the
at the beginning.

Blue Canister #8: Just before the second tunnel, on the left.

Blue Canister #9: In the second tunnel, in front of a laser cannon.

Blue Canister #10: In the second force field area, go back and to the

7H. Discovery on Kamino =

Required Characters: (Imperial, Bounty Hunter, Sith)

Blue Canister #1: Walk down and to the left at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2: In the broom closet in the second area.

Blue Canister #3: In the third area, in the main room, go to the near
corner near some containers.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): From the third area, take the back-
corridor to the green circle and go through. Hop across all the
buttons in
the next room, then ride up one of the beams on the far right side to
to this one.

Blue Canister #5 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): Same area as #4, shoot the
on the back wall. Crawl through the far-left vent.

Blue Canister #6: In the fourth area (Jango's hallway) move down
towards the

Blue Canister #7 (Imperial): Use the white circle in Jango's hallway to

this room. Use the Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #8: While chasing Jango outside, you'll see this on the
catwalk. Grapple to it from the right side.

Blue Canister #9: In the end of the outside area, this one is above the
to the exit. High jump from the nearby platform.
Blue Canister #10 (Sith): In the second-to-last room, use Sith Force on
door to the left, where you'll find this one.

7I. Droid Factory =

Required Characters: Imperial

Blue Canister #1: In the first room, in one of the left-hand alcoves.

Blue Canister #2: In the main assembly line, on top of the structure
after the first piston.

Blue Canister #3: In the cylinder after the conveyor belt.

Blue Canister #4 (Imperial): In the "color matching" secret room. From

end of the assembly line area, go towards the screen on the extended
to find this door that will have a white circle when you shoot the

Blue Canister #5: In the third room, about halfway down, use the Artoo
panel on the back wall. Hop across the moving platforms.

Blue Canister #6: Just to the left of the big blue fire, on the upper

Blue Canister #7: In the platform rotating room (fourth area) along the
back wall.

Blue Canister #8: In the open area with all the Geonosians, smash down
bricks on the back wall. Enter the force field area and go right to

Blue Canister #9: Just after #8, leave the room and go straight towards
camera to find a little piece of land that juts out. Hover directly
the camera from there to find this.

Blue Canister #10: In the open area with all the Geonosians, there's a
that leads down into the lava near the end. This is on it.

7J. Jedi Battle =

Required Characters: High Jumper

Blue Canister #1 (High Jumper): On top of Padmé's post. High jump to

Blue Canister #2: Just right of Padmé's post, behind a pillar.

Blue Canister #3: To the left of Anakin's post, closer to the middle of

Blue Canister #4: Behind Anakin's post.

Blue Canister #5: To the left of Obi-Wan's post, behind a pillar.

Blue Canister #6: Just to the left of Obi-Wan's post.

Blue Canister #7 (High Jumper): Near Obi-Wan's post, up high and to the
right. High Jumpers can get up there without having to use the lifts.

Blue Canister #8: To the right of Obi-Wan's post, near a bunch of


Blue Canister #9: In the empty alcove.

Blue Canister #10: In front of the gate where all the enemies come out

7K. Gunship Cavalry =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Just in front of the very first turbolaser.

Blue Canister #2: On the right, just past the first set of turbolasers.

Blue Canister #3: Near the TIE gate is a hole. Just south of that hole.

Blue Canister #4 (TIE): Behind the TIE gate.

Blue Canister #5: Just above the second rolling bomb (near three
you'll find this one on the left side.

Blue Canister #6: Behind the wall that you would need to roll bombs

Blue Canister #7: Just before the second force field is a double set of
turbolasers. You'll find this one far out to the right of them.

Blue Canister #8: Around the control ship. Midway from the ship.

Blue Canister #9: Around the control ship. Next to a shielded module.

Blue Canister #10: Around the control ship. Far from the ship on a
7L. Count Dooku =

Required Characters: High Jumper, Bounty Hunter, Shortie

Blue Canister #1: Use the grapple point at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2: Poorly hidden just inside the entrance.

Blue Canister #3: In the first room on top of the speeder bike.

Blue Canister #4: On the left side of the first room on the floor.

Blue Canister #5 (High Jumper): High on the left side in the first
Use the platforms.

Blue Canister #6: In the second room, behind Dooku.

Blue Canister #7: In the second room, to the left of Dooku.

Blue Canister #8: In the second room, behind the fallen pillar.

Blue Canister #9: In the second room, on the Solar Sailor.

Blue Canister #10 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): To the right of Dooku, use
a TD
on the containers, then Force the vent open. Crawl through it.

7M. Battle Over Coruscant =

NOTE: Remember, you only get one shot at these as you fly by, so make
count. Like Free Play, these Canisters are only picked up by sharp
The problem with this one is that instead of shooting them, you
have to fly through them, making it tougher.

Blue Canister #1: Very early on. Watch closely.

Blue Canister #2: Just before you turn for the five red button cruiser

Blue Canister #3: After the crusier smash, as you pass over another

Blue Canister #4: After you fly under a cruiser.

Blue Canister #5: In the middle of your path as you pass amid cruisers.

Blue Canister #6: Near a cruiser's hull as you pass over it.

Blue Canister #7: Soon after two button bridge smash.

Blue Canister #8: On the right side of the ship that you fly through.

Blue Canister #9: Not long after you pass under the next cruiser.

Blue Canister #10: Just before the Invisible Hand becomes visible. HA!

7N. Chancellor in Peril =

Required Characters: Grappler

Blue Canister #1: Just to the right of Anakin's crashed fighter.

Blue Canister #2 (Grappler): In the first room, grapple up to the upper

and go all the way to the left.

Blue Canister #3: In the second area, climb up to the upper floor, then
around to the left through a passage that a Droideka is guarding.
behind this generator to find this one.

Blue Canister #4: In the third area, use the third door in the room
four doors (Threepio panel).

Blue Canister #5: In the fourth area (the catwalks), go straight left
where you come in.

Blue Canister #6: In the fourth area (the catwalks), go straight right
where you come in.

Blue Canister #7: In the room where you fight Dooku, go to the lower
corner of the room and jump on a cylinder platform to find this.

Blue Canister #8: In the room where you fight Dooku, go to the right
on the second floor.

Blue Canister #9: In the area where you go along a wall ledge, this
be right in your way.

Blue Canister #10: In the final cockpit area, in the back left.

7O. General Grievous =

Blue Canister #1: To the right, on the main platform.

Blue Canister #2: Just across the bridge to the ledges.

Blue Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): Hover to the far left, then toss a TD
the shiny wall.

Blue Canister #4: Next to Grievous' second hiding spot.

Blue Canister #5: Below Grievous' second hiding spot, to the left.

Blue Canister #6: On the lower ledge between Grievous' second and third
hiding spots.

Blue Canister #7: On the far right ledges in the back.

Blue Canister #8: On the bridge to the hidden building area.

Blue Canister #9: In the hidden building area, on the back wall.

Blue Canister #10: In the hidden building area, Force all four parts of
central structure.

7P. Defense of Kashyyyk =

Blue Canister #1: Before heading to the actual battle, turn right at
first big tree to find an odd module. This one's behind it.

Blue Canister #2: Right next to the commander who receives Order 66.

Blue Canister #3: In the big tree where you save the first Wookiee,
further to the left using an astromech to find this one.

Blue Canister #4: At the crossroads after the big tree, go left and
up to the right-hand ledge.

Blue Canister #5: At the beach, there's some wreckage in the water on
right side. This one's right next to it.

Blue Canister #6: At the beach, at the very left edge behind a rock.

Blue Canister #7: In the swamp area, on the ledge with the Commander
on the left.

Blue Canister #8: In the forested area with the rock slide, this will
be on
your right soon after you enter.

Blue Canister #9: In the rock slide area, go to the far left and jump
onto the rock with this one.

Blue Canister #10: In the last section, behind a rock near the last

7Q. Ruin of the Jedi =

Required Characters: High Jumper

Blue Canister #1: In the first area, just behind a container. Should
quite visible.

Blue Canister #2: On the far right side of the first area.

Blue Canister #3: Above the main doors to the temple.

Blue Canister #4: In the first temple room, behind the huge ball on the
left side.

Blue Canister #5: Use the white circle in the first temple room (just
up the
red stairs). This one's kinda hiding near the left side of the

Blue Canister #6: In the Jedi Council room (go southeast from the red

Blue Canister #7: In the large archives room, in the second alcove to
left, grapple up to it.

Blue Canister #8 (High Jumper): Once you move the round panel to the
hop onto it, then the ledge above the door to find this one.

Blue Canister #9 (High Jumper): From #8, keep going left and jump into
first force field area. Use the Threepio panel, then go to the far
alcove. The canister is at the top of this alcove.

Blue Canister #10: In the last room, hang a left after the wall, it's
the corner.

7R. Darth Vader =

Blue Canister #1: Right behind you in the very beginning.

Blue Canister #2: In the back of the second room.

Blue Canister #3: Behind the yellow panel in the back-left corner of
second room.

Blue Canister #4: Use the Artoo panel in the second room to get to this.

Blue Canister #5: Right near you in the beginning of the third area.

Blue Canister #6: Behind the folded platform in the third area.

Blue Canister #7: In the lava area, on the last long platform.

Blue Canister #8: In the lava area, off to the left.

Blue Canister #9: In the lava area, off to the right.

Blue Canister #10: In the lava area, in the very back right. Get to
giant pillar in the back and float over with an astromech.

7S. Secret Plans =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter

Blue Canister #1: Right next to you in the first area.

Blue Canister #2: Next to the Sith Force door near the beginning.

Blue Canister #3: Right outside the Threepio panel door in the first

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): In the second area, blow up the shiny
container with a TD and drop down to get this one.

Blue Canister #5: Just above Vader when you chase him off.

Blue Canister #6: Just after the Vader chasing, break down the panels
the next hallway to find this behind the left-hand ones (this is the
room as the green circle).

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter OR Imperial): Go to the green or white

in the third area, to the back passage. Use the Threepio panel and
find this beyond the force field.

Blue Canister #8: In the area with the push blocks, in the near-right

Blue Canister #9: In the area with the Rebel Friend, this is high in
back-left corner. Grapple up from next to the exit door, the float
Blue Canister #10: You trip right over it in the last area on your way
to the
escape pods.

7T. Through the Jundland Wastes =

NOTE: You get thirteen minutes for this one, instead of the usual ten.

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Blue Canister #1: Just to your left at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2 (Bounty Hunter): Go into the hidden Tusken village

right just before the first canyon and use a TD on the shiny stuff)
you'll find this behind a box.

Blue Canister #3 (Bounty Hunter): Still in the hidden Tusken village,

go to
the upper ledges and open the left-hand door. The canister is inside.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, this is on a high ledge that you
to assemble a grapple point to get to.

Blue Canister #5: In an alcove on the side of the Sandcrawler. Double

from a container or drop down from above.

Blue Canister #6: Use the first Threepio panel in the Sandcrawler to
get to
the TV room, where this one is.

Blue Canister #7 (Sith): In the second area of the Sandcrawler (with

eight buttons) use Sith Force on the wall to the left.

Blue Canister #8 (Sith): In the first area outside after the

use Sith Force on the scaffolding and hop up to the area. You'll see
canister in the back.

Blue Canister #9: At the last vaporator area, once you drain the water,
smash the left-hand vaporator and all the flowers it makes to make a
up to the Double Score Zone where this one is.

Blue Canister #10: On top of Obi-Wan's house. Jump off a dewback to

up there.

7U. Mos Eisley Spaceport =

Blue Canister #1: Just to the right as you start, near the white circle.

Blue Canister #2: In the first area, along the left-hand wall.

Blue Canister #3: In the second area, on top of the ledge next to the
circle door. Either come here using the white circle, or hop off an

Blue Canister #4: Just before entering the cantina, go to the back

Blue Canister #5: In the cantina, on one of the back tables.

Blue Canister #6: In the secret area in the second half (use the green
Threepio panel, or Sith Force), you'll find this in an alcove near

Blue Canister #7: In the lower-right corner of the box pushing area.

Blue Canister #8: In an alcove behind the theater.

Blue Canister #9: Inside the theater, among the seats.

Blue Canister #10: In the Falcon's hangar, jump to the top ledge (use
brown pipes in the back), then go to the right to find this one.

7V. Rescue the Princess =

Blue Canister #1: In the first hallway, turn right to the crane room to
get this one.

Blue Canister #2: In the closet in the control room that you have to
use a
Threepio panel on.

Blue Canister #3: Take the back passage to the tractor beam generator
you'll find one next to the generator.

Blue Canister #4: After the generator, continue on the back passage
you come to a cylinder on the right wall. Smash it down to find this

Blue Canister #5: Take the front passage to near the elevators and
jump off a container to grab it.
Blue Canister #6: Use one of the Artoo panels in the aforementioned
elevators to get to the room with this one.

Blue Canister #7: Take the front passage to the end (where it goes to
back passage) and you'll find one at the end.

Blue Canister #8: In the control room after the rotator switch, right
top of the blue thing in the middle.

Blue Canister #9: In the area just before the detention block, this is
the high section at the very left. Force three blocks into a stack to
on top.

Blue Canister #10: In the detention block, in the very first cell on

7W. Death Star Escape =

Blue Canister #1: In the very first room, walk south to find this in

Blue Canister #2: Use the Threepio panel to access the other garbage
to find this one.

Blue Canister #3: In the large room with the floor waxer etc., pull the
twice so you can grapple to the platform with this on it.

Blue Canister #4: In the room with the window cleaners, this is to your
left in the corner.

Blue Canister #5: In the open railing room (with three levers), right
front of you as you enter.

Blue Canister #6: In the room before the big pits, you'll trip over
this one
on your way to them.

Blue Canister #7: In the room with the big pit, this is in the small
room with the helmet dispenser.

Blue Canister #8: In the room with the ten million stormies, go into
right-hand door that spits them out.
Blue Canister #9: In the room with the ten million stormies, go into
left-hand door that spits them out.

Blue Canister #10: In the last hangar, go to the right and you'll see
in the back-right corner.

7X. Rebel Attack =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1: Just to the right as you begin.

Blue Canister #2: After the first force field, this is on the right
side (near a TIE hangar).

Blue Canister #3: Near the first quad target, to the right.

Blue Canister #4 (TIE): Behind the first TIE Gate near the second force

Blue Canister #5 (TIE): In the second area, behind the TIE Gate that
leads to
the rolling bomb.

Blue Canister #6 (TIE): In the second area, behind the TIE Gate that
to the green lights.

Blue Canister #7: As you take the left path up the second area, you'll
see two turrets on the right-hand side. This one is between them.

Blue Canister #8: In the third area, there are a few turrets on the far
left (near the entrance). The canister is near them.

Blue Canister #9: In the trench, turn around immediately to find this

Blue Canister #10: At the very back of the trench past the exhaust port.

7Y. Hoth Battle =

Required Vehicles: TIE

Blue Canister #1 (TIE): Behind the first TIE Gate, suspended over a gap
the snow.

Blue Canister #2 (TIE): Use a bomb to destroy the wall behind the first
Gate, then you'll find this in the cave beyond.
Blue Canister #3: Follow the main path of the mission and you'll find
in the back left corner, near the generator.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, near the second AT-AT.

Blue Canister #5 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate in the second area.
one is right by the entrance.

Blue Canister #6 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate in the second area.
one is down the tunnel a ways.

Blue Canister #7 (TIE): Go through the TIE Gate in the second area.
a bomb all the way through the tunnel and past the AT-AT to the wall
at the
very back to uncover this one.

Blue Canister #8: After taking down the two AT-ATs and breaking down
wall behind them, go into the trench further down, then to the right
to find this one.

Blue Canister #9: Just to your right in the last area.

Blue Canister #10: On the other side in the last area.

7Z. Escape From Echo Base =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Blue Canister #1: Go straight left and use the Artoo panel to find one
behind it.

Blue Canister #2: When you reach the crossroads (with the E-Web), go to
right, and you'll find this in one of the alcoves in the room.

Blue Canister #3: Use the trolley in the right-hand room to smash into
rocks blocking the left-hand room and you'll find one inside.

Blue Canister #4: In the big open room with the fans.

Blue Canister #5: Behind the Artoo panel in the big open room (fishing

Blue Canister #6: On the slope with all the buttons.

Blue Canister #7 (Bounty Hunter): In the room with four buttons, use
Threepio panel. In the next room, throw a TD at the wreckage, and go
through the door. You'll find this in a near corner.

Blue Canister #8 (Sith): Use Sith Force on the steps in the room just
the hangar and climb up. It will be right in front of you.

Blue Canister #9: From #8, turn right and use the Artoo panel to find
in the next room.

Blue Canister #10: Go to the hangar and operate both levers to find
one behind the force field.

7AA. Falcon Flight =

Blue Canister #1: In the first area, go behind the back-left Star
to find this one.

Blue Canister #2: In the second area, early on to the right side.

Blue Canister #3: In the second area, just to the left of the big light
gray asteroid (which is to the left of the asteroid you go through).

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, just to the right of the asteroid
go through.

Blue Canister #5: Right in the middle of the first asteroid you plow

Blue Canister #6: In the third area, early on to the left side.

Blue Canister #7: In the third area, about midway on the right side.

Blue Canister #8: On the gigantic asteroid, at the far right end.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, early on to the left side.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, midway on the right side.

7BB. Dagobah =

Required Characters: Sith

Blue Canister #1 (Sith): Go through the Sith Force plants on the right
of the path to the racetrack to grab this one.

Blue Canister #2: In the pond area, float across the island with this
on it.

Blue Canister #3: Just to the left of Yoda's hut.

Blue Canister #4 (Sith): To the right of Yoda's hut is a dark box you
to use Sith Force on. Turn it into a raft then ride to the far
where you should see this one.

Blue Canister #5: In the training area, you'll find this behind the
hatch in the back.

Blue Canister #6 (Sith): In the cave, use Sith Force to put the bridge
together, then cross to this one.

Blue Canister #7: In the cave, this one is near the cage area behind an
Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #8: In the area where you fight the Vader specter, on the
left side.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, head to the right to find this on a

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, between the two blocks that can be
raised up.

7CC. Cloud City Trap =

Blue Canister #1: On top of your X-Wing.

Blue Canister #2: In the second room, in the far right corner.

Blue Canister #3: In the carbonite chamber, floating off to the left.

Blue Canister #4: In the ledge room after the carbonite chamber, right
front of you.

Blue Canister #5: Just before the exit of the ledge room, to the right.

Blue Canister #6: In the second room you fight Vader, in the lower-left

Blue Canister #7: In the room where Vader throws stuff at you, in the
lower-right corner.

Blue Canister #8: In the room where Vader throws stuff at you, near the
left-hand stormie elevator.

Blue Canister #9: In the last area, this is near an Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #10: In the last area, on the white circle.

7DD. Betrayal Over Bespin =

Blue Canister #1: Behind the Threepio panel at the beginning.

Blue Canister #2: In the room where you fight Fett, on the left side.

Blue Canister #3: In the crossroads, go right to the Artoo panel.

Blue Canister #4: In the path on the way to Fett's ship.

Blue Canister #5: Just behind the Slave I.

Blue Canister #6: In the outside area (after fighting a bunch of

stormtroopers) you'll find this on top of an elevator.

Blue Canister #7: After the large gap before the door back inside,
see this above you. Grapple to it.

Blue Canister #8: In the area with all the steam, just before it is a
grapple point. Grapple up, then hover to the right and towards the
to the near-right alcove to get this one.

Blue Canister #9: This is in the room with the steam, in the hallway
to the control room.

Blue Canister #10: This is out behind the Falcon.

7EE. Jabba's Palace =

Required Characters: Shortie, Sith

Blue Canister #1: In the first area, to your right.

Blue Canister #2 (Sith): Use Sith Force on the black bricks, then
all the way to the left.

Blue Canister #3: At the first green circle, turn left, then go around
fence to the right to get this one.

Blue Canister #4: In the large room with the second green circle, use
Force on the hatch cover on the right side of the room.

Blue Canister #5 (Shortie): In the room with the cells, go through the
in the back-left cell, then break the bed and crawl through the next
to get to this one.

Blue Canister #6: As you get to the area with the floor panels that
away, you'll see this one.

Blue Canister #7: In the droid area, break the floor panels and go into
tunnel a short ways.

Blue Canister #8: In the room with the pushable ramps, you'll find this
in the
back right corner on the ground floor.

Blue Canister #9: In Jabba's throne room, on the left side in an alcove.

Blue Canister #10: In the rancor pit in the back-left corner.

7FF. The Great Pit of Carkoon =

Required Characters: Bounty Hunter, Sith

Blue Canister #1: On the skiff where you fight Boba Fett.

Blue Canister #2 (Sith): This one is quite visible on the right side of
sail barge. You need to use Sith Force to make a platform there.

Blue Canister #3: On the front side of the barge, you'll find this
the panels (just to the right of the hole in them).

Blue Canister #4: Once you get to the left end of the barge, keep going
around the back to find this one suspended in midair.

Blue Canister #5: In the first room inside the barge, this is on the
side of the room.

Blue Canister #6 (Bounty Hunter): Once you're up the elevator, toss a

on the grate to your left to find this one.

Blue Canister #7: In the disco room, go up the right ledge to find this.

Blue Canister #8: On top of the barge, just to your left as you enter.

Blue Canister #9: On top of the barge, near the back shielded module.

Blue Canister #10: On top of the barge, on the second level.

7GG. Speeder Showdown =
Blue Canister #1: In the very first area, to your left.

Blue Canister #2: Once you enter the main area, go straight down to
this one in the lower-left corner.

Blue Canister #3: Once you get on the bikes, this one is near the first

Blue Canister #4: On the bikes, this one is behind a gun on the right
just after a hill on the left.

Blue Canister #5: On the bikes, not long before the first clearing,
find this on the left side.

Blue Canister #6: On the bikes, this one is further down on the left
before another turret.

Blue Canister #7: Once you stop for your first generator, this is on
ledge to the far right. Hop from the AT-ST to get to it.

Blue Canister #8: When you stop for your second generator, this is just
your left.

Blue Canister #9: When you stop for the third generator, this is in the
lower left corner. You can actually hit this while riding the bikes,

Blue Canister #10: After all the generators are down, you'll go to the
next open area. Build the grapple point and ride it up.

7HH. The Battle of Endor =

Blue Canister #1: Hop on the chair and your partner will Force you over
this one.

Blue Canister #2: At the second set of huts, go around back to the left
find this one.

Blue Canister #3: Once you cross the bridge, continue to the right, and
watch the bottom of the screen to find this one near three containers.

Blue Canister #4: In the second area, you'll find this amongst the junk
the block-pushing area.

Blue Canister #5: Once you hit the ground floor, go to the lower left
blow up the purple boxes to reveal a grapple point to this one.

Blue Canister #6: As you pull a lever to drop a gate, this will be
right in
your path.

Blue Canister #7: As you enter the second area of the ground floor (the
bunker area), go straight to the right from your starting point to
this in the corner.

Blue Canister #8: As soon as you destroy the gate with the catapult, go
the left of where the gate was to find this.

Blue Canister #9: Just outside the bunker and to the right, behind some

Blue Canister #10: Once you enter the bunker, go to the main room, then
through the left door. This is in the back corner.

7II. Jedi Destiny =

Blue Canister #1: To the right of the throne. Force together the box.

Blue Canister #2: Just below the throne.

Blue Canister #3: Behind the white circle in the middle of the room.

Blue Canister #4 (Bounty Hunter): Behind the green circle in the middle
the room.

Blue Canister #5: In the area under the electric floor, this is up near

Blue Canister #6 (Shortie): Go to the elevator side of the room and

the panels on the right side to uncover a vent. Crawl through it,
push the box off the ledge. Destroy the objects to open the door to
hidden room. The first one in here should be obvious.

Blue Canister #7 (Shortie): From #6, go to the lower-left corner of the

to find this one.

Blue Canister #8 (Bounty Hunter, Shortie): From #6, use a TD on the

near the door to uncover a grapple point, then grapple up to a lever
pull it to drop bricks. Build them into a box, then smash the chairs
in the
middle and build a rotator. Move the box onto the rotator and turn it
the arrow points right. Push the box all the way to the right side,
into the elevator to get it moving, then ride it up to find the
on the right.

Blue Canister #9: After the first fight with the Emperor, follow him up
the upper area to find this one.

Blue Canister #10: This is at the top of the elevator that requires two
Force users.

7JJ. Into the Death Star =

Blue Canister #1: This is right in front of the bridge of the first

Blue Canister #2: This is in front of the bridge of the Star Destroyer
the back left.

Blue Canister #3: This is in the second area, just behind a turret on
left side before the path bends.

Blue Canister #4: In the area with the four purple targets, on the left
side of the "room".

Blue Canister #5: In the third area, keep to the right side as you go
the passage and you should hit this one.

Blue Canister #6: This is on the left side of the room with the two

Blue Canister #7: This is in the core room, in the back left part.

Blue Canister #8: This is in the first part of the escape, along the
side. You can take your time to make sure you hit it.

Blue Canister #9: This is in the second part of the escape, along the
left side.

Blue Canister #10: This is in the third part of the escape, along the
left side.

7A. You Can Bank on Batman =

Canister #1: In the first street area, head left then to the alley in
back. Use the lever to find the pieces for a grapple point, then
up and use the lever on the ledge to open a gate at ground level.

Canister #2: In the same area as the first, go past the second lever
onto the fire escape. Climb up to this one.

Canister #3: Five phone booths are scattered throughout the streets.
down all five to make this one appear. The first is just to the left
where you begin. The second is further down the street near the first
Suit Swapper. The third is near the big semi you have to blow up.
fourth is past the semi down the street a bit, and the fifth is at the
Clayface fight, off to the right.

Hostage: A Riddler Henchman has a hostage inside a building at street


Canister #4 (Sonic Suit): In the first area is a window with a canister

obviously behind it. Sonicate it.

Canister #5 (Sonic Suit, Attract Suit): Collect as many blocks as you

for the Attract Machine near the end behind the glass bars. Use the
Suit on the bars and dump 25 blocks into the machine to make this

Canister #6 (Immune to Toxins, Mind Control): In the toxic pile,

the pieces to the truck and move it out of the way. Then, use the "?"
panel behind it to open the nearby door.

Canister #7 (Super Strength): Just after the toxic pile, pull the
off the manhole cover and blow it open.

Canister #8 (Super Strength): After blowing up the cement mixer, toss

dumpsters at the end of the alley. Grapple up then cross the
Use explosives on the windows to access this one.

Canister #9 (Super Strength): In the second area, toss the dumpster

the magnet wall and head up the stairs. Smash the window to get out
the fire escape where this canister is.

Canister #10 (Immune to Toxins, Mind Control): In the second area, head
down to the toxic area and use Mind Control on the "?" panel to open
door to a lever, which will open the nearby garage. Now, go up and
the Tech Suit as normal to enter the room with the two cars. Drive
of these cars into the garages to get this canister.

Power Brick: In the last part of the Clayface fight, smash the shelves
the back left to uncover this.

Minikit: Gold Batsuit

Power Brick Upgrade: Fast Grapple (10,000)

7B. An Icy Reception =

Canister #1: At the beginning, go over to the left and smash up some
stuff to
find the last couple of parts for the ice cream truck. Drive it into
shiny object near the circular glass floor to smash it, then assemble
lever. Drive onto the glass and pull the lever. Smash the resulting
cream to get this canister.

Canister #2 (Double Jump): Outside the factory, on the right side, bash
up some trash cans to find railing pieces. Once assembled, double
up to the ledges and all the way up to this canister.

Canister #3 (Double Jump): Right behind Canister #2 is a window. Smash

away to find another canister.

Canister #4 (Super Strength): Once you move the ice cream truck away,
off the cover behind it to find this one.

Hostage (Mind Control): In the beginning, use the ? Mark panel on the
and go through to find this one.

Canister #5 (Mind Control, Double Jump): Use the ? Mark panel outside
and to
the left, then head inside, double jump up to the ledge above the
waste and keep jumping up.

Canister #6 (Free Play): Outside the factory, climb up the magnetic

then glide across to the right and grab the railing at the edge of the
Switch off your Glide Suit so you can double jump up to the ledge and
use the
Demo Suit to blow up the objects for the canister.

Canister #7 (Feminine Wiles): In the factory, just past the double ice
jets (big pile of red ice cream), go up the magnet wall, glide across
the left to a heart panel. Open it and head inside. The canister is
the back, so go around the right to get to it easily.

Power Brick (Super Strength): Just before leaving the second area,
a glass-encased room in the back. Either magnet up the wall and glide
or just double jump onto it if you have one. Rip up the entrance,
smash the objects inside to create a plunger. Step on it to raise the
cage so you can grab the brick.

Canister #8 (Immune to Toxins, Demolition): In the third area you'll

see the
poison jets. Step through them, then use explosives on the shiny
to find the canister.

Canister #9 (Free Play): Just before the door to the last area (with
jets blocking it), head down the ladder to the left, then Glide across
big gap. Use a bomb on the metal grate to allow you to get this one.

Canister #10 (Mind Control): From #9, continue left and use control the
in the glass enclosure. Have him throw the switch so you can enter.

Minikit: Ice Treat

Power Brick Upgrade: Fast Batarangs (20,000)

7C. Two-Face Chase =

Canister #1: Head straight south and blast the manhole cover at the end
of the

Canister #2: There are three black and blue dumpsters in the mission.
is just to your right when you start. The second is just south of
where you
start. The last is on the left side near the end of the street.

Canister #3: There are three newsstands in the mission. One is in the
first area, behind the barriers on the east side of the street. The
is in the second area near the police copter. The last is in the
final area
behind a shiny wall. If you can get a bomb from Two-Face's van near
the barrier will be removed in the explosion.

Canister #4: In the second area, go to the right and over the jump, and
you'll find a suspended walkway on the back wall. Start blasting all
parts of the walkway and you'll uncover this canister.

Canister #5: In the second area, go south from the starting point and
find another suspended walkway on the back wall. Blast all the parts
you'll uncover this.

Canister #6: Starting in the second area, there are three blue and
cars that need to be destroyed to make this appear. The first is
near the police copter. The second is on the south side of the area,
just before the jump to the left. The last is in the southwest area.

Canister #7: In the southwest part of the second area is a dumpster

hides this canister. Simply blast everything and you'll uncover it.

Canister #8 (The Joker's Van): In the second area, drive into the
area and park on the Joker panel.

Canister #9 (Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck): In the second area, drive

the harbor area and park on the Harley Quinn panel.

Canister #10: In the last area, start blasting near the left side trees
uncover this under a cluster of phone booths.

Power Brick: In the last area, there's a green box tucked back in the
near the trees on the left. Blast it open then drive into the corner.

Minikit: Batmobile
Power Brick Upgrade: More Batarang Targets (30,000)

7D. A Poisonous Appointment =

Canister #1: Right at the beginning, plant all the seeds to grow
then destroy them all.

Canister #2 (Double Jump): Near the greenhouse are trees with vines
off them. Shoot or Batarang all the vines on the leftmost tree to
find a
grapple point. Grapple up, glide across, and double jump up to the

Hostage: One of the workers is held hostage by a Goon in the greenhouse

a big glass panel.

Canister #3 (Heat Protection Suit): In the greenhouse, head under the

lamp (the lever at the far end shuts it off). Plant all the seeds in
area, then use the Tech Suit to operate the sprinkler. Douse all the
stems liberally until they grow.

Canister #4 (Super Strength, Double Jump): In the greenhouse, use

on the glass-encased plant to push it back, then ride up the fan onto
big flat flowers. Stepping on them raises another, so hop up the
to the canister.

Canister #5 (Double Jump): There are three carrots in the mission. The
is just before the giant carnivorous plant, in one of the plants
The second is in the caves, just before the big bouncy plants in a
can. The last is in the laborator. Set an explosive at the red tanks
the Attract Container. You'll need to double jump to get up to it.

Canister #6: On the far right side of the greenhouse, where the monster
plant is, bash away all the plants in the flower box to find pieces
for a
leafy plant. Bounce off the leaves to the railing above and snag this

Canister #7 (Water Suit): In the caves area (after the big plant) drop
into the water and follow the pipes to find this.\

Canister #8 (Double Jump): Leap from the bouncy plants to the railing
the upper right. Magnet up the wall, then use explosives to clear all
shiny objects to assemble a rotator switch. Use a double jump to get
the container.

Canister #9: In the laboratory area, take the Heat-Proofed Suit to the
side and around the wall to find this one tucked away.

Power Brick (The Joker): In the back left of the laboratory are three
paint canisters. One is operated by the lever. For the other two,
an explosive to reveal another lever and a generator. Use the buzzer
the generator and you'll be able to take the Brick.

Canister #10 (Immune to Toxins): In the toxic pit area. Head towards
back and hop up the railing. Easy.

Minikit: Two-Face's Armored Truck

Power Brick Upgrade: Flaming Batarang (40,000)

7E. The Face-Off =

Canister #1: Next to the big blue panel you park the bank van on are
striped pylons. Jump on all five.

Canister #2 (Free Play): Use the Technology Suit on the laser defense
the entrance. Now you can approach the revolving door and push it
to get this one.

Canister #3: Just outside the main bank doors are several lights and
barriers. Roll over all of them in a bank van, then assemble all the
pieces to make a huge dollar sign.

Canister #4: Head to the far right in the outside area to find a
point up to this canister.

Canister #5 (Double Jump): Mop up 25 blocks using the Attract Suit and
them in the container on the far right. This will cause some palm
trees to
grow that you can jump off of to reach this on the next ledge.

Hostage (Double Jump): Right near Canister #5.

Canister #6 (Immune to Toxins): During the Two-Face fight, go left and

the hole that dispensed the toxic gunk.

Canister #7 (Immune to Toxins): After the Two-Face fight, walk up and

right into the small pit of toxins to find this one.

Power Brick (Immune to Toxins): After the Two-Face fight, head to the
then jump off to the left. Smash everything here to find four
Place them on their spots, then step on them in the right order: red,
purple, green. Take the Brick inside.

Canister #8 (Mr. Freeze): After the Two-Face fight, head to the back,
jump off to the right. Head to the far corner and use the Freeze
Cannon on
the water that's leaking out to freeze it. Double jump onto the
water and snag the canister.

Canister #9: In the vault, find and punch five large treasure chests.
are out on the main floor, and three are behind the bars you can punch
through along the walls.

Canister #10: In the vault, head to the right to find this canister in
blue-lit alcove.

Minikit: The Gold Reserve

Power Brick Upgrade: Slam (50,000)

7F. There She Goes Again =

Canister #1 (Super Strength): Go to the far left and bust some pieces
find a rotator switch. Use it to open the garage and assemble the
Drive it over to the Suit Swapper. Pull the dumpster out of the way
drive the car inside.

Canister #2 (Immune to Toxins, Water Suit): Head to the front pier then
go all
the way to the left. Cross the toxic stuff and reassemble the
machine. Flip
the lever and you can now sink down into the water and grab the

Canister #3 (Water Suit): Use an explosive near the large cluster of

objects on the right side of the first area. This will open a gate
in the water, so drop down and swim to it. Oh, and as a slight
I've found that if you go down and try to break it open, you won't be
to open it later with the lever.

Canister #4 (Super Strength): You need to uncover three carrots in the

first area. The first is behind a dumpster in the first area. Plant
seeds and smash the flowers. The second is down by the far corner,
under a
shiny object. The last is down by the toxic puddle, also in a shiny

Canister #5 (Feminine Wiles): Using the Magnet Suit, go up the magnet

on the left side of the first room. Walk carefully around to the
window and smash your way in. Walk to the middle window and smash
way out, then assemble the grapple point. Grapple up, then use the
panel to open the way to this canister in a greenhouse.

Canister #6: After making the bridge for Robin, drop down to the roof
you. Demolish all the greenhouses, and plant all the seeds. Hop
the little tractor and mow down all the flowers.

Canister #7 (Super Strength): Just after the big bridge on the

toss the dumpster and grapple up to another floor. Bash your way in
make a mess to make this appear.

Canister #8 (Super Strength, Double Jump): On the site of the first

with Catwoman, toss the nearby dumpster, then set an explosive inside
the fan. Double jump up to take the canister.

Hostage: After the first fight with Catwoman, go to the right and drop
down to
a lower roof and head all the way right to find this guy.

Canister #9 (Sonic Suit): After you make the little copter grapple
steer it up and to the left onto the roof with a glass canopy. Crash
copter, then use the Sonic Suit on the canopy.

Canister #10 (Sonic Suit, Water Suit): After crossing to the opposite
on the copter thing, climb up to the right-hand glass canopy and use
Sonic Suit on it. Drop down into the water and head to the left to
the canister.

Power Brick (Sonic Suit): Just after entering the third area, you'll
this behind a window on the left. Use the Sonic Suit on the window.

Minikit: Robin's Watercraft

Power Brick Upgrade: More Detonators (10,000)

7G. Batboat Battle =

Canister #1: Use the boat tow cable and pull on the lighthouse on the
side. Once it's lit, the canister will appear, so use A to accelerate
the nearby ramp.

Canister #2: In the very first area, switch to Robin and use his
to blow up the red and green back walls. Drag a mine into the shiny
as the Batboat.

Canister #3 (Submersible): Just after the first gate, dive underneath

two red and green lit objects, then torpedo the buoys, then torpedo
ship that shows up.

Canister #4: Once you make the first big jump over the wall, use the
cable to pull off the sewer pipe cover in the back right.

Canister #5: There are three buoys to destroy with Robin's torpedoes.
first is in the the area just after the first big jump over the wall.
second is in the Wharf area right near the toxic waste. The last is
the same area, but in the large open water area with all the mines.

Canister #6 (Killer Croc's Swamp Rider): At the beginning the second

is a metal object floating in the middle of some toxic muck. It's not
easy task, but you have to grab a mine with the tow cable and maneuver
to the object without getting into the toxins. Once you do that,
slide in
with the Swamp Rider to pick it up.

Canister #7 (Submersible): At the beginning of the second area is a

of ice to the north. Dive into the water and go under it to pick this

Canister #8: In the large open area (that you need to shoot four
drag a mine over to the left side where a pipe has a metal grate on it.

Canister #9 (Penguin's Submarine): During the boss fight, switch to the

Penguin's Sub and go to the right to find a torpedo dispenser. Take
torpedoes and use them on the gate behind the boss. Continue back.
a canister under the ice at the north end, so dive and pick it up.

Power Brick (Penguin's Submarine): This is in the same area as #9, only
dive and turn to the right once you reach the end. You'll be in a
targeting area. Blast all four targets and you get the Brick.

Canister #10 (Penguin's Submarine, Killer Croc's Swamp Rider): This is

in the
same area as #9. Turn left at the end. Drag a mine into the metal
in the muck without getting too close, then ride in on the Swamp Rider
pick it up.

Minikit: Batboat
Power Brick Upgrade: Armor Plating (20,000)

7H. Under the City =

Power Brick (Free Play): In the very beginning, us the Tech Panel near
shiny door to move the boat. Quickly sail it into each of the three
to drop the Brick.

Canister #1 (Toxic Strongman, Double Jump, Mind Control): From the

go as far right as possible until you hit the Water Suit. Double jump
up to
that platform then glide across to the right. Use the "?" panel and
enter the toxic muck as the toxic strongman so you can lift the box
and take the canister.

Hostage: After the second door (past the score multiplier) keep going
to the
right to find this one.

Canister #2 (Double Jump): After grappling up to the tanks, double jump

up to the left railing to get this.

Canister #3 (Super Strength, Sonic Suit): In the second area, pull on

dumpster, then use the Sonic Suit on the glass. Beat down the blocks
take the canister.

Canister #4 (Double Jump): In the second area, after you grapple to

where the
Suit Swappers are, double jump to the left, then jump around the pipe
the canister.
Canister #5 (Attract Suit): In the second area, collect as many blocks
you can, then go to the far right side. Climb up the railings to the
container and deposit them to make a boat. Launch it into the water
hit all the buoys quickly.

Canister #6 (Immune to Toxins): In the third area, head straight back

the muck and pull the lever to raise the ladder. Climb up to the

Canister #7: As you climb up the set of green stairs (that you needed
unfold), you should notice this on a ledge above. It's a pretty small
matter to have someone double jump up to the front side, then double
jump around the pipe to grab it. (What the game wants you to do is
the toilet and push it against the wall, but this is just as easy.)

Canister #8 (Free Play): In the third section, send both characters up

magnet wall. Stand on the elevator so your partner can stand on the
button. Set an explosive at the top so you can grab the canister.

Canister #9: In the third section, when you throw the lever down in the
water, go to the next reservoir and take the canister under the lid
was risen.

Canister #10 (The Joker): At the far right end of the third section,
down the objects near the concrete block and assemble two gears on the
either side. Power the generator to start the platform moving.

Minikit: Killer Croc's Swamp Rider

Power Brick Upgrade: Sonic Pain (30,000)

7I. Zoo's Company =

Canister #1 (Feminine Wiles): In the beginning, use the heart door to

left to open the cage, then set an explosive to open the gate.
the boat and quickly hit all the buoys.

Canister #2 (Super Strength, Immune to Toxins, Double Jump): From the

beginning, tear open the gate to the right. Once inside, walk across
toxins and assemble the lift. Double jump off the lift.

Canister #3 (Attract Suit): Gather 25 blocks from the first area (you
need some other powers to get everything) and put them in the
container in
the gift shop.

Canister #4 (Double Jump): In the gift shop, double jump onto the soda
machine, then to the ledge. Blow up the shiny object to get the

Canister #5 (Poison Ivy): In the lion exhibit, near the totem poles,
down the objects and create a three-tier totem pole. Then use Poison
power on the pot to create a flower so you can reach the canister.

Power Brick (Double Jump): In the second area, jump up to the

tank. Set an explosive on the steel grate to blow it up and you'll
the pieces to the Brick.

Canister #6 (Double Jump): In the second area, set an explosive near

gate, then jump over the river to the left and set an explosive on the
shiny rocks.

Canister #7 (Free Play): In the second area, set a bomb at the door to
the elephant cage. The canister is in the back behind the elephants.

Hostage: In the second area, you'll stumble across this guy near the
Suit pad.

Canister #8: In the area with the riverboat, bounce on the big lily pad
in front of it to reveal this one.

Canister #9 (Super Strength): In the jungle area, head to the far shore
climb up the ladder. Yank the idol off the top of the hut.

Canister #10 (Mr. Freeze): In the jungle area, stand on the back lily
and use the Freeze Cannon on the waterfall. Hop up inside to find the

Minikit: Elephant
Power Brick Upgrade: Area Effect (40,000)

7J. Penguin's Lair =

Canister #1: You need to find three bundles of seeds to assemble three
carrots. The first is right at the beginning. The second is just
past the
first gap (where you need to inflate the raft). The last is at the
right end of the area.
Canister #2 (Sonic Suit): At the beginning, use the Sonic Suit on the
to the south, then drop down into the water.

Canister #3 (Mr. Freeze): After inflating the raft, drop onto it and
the marked spot of water, then set an explosive to remove the shiny

Canister #4 (Double Jump): In the first area, to the left of the shack
some railings. Double jump up to them then onto the roof of the shack.

Canister #5: At the right end of the first area, bash down the stuff in
back to uncover a grapple point. Grapple up, then glide to the left
find this one easily.

Hostage: At the end of the first area is a hostage in plain sight.

Canister #6: During the Penguin/Catwoman fight, you might see some
near the screen. Glide out to the rocky island and grab the canister.

Canister #7 (The Penguin, Immune to Toxins): You need the long-range

explosives of the Penguin. During the big fight, go to the left to
see a
shiny grate and some toxic gunk. Send a Penguin Bomb in there to blow
it up,
then walk across the muck to get the canister.

Canister #8 (Double Jump): On the right end of the second area, simply
up to this obvious one.

Canister #9 (Sonic Suit, Heat Protection Suit): During the fight with
Penguin, go to the ramp on the right side of his setup and use the
Suit to shatter it. Inside, smash the stuff on the back wall and
the red hot pieces.

Power Brick (Sonic Suit): During the fight with Penguin, go to the ramp
the right side of his setup and use the Sonic Suit to shatter it.
use the grapple point and grab the railing to your right to drop some
Penguin Minions on the treadmills. Take the third treadmill yourself
run until the view shifts. Now, step on the gray button near the red
marker to get the Brick.

Canister #10: Once you clear out all the purple penguin barriers, use a
Batarang on the four red flashing lights above where they were.

Minikit: Penguin Army

Power Brick Upgrade: Bats (50,000)

7K. Joker's Home Turf =

Canister #1 (Demolition Suit): In the first area, once you get on top
of the
cabin (where you pull down the scaffolding. Set bombs near the shiny
objects and construct the fan to ride up to the canister.

Canister #2: Once you use the toxic sucker to suck up every last bit of
waste, a corral will open back in the first area. Drive it into the

Canister #3 (The Joker): In the second area, power up the generator

with the
buzzer, then climb the ladder and double jump up to the canister.

Canister #4 (Mind Control, Demolition Suit, Heat Protection Suit): Go

the far left side of the second area and use the "?" panel to go into
this room. Blow up all the shiny stuff. Push the brown object under
pipe. Assemble all the pieces, including the red-hot ones.

Canister #5 (Technology Suit): Once you enter the factory, use the
panel in the back. Use the crane to pick up the flashing bombs in the
back, then drop one each on the purple things. Once they're all gone,
assemble all pieces in the room and step on the buttons to get this

Canister #6 (Immune to Toxins): After you make the forklifts, jump into
small pool of toxins in the back. Pull the switch to stop the fan on
right side and climb up to the canister. You can jump out at the
There's a railing.

Canister #7 (Super Strength, Double Jump): After you drop off the
forklift at
the orange switch and ride up the elevator, head to the left and rip
off the
door, then assemble the railings and double jump up to them, and climb
to the ledge where the canister is.

Canister #8 (Immune to Toxins): Just before entering the fourth area,

down into the toxic stuff and find this canister.

Power Brick (Mr. Freeze, Double Jump, Sonic Suit): As you enter the
area, head to the left and fire the Freeze Cannon at the sparkles,
double jump from the ice floes. Use the Sonic Suit on the glass, and
you have to mix some primary colors. The chute will be pointed at a
drum, so pull the red and blue levers. Then it'll go towards a green
so hit yellow and blue. Lastly, red and yellow for orange.

Canister #9 (The Joker): At the end of the fourth area, power the
and ride up the elevator. Push the rotator switch to move the toxins.

Hostage (The Joker): In the same area as Canister #9.

Canister #10: During the boss fight, either set an explosive at the far
wall or just wait for a Mad Hatter bomb to drop there and take the

Minikit: Mad Hatter's Hat

Power Brick Upgrade: Freeze Batarang (10,000)

7L. Little Fun at the Big Top =

Canister #1 (Super Strength, Double Jump): From the beginning, go left

push the bus out of the way. Continue left to the far end and pull
dumpster. Double jump on top of it and assemble the tightrope so you
walk over.

Canister #2 (Free Play): The first building has glass in front of the
windows. Break the glass with a Sonic Suit, then use a Batarang on
all five
targets that pop up. Now, go to the gate to the next area and
assemble the
ladder leading up to the top of the buildings. Head (and glide) to
the left
to grab the canister.

Canister #3 (Water Suit): Build the ladder near the entrance to the
area and climb to the top of the buildings. Lay a bomb on top of the
building and drop down into the water to get this canister.

Canister #4 (Technology Suit): To the right of the gate leading to the

second area is a green panel. Use it and push Up to open the shutter,
Batarang the duckies.

Power Brick (Technology Suit): In the first area, head all the way to
right and glide across the gap. Pull the lever to enter the enclosed
then use the green panel on the machine. Use the crane to get all
pink animals (you have to smash each one after getting them) and the
thing you'll pick up will be the Brick.

Canister #5: In the second area, use the Sonic Suit on the trash can on
left side to shatter its top, then smash it to make a grapple point.
a Batarang to remove the red window, then grapple up and grab it.

Canister #6 (The Joker): In the upper part of the second area (past the
magnet wall) power the generator near the teacups.

Hostage: In the second area, once you climb up the magnet wall, near
the back

Canister #7: Just before leaving to the third area, go to the slide to
left at the top of the ladder and you'll slide into this one.

Canister #8 (Technology Suit): In the third area, use the green panel
steer all the boats to the shack of their own color, then jump into
muck, grabbing the canister on the way down.

Canister #9 (Super Strength): In the third area, yank the door off the
bumper car park, then hop in one of them. Goons will get in the
others, so
ram into each three times.

Canister #10 (Immune to Toxins): At the end of the mission, go to the

muck to the right. Grapple up to the pole and assemble the tightrope
get to the canister.

Minikit: Pinball Machine

Power Brick Upgrade: Decoy (20,000)

7M. Flight of the Bat =

Canister #1: There are six missile turrets you need to destroy with
torpedoes. The first is in the first area and required to advanced.
next two are just past the Scarecrow billboard. The next one is on
train tracks. The last two are near the shiny metal gas tank.
Canister #2: In the first area, where you find a train on the tracks,
follow the tracks to the back of the area to find this one.

Canister #3: In the first area, to the right of the shiny metal gas

Canister #4: Using the Batcopter, drag a mine to the far right of the
past the gas tank, and run it into the shiny box.

Canister #5: In the second area, fire a torpedo at a rather innocuous-

pipe in the back left of the area. It's the third from the right next
the green gas.

Canister #6: In the second area, drag mines into each of the three
blue valves. Some of the valves take some fancy steering to get a

Canister #7: In the second area, use a torpedo on a gray structure in

near left to uncover a lever. Shoot it to bring up a small blue
Drag the canister onto the nearby conveyor belt with the Batcopter.
it reaches the end, drag it again onto the orange button.

Power Brick (Immune to Toxins): In the second area, blast your way
the toxins and the structures behind. Shoot the spinners until the
Brick is given up.

Canister #8: In the last area, you'll find one hovering over a cluster
four yellow tanks.

Canister #9 (Immune to Toxins): Through the cloud in the last area,

blast the
low-sitting yellow tank for this one.

Canister #10 (Immune to Toxins): Through the cloud in the last area,
there are
three gargoyles you need to blast to get this one. They're pretty

Minikit: Scarecrow's Biplane

Power Brick Upgrade: Fast Walk (30,000)

7N. In the Dark Night =
Canister #1 (Super Strength): In the very beginning, pull off the doors
the first building and use the Sonic Suit on the glass.

Canister #2 (The Joker): Just after you hop the fence, power up the
generator, then double jump to the ladder and use the Sonic Suit at
the top.

Canister #3 (Mind Control, Super Strength, Immune to Toxins, Double

Jump): You
need to smash three objects to get this canister. The first is in the
building with the scientist inside. Control him to pull the lever,
then blow
up the box to make orange handles for the door. Pull them off and
blow up
all the stuff in here to make a cake. That's one. The second is in
building to the right. Blow open the windows and smash everything.
the oven and cake and smash it for number two. The last is on the
roof of
the building to your right. From the ledge, double jump to the ladder
smash all the stuff.

Canister #4 (Double Jump): Just to the left of the building with the
scientist is a railing. Hop from the nearby concrete slabs to reach
then grapple up to the roof and find this in the far corner.

Canister #5 (Poison Ivy, Water Suit): In the lower room of the

use Super-Growth on the plants near the fish tank, then hop up and
sink down
to the canister.

Canister #6 (Free Play): Use the Attract Suit to suck up all the
blocks in the lower floor of the club, then use them on the container
make a helicopter. Control it at the green panel with the Tech Suit,
fly it towards the lights near the front. Fly in front of each of the
little lights to turn them green and make this appear.

Hostage: Once you leave the nightclub, you'll find this guy being
just outside.

Canister #7 (Super Strength): Once outside the club, smash stuff near
garbage truck to find the handles to attach to it. Pull the truck out
the way, then blow up the container inside.
Canister #8: Pretty tough to miss. After you drain the second pile of
waste as Robin, you'll put together a magnetic wall, with this right
the top.

Canister #9: Just after putting out the fire before the abandoned
there's a manhole cover. Blow it open with the Demo Suit and drop

Power Brick (Heat Protection Suit, Double Jump): Just after putting out
the fire before the abandoned building, assemble the red hot ladder
Climb up, glide across, and double jump up to the Brick.

Canister #10 (The Joker): During the fight with Killer Moth, use the
Suit on the window. Smash all the objects in here and assemble a
Power up the generator.

Minikit: Clown Walker

Power Brick Upgrade: Faster Pieces (40,000)

7O. To the Top of the Tower =

Hostage: At the very beginning, run to the far left of the area to find

Canister #1: At the beginning, head straight left and bust up some
to find the pieces for a ladder. Climb up it and have both characters
stand on the red buttons to reveal this one.

Canister #2: There are three gargoyles in the first area for you to
blow up
with the Demo Suit. The first is lazing about in the far left corner.
The other two are on the towers flanking the main tower. One's easy
get to if you're following the walkthrough, but the other can only be
reached after defeating Harley by jumping off the top balcony to the
and hopping over.

Canister #3 (Free Play): Outside, once you're up the magnet wall, use
Sonic Suit to remove the glass and snag this one.

Canister #4 (Free Play): Use the Attract Suit in the area to suck up
blocks, then deposit them in the container at the far right to make a
Smash it to bust open part of the scenery and grab this canister.
Canister #5 (Double Jump): From the right-hand tower, jump to the
and pull the lever to extend a platform. The path of studs implies
you have to jump from the left, but hop up on one of the nearby bricks
the wall and you can reach the platform just as easily.

Canister #6 (The Joker): Once you enter the second area, head straight
and power the generator. Climb the ladder that's almost unseen behind
wall and jump to the platforms to get this canister.

Canister #7: In the second area, after the first magnet wall you climb,
around to the left and follow the ledge to this canister.

Canister #8: As you progress up the ledges inside the cathedral, you'll
to an area where you have to move a chandelier to progress. In the
with the lever, the canister is just to the right of it, slightly

Power Brick (Super Strength): Just before the part where Batman holds
down a
button so Robin can pass, drop down and push the organ over to the
Step on it a few times and some guy will show up and play it.

Canister #9 (Free Play): During the Joker fight, set a bomb on the
near the shiny box.

Canister #10 (Double Jump): During the Joker fight, near the left-hand
jump up behind it to find this canister.

Minikit: The Joker

Power Brick Upgrade: Piece Detector (50,000)


See the above section for the lowdown on all this. I don't really need
say it twice, I feel. >_>

8A. The Riddler Makes a Withdrawal =
Canister #1: Have Clayface lift up the nearest dumpster at the very
to uncover this.

Canister #2: In the parking garage, use Clayface to pull on the armored
to get it close enough so you can double jump to the canister.

Canister #3: Grab a car and ram it into the booth in the lower right in
the parking garage.

Hostage: When you first hit the street, there's a hostage behind the
window to
your left. A lot of people can actually reach "through" the window
hit the guy holding the hostage, but Sonic Suit Batman is supposed to
the one to take this.

Canister #4 (Free Play): Once you hit the streets, go to the right and
shoot or toss a Batarang at the second floor red window. Grapple up
and hop

Canister #5 (Free Play): Once you hit the streets, go left and blow
the gray shiny window to get this one.

Canister #6 (Free Play): After smashing the wrecker through the right
side of the street, use the Sonic Suit on the glass window to take the
canister behind it.

Power Brick (Free Play): After smashing the wrecker through the right
of the street, climb up the magnet wall, then switch to a double
jumper and
grab the top of green and flashing red panel on the wall. Assemble
little car and drive it all the way back to the impound. Place it in
wrecker. Now, use a Batarang on the yellow part on the top of the
blocking the Janitor's access. Mind Control him to pull the far right
lever and smash the resulting cube that was spit out.

Canister #7: Once you enter the bank, double jump up to the railings
hop back and forth to the top.

Canister #8: In the bank area, bust down the door to the lower left and
you'll find this inside.

Canister #9: In the bank area, go around the left wall in the back to
Canister #10 (Free Play): In the bank area, put together the ladder,
up and use the Sonic Suit on the glass window.

Minikit: Clayface's House of Gold

Power Brick Extra: Score X2 (1,000,000)

8B. On the Rocks =

Canister #1: Once you ride up the fan to the first ledge, use Mr.
Freeze to
open the vent. Enter, and go all the way to the right.

Canister #2: Assemble the ice cream truck in the lower left corner,
drive it into the garage for this canister.

Canister #3 (Free Play): Find three potted plants to destroy to uncover

snowmen. The first is in the very first area, off to the near right.
second is up on the ledge after you ride up the fan. The last is
inside the
glass-walled section on the right and requires Sonic Suit Batman.
It's not
in a plant, though. Once inside, Mind Control the guard and have him
the lever. The canister will appear on the wall outside.

Canister #4 (Free Play): While in the room with the red river, use an
explosive on the vent on the back wall (make sure you do this BEFORE
the river) and you'll trip over this one.

Hostage (Free Play): Right near Canister #3.

Power Brick (Free Play): In the same area as #3, climb up the ladder
and drop
down into the other ice-walled area. Smash the little red thing on
the floor
so you can build a lever. Pull it and cross. Build another ice-
thingy and
the Brick will be uncovered.

Canister #5 (Free Play): Once you cross the red river, walk up the
wall on the far left.

Canister #6: In the area where you mind-control a guy to build a lever
flip it so you can ride a lift, go to the left and drop down. Hang
off the
railing and press Z to drop to the lower one and grab this canister.

Canister #7 (Free Play): In the third area, use the Attract Suit to
suck up
25 blocks and deposit them in the machine.

Canister #8 (Free Play): In the third area, use an explosive to break

the room with the mind-controlled guy that steps on a valve. Blow
open the
box inside.

Canister #9 (Free Play): In the last area, magnet walk up the left-hand
and glide across to this one.

Canister #10: When you reach the very end machine, walk to the left to
this rather poorly hidden canister.

Minikit: Super Freeze Cannon

Power Brick Extra: Score x4 (2,000,000)

8C. Green Fingers =

Canister #1: At the beginning, drive the flower vehicle through the
gate on
the left and hop up the railings to the top.

Canister #2 (Free Play): Use the Technology Suit on the barrier near
entrance. Push up on the Control Stick to open it and you'll access a
racetrack. Drive one of the red cars around the track, turning all
the red
flags green by driving between them.

Canister #3 (Free Play): Use an explosive on the second metal gate past
one on the right hand side of the building. Inside, grapple up the
trees and
jump up to the canister.

Power Brick (Free Play): At the top of the second area, use an
explosive on
the gate to the left, and start collecting colored blocks with the
Suit. In the next room, deposit 25 blocks into the container to make
little robot. Use the Technology panel and steer the robot into the
on the back wall.

Hostage (Free Play): In the same area as the Power Brick.

Canister #4 (Free Play): In the third area (where you assemble a huge
use an explosive on the metal door in the back left. Push the red,
and green blocks onto their respective spots.
Canister #5 (Water Suit): In the pond with the swan, drop down into the
yellow hole, use the Sonic Suit on the glass covering the lever, and
it to start up the fountains. The canister is at the top of the

Canister #6 (Free Play): Once you enter the greenhouse with toxins on
floor and you have to assemble a tractor, use the Sonic Suit on the
box and assemble the magnet wall. Walk up it.

Canister #7 (Free Play): In the lower laboratory, use an explosive on

left-hand doors, then bust down the machine, assemble the pipe, and
Super Strength to push it in. Walk up the wall and you'll eventually
down to this one.

Canister #8 (Free Play): In the area with the obvious red pipe, grapple
as Heat Protection Suit Batman and climb up the nearby tunnel.

Canister #9 (Water Suit): In the underground lab area, go past the

leading out and use the Sonic Suit on the glass door. Drop down into
water and step on the button to drain the water, then move to the next
and step on the button again to fill it. Swim up and grab the
then leave the same way.

Canister #10 (Free Play): In the last area, use an explosive on the
metal canopy.

Minikit: Plant Minion

Power Brick Extra: Score X6 (3,000,000)

8D. An Enterprising Theft =

Canister #1 (Free Play): Use the Sonic Suit on the glass cases to the
in the beginning, then demolish what's inside them and assemble two
Pull both to stagger the heights of the cases, then double jump up to

Hostage (Free Play): In the beginning, go all the way to the right and
the Sonic Suit on the left-hand room.

Canister #2 (Free Play): From the beginning, go all the way to the
right and
use the Sonic Suit on the second room. Bust up everything in here to
a robot dog thing, then ride it back to the left and into the alcove
a green light over it to open the door to the left. Inside, use the
Suit on the panel. Guide the robot through the maze. Each red panel
step on lowers a glass barrier to another panel. The maze is pretty
simple; just watch out for the lasers. At the end, the canister will
up in the first glass room (the one with the hostage).

Canister #3 (Free Play): Just up the escalators, set an explosive near

shiny filing cabinet. Use it to build a tool to open the door. Step
it repeatedly to get the door open.

Canister #4 (Free Play): Just up the escalators, use the Sonic Suit on
window to the left to grab this one.

Canister #5 (Free Play): On the second floor, use an explosive on the

grate on the upper left side and put together the helicopter. Use the
Tech Suit to operate it and bring it close to the spinning fan on the
back wall to grab this one.

Canister #6: After filling the second floor with toxic waste, mind
the Scientist in the back room and have him pull the lever to open a
container. Hop in and take the canister.

Canister #7 (Free Play): On the third floor, after passing the lasers,
use a
long-range attack (gun or Batarang) on the grate before the next room,
double jump into it.

Canister #8 (Free Play): On the third floor, past the lasers, use the
Suit on the left-hand glass door. Assemble the weight in this room
and it
will get sucked up a tube and dropped later in the mission, which will
a door and let you get this canister.

Power Brick (Free Play): On the third floor, past the lasers, use an
explosive on the right-hand metal door. Destroy everything inside and
assemble a projector. Head through the projected door(?) and into the
office. Step on the back button three times to uncover a lighted
You need to step on the nine panels in the proper order to light them
up. The correct order (starting from the upper-left and going across
the lower-right) is 6, 2, 8, 7, 4, 3, 9, 5, 1.

Canister #9: This one is on the third floor, on the far right side with
red pipes. Despite the obvious hint about needing a Heat Protection
this can actually be done on Story. Simply shoot the top as Two-Face
a distance, then when you're up on the nearby ledge, jump to the vent
you'll be carried up to the canister.

Canister #10: This is right next to your end target, the Superlaser.
said, you should get it BEFORE you smash everything with the mech, so
mission doesn't automatically end when you get close.

Minikit: Bruce Wayne's Portrait

Power Brick Extra: Score X8 (4,000,000)

8E. Breaking Blocks =

Canister #1: At the beginning, immediately head to the right, and drop
when you see orange in the foreground. Take the canister and build
ladder to get back out.

Canister #2 (Free Play): There are three security cameras in the first
Once you take control of the helicopter, blast all three and a
canister will
appear near the Super Mind Control thing. Double jump up to it (you
get too close to the electric wires).

Canister #3 (Free Play): In the main hall, use the Sonic Suit to smash
windows in the back, then use the Attract Suit to collect 25 blocks in
area, and use them to make a magnet wall. Walk up it and to the

Canister #4 (Free Play): In the main hall, use a Batarang on each of

three paintings to flip them, then assemble the lever and pull it.

Canister #5 (Free Play): In the third area (where you refract the
lasers with
a block of gold), use Super Strength on the bookcase to the right to
this one.

Canister #6 (Free Play): In the third area (where you reflect the
lasers with
a block of gold), use an explosive on the metal door on the left and
another explosive on the cage inside.

Power Brick (Free Play): In the same area as #6, use the Sonic Suit to
remove the glass, then shoot the panel to remove the lasers. Use an
explosive on the vault door.

Hostage (Free Play): Also in the same area as #6.

Canister #7 (Free Play): In the area with the toxic gas, in the little
alcove with the box you have to push is a crate that needs an
to get the canister inside.

Canister #8 (The Joker): In the area with the toxic gas are four golden
animals that need to be smashed. The first is behind the generator on
right. The second is in the same little alcove as the machine that
off the toxic gas. For the third, shoot the grate on the left wall,
double jump up. The last is at the end of the room.

Canister #9 (Free Play): In the last room, once you get control of the
janitor, you can now use explosives to enter his area, so blow up the
cage that has the canister in it.

Canister #10 (Free Play): In the last room, use the Sonic Suit to blast
glass box and assemble the magnet wall. Climb up and push the box off

Minikit: Defense Robot

Power Brick Extra: Score X10 (5,000,000)

8F. Rocking the Docks =

Canister #1: There are three red tanks that reveal carrots when struck.
is right in front of you in the beginning. The second is on top of
shed off to the right (build the nearby fan). The third is on a big
crate near the door to the next area. Park a truck near there so you
jump from it (or just use someone with a double jump).

Hostage (Free Play): In the first area, just after the truck, use the
Suit on the window to get to the fight.

Canister #2 (Free Play): In the first area, just after the truck, use
Sonic Suit to smash the windows and jump up to the railings and the

Canister #3: Park a second truck near the door to the next area to open
big red crate, with this inside.

Canister #4: In the first area, go all the way right to the water and
the boat at the end. Use Bane on the orange handle in the boat to
this canister.

Canister #5 (Super-Growth): In the second area, up on the catwalks, use

super-growth on the pot to create a ladder, then hop across the back
to the canister.

Power Brick (Feminine Wiles): In the second area, use the heart panel
the wall after the catwalks to enter a new room. Smash up the area
assemble the rotator switch. Push it from the red side to slightly
the panel inside counter-clockwise. Now, send a Penguin Bomb through
hole and if it bounces properly, it'll hit the shiny box, opening the
to the Power Brick. If it doesn't work the first time, keep adjusting

Canister #6: Find five water cannons and hit them to activate them.
first two are early in the second area, after you cross the catwalks.
last three are after you cross the junk ship.

Canister #7: In the third area, jump into the water to your left to
this one near the lilypads.

Canister #8 (The Joker): In the third area, power up the generator in

right corner, then use the green panel with the Tech Suit. Steer the
three ships between the barrels all the way to the end.

Canister #9: In the third area, after riding the elevator up, go all
the way
to the left along the thin beam to reach this one.

Canister #10 (Feminine Wiles, Attract Suit): Use the heart panel in the
area and head inside. Sweep up 25 pieces with the Attract Suit and
them in the corner container to make a jukebox. Smash it.

Minikit: Penguin's Submarine

Power Brick Extra: Stud Magnet (100,000)

8G. Stealing the Show =

Hostage (Free Play): From the beginning, ride up the fan and yank the
object with super strength. Assemble all the magnet wall pieces and
up. Jump across to the left and smash your way into the apartment to
this hostage.

Canister #1 (Free Play): In the same room as the hostage, on the left
of the room.

Canister #2: Catwoman can make the jump from the first tightrope up to
top of the roof where this is.

Canister #3: After fighting the Police Copter, go behind the glass
in the roof to find this canister.

Canister #4: There are three neon signs with martini glasses. One is
past the first tightrope. The other is past the Police Copter and
roof. The third is after the large fan you turn from sideways to
facing up.
Shoot or punch them all.

Canister #5: Late in the rooftops, you'll come across a blue double
thingy that moves a fan. Head straight towards the screen and drop
off to
find a ledge with this canister on it.

Canister #6 (Free Play): To the left of the gargoyle that you need to
to enter the museum is a magnet wall. Climb up it.

Canister #7 (Free Play): As soon as you drop into the museum, use super
strength on the box to your left to push it into the lasers. Next,
down the back door and use super strength again to pull the box out,
to the left to stop more lasers. For the last set, double jump over
lasers and throw the lever. Use the Sonic Suit to break the glass
the canister.

Canister #8: As soon as you take control of the dinosaur skeletons,

the boxes directly to the right to find this.

Power Brick (Attract Suit): Collect 25 pieces from around the museum
deposit them in the container in the room you used a Penguin Bomb on.
Use the green panel to take control of the helicopter and land it on
of the two platforms. Now, take a dinosaur into the room and leap off
over the lower glass. Blow up the case and take the Brick.

Canister #9 (Free Play): Once you reach the upper floor of the museum,
Super Strength on the statue on the right side to uncover the ladder,
double jump up to it. Head left to find the canister.

Canister #10 (Free Play): On the upper floor of the museum, use the
Suit on the glass display cases in the first display room. Assemble
pieces into a catapult and throw the lever.

Minikit: Police Helicopter

Power Brick Extra: Character Studs (200,000)

8H. Harboring a Grudge =

Canister #1: Fire a torpedo at the green sludge container after the

Canister #2: You need to destroy three orange structures. One is to

left right at the beginning. The second is to the right of the gate
your first toxic sludge puddle. The last is near the first spotlight.

Canister #3 (Free Play): Use the Batboat and snag the mine near the
spotlight. Drag it to the right and into the two shiny gears holding
gate shut. Once both are destroyed, head in to find this canister.

Canister #4: There are five buoys on the waterfront (second area) that
to be blasted. The first is right by the toxic sludge. The second is
further down the channel before the dual turrets. The third and
are past the dual turrets. The last is near the triple turrets.

Canister #5: In the second area, there's a jump leading up to a

Use Killer Croc's Swamp Rider.

Canister #6: In the second area, just north of the toxic sludge, there
several boats docked. Blast the whole area and you'll find this under
piece of wooden dock in the back right corner.

Canister #7: Past the door with two turrets in front of it is another
sludge container with a canister inside. Blast it and pick it up with
Killer Croc.

Canister #8 (Free Play): Take the Batboat in the second area, grab the
mine near the last part, and drag it into each of the two shiny caps
the back right corner.

Canister #9: During the hovercraft fight, use torpedoes to remove the
toxic sludge in the corner, then dive near the docks to find this one.

Power Brick (Free Play): During the hovercraft fight, use Robin's
on the colored wall multiple times to bring it down, and you'll find
canister behind it.

Canister #10 (Free Play): Same exact place as the Power Brick.

Minikit: Police Boat

Power Brick Extra: Minikit Detector (300,000)

8I. A Daring Rescue =

Canister #1: From the beginning, go left to find a manhole cover. Use
Penguin Bomb on it, then drop down as Killer Croc and move all the way
the right.

Hostage (The Joker): In the second room, power up the generator and
back to the next room where this fight is going on.

Canister #2 (The Joker): In the same area as the hostage, smash and
all the instruments, then wait for the canister to appear.

Canister #3 (Heat Protection Suit): In the second area, once you hop up
green pipe, head under the steam to a new room. Push the object in
track over to the upper right corner. Now, push the rotator switch
and it
will start jetting water. Jump into it and ride up to the canister.
can also use it in the other spots for studs.

Canister #4: After assembling the giant croc, ride around the next room
knocking things over. There are five green televisions you need to
to make a canister appear. They're easy to find and you should be
able to
knock over all five with no problem.

Canister #5 (Free Play): At the end of the croc romp, head up the left-
staircase and shatter the glass door with the Sonic Suit. Pull the
then head up the right staircase to get the canister.

Canister #6: Once you reach the bathroom, smash the left-hand toilet to
uncover this canister.

Power Brick (Free Play): In the bathroom, use the Sonic Suit on the
cooler so you can smash it further and assemble it into a cannon,
will break the mirrors. Head through to the next room. Use Super
to move the big box thing on the left all the way to the right, then
up the grapple point, glide across, use the green panel and raise the
elevator (push Up on the Control Stick), then glide across to the

Canister #7 (Attract Suit): In the first room after the bathroom,

25 pieces for the container (you can get a bunch in the bathroom, too)
deposit them for this canister.

Canister #8 (Mind Control, Mr. Freeze): In the first room after the
use the "?" panel to access the basement. First, freeze the water
to grow(?) a bike. Take it into the far right corral. Next, by the
side is the patrol car. Smash all the objects and build it. Drive it
the middle corral. On the right is the van. Smash all the stuff
around it
(including on the upper ledge) to put it together and drive it into
left corral.

Canister #9 (Free Play): In the holding cells room, climb up the magnet
on the left side.
Canister #10: Head to the right of Catwoman's cell and tear off the

Minikit: Crocodile
Power Brick Extra: Power Brick Detector (400,000)

8J. Arctic World =

Hostage (Free Play): At the beginning, swim through the toxins to the
and you'll find this hostage.

Power Brick (Attract Suit): At the beginning, swim through the toxins
to the
left, then start clearing objects to find 25 pieces for the container.
It will make a fishing game. You need to get five red fish in the red
and five blue fish in the blue bowl.

Canister #1 (Free Play): In the first area, head onto the frozen pond
drop down through the ice with the Water Suit. Pull the lever and
head into
the nearby shop that just opened.

Canister #2 (Free Play): As you hop across the falling platforms in the
first area, you'll notice this behind glass. Use the Sonic Suit to
the glass.

Canister #3 (Free Play): At the far right end of the first area is a
slope. Double jump up to it, set a bomb to remove the shiny object,
assemble the handle to yank off with super strength. Use a girl
on the heart panel and you'll start up the ski lift. You need to use
grapple to ride up. Your objective is to ski through each set of
preferably in one go. As soon as you break your first gate, a timer
start, and you'll only have so much time to get the rest of the gates.
Your computer partner will probably try to help, with varying degress

Canister #4 (The Joker): Just before you enter the tourist center,
climb up
the magnet wall to the right of the door. Rip the door off the
and power it up. Grapple onto the object that moved in range and
be carried over to the canister.

Canister #5 (Free Play): In the tourist center, at the bar on the

right, use the Sonic Suit on all the glass and a shark will show up,
droping off the canister.

Canister #6 (Free Play): In the tourist center, go into the toxic muck
pull the orange handled ice block onto one of the three buttons. Have
your two characters stand on the other two.

Canister #7: Clearly, this is the hardest canister in the game to get,
you only get one shot per run through this mission. You need to pass
through five gates as you slide down the ice slide. There's a trick
to it,
though. First, slide to the right to get the first two gates, and
SWITCH CHARACTERS. You should just be able to shift your other
to the left to get the third gate, then on to the fourth and fifth.

Canister #8: In the last area, go from the entrance to the left and
up the shiny circluar grate. Assemble the trampoline and bounce up to
this canister.

Canister #9 (Mr. Freeze): In the last area, freeze the water on the
to make ice blocks on the push floor. Push it to the far wall then
jump onto it and pull the lever. Blow up the cage.

Canister #10 (Free Play): In the last area, put on the Water Suit and
down into the water. Swim under the ice object and up to the canister.

Minikit: Walrus
Power Brick Extra: Always Score Multiply (500,000)

8K. A Surprise for the Commissioner =

Canister #1 (Super Strength): Push the object with the orange handle at
very beginning and double jump up to the canister.

Canister #2: In the upper area (with Harley), once you reach the end,
down the glass clown face to reach this.

Hostage (Free Play): After the split-up section, head to the boarded-up
building and set an explosive at the shiny gate. You'll find them
Canister #3 (Free Play): In the same area as the hostage, assemble the
and pull it.

Canister #4 (Mr. Freeze): There are three puddles you need to freeze to
make frozen ice cream cones. The first is in the first area, at the
left in front of the "split section" (once you two rejoin, head all
way to the left). The second is in front of the arcade in the first
The last is in the third area. Go left at the start and bust up all
debris to assemble a water squirter. Squirt three times, then freeze
the puddle.

Canister #5 (Free Play): Either jump from the rollercoaster track or

up the magnet wall near the ferris wheel. Pull the switch to open two
doors. Pull each of those switches to open the door near the grapple
Grapple up.

Canister #6: From the top of the ferris wheel, head up the
track and do a high double jump to the canister.

Canister #7 (Free Play): Up the second ladder at the rollercoaster

is a shiny object. Blow it up and assemble the grapple point.
Grapple up,
then walk up the magnet wall.

Power Brick (Free Play): From the generator at the end of the second
glide to the right and grapple up. Blow up the shiny boards to the
and take the Brick.

Canister #8 (Free Play): In the third area, use the Attract Suit to
suck up
25 pieces, then deposit them at the container to make a green truck.
the green panel with the Tech Suit and you'll have to guide four
trucks to
the properly colored spots. The green spot is at the very bottom on
right. The red spot is over the bridge. The blue spot is under the
bridge. The yellow spot is the only one left.

Canister #9 (Water Suit): Sink down into the duck pond to grab this one.

Canister #10: Near the "red, blue, yellow" switches is an ice cream
Drive it back past the carousel and into the glass-covered garage to
this one up.
Minikit: Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck
Power Brick Extra: Fast Build (100,000)

8L. Biplane Blast =

Canister #1 (Free Play): There are 10 orange tanks dotted throughout

misssion. Blast all ten to reveal the canister. First one is right
your starting point. There are three more after the set of fans that
have to mine. There are another two in the following area (after the
missile turret). Another two are after the clock tower. One more is
during the dogfight with the Police Battle Helicopter, and the last is
through the Batman Gate on the right in the same battle. There's a
torpedo dispenser on the far left of that area.

Power Brick: There are 5 police helicopters on landing pads that you
need to
blow up BEFORE THEY TAKE OFF. The first is in the very first area.
second is after the fans you mine. The third and fourth are in the
part of the second area, and the last is in the latter part of the

Canister #2 (Free Play): Later in the first area you'll find a Bat-
dispenser. Snag them as the Batwing, then go back left and blow away
Bat-gate. Blast all four targets, then use a tow cable on the red dot.

Canister #3: In the area after you mine the fans, use a tow cable on
bell tower with the red tip to pull it off.

Canister #4: In the area with the first missile turret, drag a mine
the window to the left to release some Mad Hatter balloons. Shoot all

Canister #5: In the area after the first missile turret, drag a mine
the shiny gray object on a rooftop in the southwest to uncover this.

Canister #6: There are three purple billboards with Joker faces on
Shoot the green side to flip them. Once you flip all three, little
will pop up in front of each. Shoot all of those to get this canister.
Canister #7 (Free Play): In the second area, take a Bat-torpedo to the
with the bat insignia on it, then tug on it with a tow cable to get

Canister #8: In the area with the large brick wall, the south side has
Scarecrow billboard. Shoot that with a torpedo to find a small area
a canister in the corner.

Canister #9 (Free Play): During the last battle, bust down the Bat-gate
with a Bat-torpedo, then drag a mine into the shiny cage.

Canister #10 (Free Play): In the back of the last battle area are a
bunch of
red and white... things. Blast them all, then fire a Bat-torpedo at
the bat
insignia and a train will show up and crash. Drag a mine into the
container to bust out the canister.

Minikit: Batwing
Power Brick Extra: Immune to Freeze (200,000)

8M. The Joker's Masterpiece =

Canister #1: There are three display cases you need to wreck for this
The first is in the near right portion of the main gallery. Make a
from another display case (which doesn't count) and ride it up to the
proper one. The second display case is in the next area (with the
gas) and
is on the lower floor. The last is in the same area, on the upper
floor in
back left corner (near a pushable pillar).

Hostage (Heat Protection): In the first area, go to the right before

via the "?" mark panel door. Double jump to the ledge and explode the
door. Pass through the steam.

Power Brick (Heat Protection): In the same area as the hostage, push
block into the same area as the picture of the fruit with the same
color, so
the red block goes next to the cherry, etc. You might have to push
blocks out of the way first.

Canister #2 (Free Play): In the first area, set an explosive near the
gargoyle on the right, then put together the lever and throw it. Have
each character stand on a red button.

Canister #3: Once you start up the hallway after opening the ? mark
shoot the fuse box near the beams with a long-range weapon to open the
way to this.

Canister #4 (Free Play): At the end of the first area, double jump up
to the
statue on the left and push it off the ledge.

Canister #5 (Free Play): In the second area, use the Sonic Suit on the
case in the middle.

Canister #6 (Super Strength): In the third area, push on the orange

in the back left to find this one.

Canister #7 (Heat Protection): In the third area, first head to the

right to pull the lever under the steam, then blow up the gate
around the exhibit, then use the Sonic Suit to shatter it. Bust up
artwork, then assemble the Joker face.

Canister #8 (Free Play): In the basement, before you hop the fence, go
and double jump to grab the railing to open the shutter. Use Mind
on the guy. Have him step on the button, then pull the lever.

Canister #9 (Free Play): In the last area, head to the stack of crates
the far right and double jump up to the canister.

Canister #10: In the end, after you send the first box on the conveyor
pull the lever again for a second box. Send it for the canister.

Minikit: Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossil

Power Brick Extra: Regenerate Hearts (300,000)

8N. The Lure of the Night =

Canister #1 (Free Play): Once you get past the flaming garbage, you'll
see a
building with a guy inside. Mind Control him and have him bust up the
nearby objects to make a railing so you can climb to the other side.
the box out, then explode it.

Hostage (Free Play): Once you use the generator to extend the awning,
jump onto the vent in the back and assemble the railing to find this

Canister #2 (Free Play): In the same area as the hostage, blow up the
objects and assemble the water spout. Jump onto the spigot and smash
flowers. Assemble them into a ?

Canister #3 (Free Play): From Canister #2, glide to the right and
the box. Push it to the end to open the container with this canister.

Canister #4 (Super Strength): Once you reach the big firefight, toss
the container with orange handles. Assemble the rotator switch and
use it
to set the raft down in the water. Use the raft to sail counter-
around the circle three times.

Canister #5: There are five red shiny objects that you need to use the
mini-copter to blow up. The first two are in the area you start with
mini-copter. The next three are along the street further down.

Canister #6 (Free Play): Just before the flaming barricade are pieces
for a
manget wall. Assemble and climb.

Canister #7 (Free Play): Halfway down the street with the mini-copter,
open the metal door on the back warehouse, then step on the two yellow
switches so you can climb up to the canister.

Power Brick (Poison Ivy): Once in the playground, use the Attract Suit
get 25 pieces, then deposit them in the lower-left corner. Use Ivy's
on the plants and double jump off them (aim a bit up) to grab the

Canister #8: In the playground, walk behind the pole in the back left.

Canister #9 (Free Play): Use an explosive on the shiny door in the

area to get this.

Canister #10 (Water Suit): After making the Joker mech, go to the right
through the debris and up through the gate. Jump in with the Water
and step on both red buttons. Once the water's drained, use the Sonic
Suit on the glass bars.

Minikit: Police Car

Power Brick Extra: Extra Hearts (400,000)
8O. Dying of Laughter =

Canister #1 (Super Strength): Pull on the cathedral's altar to release


Power Brick (Free Play): Go to the spiral staircase on the right side
use a Batarang on the two chandeliers to assemble a floor buffer. Run
all the paint on the floor (including the paint up the stairs) to make
this brick appear.

Canister #2 (Poison Ivy): Use Ivy's power on the pots, climb up them,
cross the tightrope.

Canister #3 (Free Play): Double jump from a fallen pillar to the

near the glass-encased canister, and use the Sonic Suit to remove the

Canister #4 (Free Play): As soon as you reach the balconies, go left

blow up the shiny object. Assemble the ladder and climb up to the

Canister #5 (Free Play): After riding up the second scaffold, go around

back to the left to find a canister in a cage. On Free Play, you can
two double jumpers to get on the yellow switch to access the canister.

Canister #6 (Free Play): After riding up the second scaffold, climb up

magnet wall to this one.

Hostage (Free Play): After riding up the second scaffold, go around the
to the left, all the way to the end, then glide to the left to find a
with the hostage.

Canister #7 (Free Play): Right next to the hostage.

Canister #8 (Mr. Freeze): After crossing the collapsing bridge, freeze

the puddle at the top of the stairs, then smash it up.

Canister #9: In the bell tower, step on the left-hand bell-ringing

switch several times until it coughs up a canister.

Canister #10 (Free Play): Set explosives for the shiny objects in the
middle of the bell tower to construct two machine guns. What you need
to do
is use these guns to ring both big bells (somewhat in the foreground)
once. Easiest way is to use two people, but you can hit the left-hand
bell with the right-hand gun, so try shooting back and forth between
two bells to get it.

Minikit: The Joker's Helicopter

Power Brick Extra: Invincibility (500,000)

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